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Thread: Visible Upgrade: Unofficial patch for Deus Ex 2

  1. #176
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    I think you need to delete a value in the registry. No time now but I'll have a look tomorrow

  2. #177
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    If it's there, remove the folder C:\ProgramData\Deus Ex 2 Visible Upgrade

    If that's not enough open Regedit, browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall and delete the key (folder) {E210092B-955F-4F3A-BBE2-9C11D71437F5}_is1

  3. #178
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by cityofsindustry View Post
    I installed this mod, then later deleted the game folder. I then reinstalled the game and tried to reinstall the mod with it. It won't install because it says "The Visible Upgrade version 1.2.0 was previously installed. It will have to be removed first. Do you want to continue the installation?" If I click "Yes" it says "Uninstalling the previous version failed. The system cannot find the file specified." Any ideas what I can do to fully remove the previous mod install so I can install it again?
    I found the answer on this reddit post, in case it helps anyone else:

  4. #179
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2014
    Has anyone here tried running djdarko's subtitle fonts at 1080p? Because after I installed them on top of the Visible Upgrade, subtitles get cut off during cutscenes as the bottom black border is too small for them to fit.

    Here's djdarko's screenshot (4K):

    Here's what I see during cutscenes (1080p): (the bottom black border can't fit the subtitles because of its small size)

    I did install the subtitles correctly as the font displayed in menus and during in-game notifications is the same as djdarko's screenshots. Could snobel or any other experienced user here help me get these fonts to work at 1920x1080, please?
    Last edited by Taffer1989; 3rd Nov 2023 at 15:20.

  5. #180
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2014
    I got them to work after searching through the file "DX2UI" from djdarko's font mod. There's a parameter there ("CinematicWindow.CinematicBottomWindow" --> "Height") that can be configured to make the subtitles fit the screen at 1920x1080. After I set "Height" to 120 instead of the default 80, the subtitles finally appeared:

    There's another issue I don't know how to fix yet: I'd like to increase the size of loading tips so that they are as big as their Thief 3's counterparts:

    Thief 3:

    Invisible War:

    It would be wonderful if snobel could integrate djdarko's fonts into Visible Upgrade, so that no manual editing was required to make them work correctly at resolutions other than 4K. These fonts are a lifesaver at widescreen resolutions as the default DX2 fonts are very hard on the eyes because of their small size.
    Last edited by Taffer1989; 3rd Nov 2023 at 15:29.

  6. #181
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Taffer1989 View Post
    Has anyone here tried running djdarko's subtitle fonts at 1080p? Because after I installed them on top of the Visible Upgrade, subtitles get cut off during cutscenes as the bottom black border is too small for them to fit.
    You have the Symmetrically Letterboxed Subtitles tweak enabled and apparently the fonts mod is not compatible with that. If you disable the tweak, subtitles will appear without the manual editing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taffer1989 View Post
    There's another issue I don't know how to fix yet: I'd like to increase the size of loading tips so that they are as big as their Thief 3's counterparts:
    I've looked at this before, and unfortunately it's unlikely it'll get fixed.

    It would be wonderful if snobel could integrate djdarko's fonts into Visible Upgrade
    Not that I'd mind, but it's unlikely that I'll find time for it.

  7. #182
    Registered: Jan 2018
    Hey all, having another playground of IW with the visible upgrade. Couple of questions:

    There's a limit of 2.0 for the hud aspect ratio. Is there any way to go beyond this limit? I'd love to be able to push those elements to the far edges of the screen.

    I reduced the reticle scale to 0.5 and it looks great. Anything less and it seems to dissappear altogether. Does it only work in increments of .5?

    As you can tell I'm going for a HUD that's as out of the way as.possible while still giving me all the info I need.

    Thanks as always for the great mod/patch! Really cleans the game up.

  8. #183
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    I don't think there's a real reason for the 2.0 HUD aspect limit. Apparently it's arbitrary, and you can change it to any value if you edit the VisibleOptions.ini file instead of using the GUI tool.

    Also, selecting the crosshairs reticle and then changing the size to 0.25 in the ini file works for me. Or there's the 'dot' reticle, which is as small as it gets...

    If you do manual edits to the ini file, be aware that if you use the GUI afterwards it may change those values back. (Hopefully not for the reticle options, which should accommodate custom values.)

  9. #184
    Registered: Jan 2018
    You're absolutely right about the reticle, on re-checking I got it down to 2.5 and it looks great!

    The HUD aspect ratio doesn't seem to change at any value beyond 2 for me, even up as far as 9 (working in increments). I'm going to experiment with lower values to see if it works the other way.

  10. #185
    Registered: Jan 2018
    No good on the HUD, it seems that adjusting up or down has no effect on the HUD aspect ratio when done through the initial.

    Got the reticle looking great with line width 0.3 and size 0.25

  11. #186
    Registered: Jan 2018
    Apologies for the triple post. On further investigation, the hud aspect ratio values only seem to affect text for pickups, quicksaving and the like. No difference to the actual HUD shape (health bar, inventory)
    Last edited by ewan; 13th Apr 2024 at 11:58.

  12. #187
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    You're right, I remember that now. The central HUD is sort of a unit - there was no easy way to split it up so that parts could be moved to the sides.

  13. #188
    Registered: Jan 2018
    Ah, that makes sense. The HUD is such a funny thing, I totally get what they were going for but in hindsight I think it wasn't the right call. True of so much of this strange game.

  14. #189
    New Member
    Registered: Dec 2012
    Could you port the borderless windowed mode from Sneaky Upgrade? The old beta dropbox link just gives a 404 now.

  15. #190
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    I'll get the beta uploaded again - maybe a slightly newer version. But probably not until the weekend.

  16. #191
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    A slightly newer beta is up on Mod DB.

  17. #192
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven

  18. #193
    New Member
    Registered: Oct 2019
    Hi, I updated the font mod I created. Feel free to include it if you release any future updates to your Visible Upgrade pack.

    Deus Ex Invisible War 4K Fonts 2025 Edition by djdarko

    This is a high resolution upgrade for the fonts used in the game.

    I've included two font versions:

    Handel Gothic Version (The Original Font from the PC and XBOX versions of the game.)

    OCR Version (The Custom Font from the Community Texture Pack.)

    Preview Images

    Download Link
    Last edited by djdarko; 19th Jan 2025 at 19:18.

  19. #194
    Sneaky Upgrader
    Registered: May 2007
    Thanks - I'll see if I can add it if/when there's an update. Won't be soon, unfortunately...

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