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View Poll Results: How long will Trump be President?

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  • 1 Term (4 Years)

    35 19.89%
  • 2 Terms (8 Years)

    62 35.23%
  • 1st Term Impeachment/Assassination

    51 28.98%
  • 2nd Term Impeachment/Assassination

    6 3.41%
  • I don't know what's going on!

    22 12.50%
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Results 17,926 to 17,936 of 17936

Thread: ✮✮✮ !Trump Dumped! ✮✮✮

  1. #17926
    Registered: May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by heywood View Post
    The Biden campaign was tone deaf on the economy and immigration. Harris and Walz are in their honeymoon period now but will have to answer on those issues. I don't think those blue collar midwestern voters want a patronizing dad telling them they should be neighborly to incoming refugees and homeless and be happy because the economy is supposedly doing good. Trump's proposals and judgment are shit, but he feels the mood of the electorate and panders to it.
    I don't get the feeling he's patronizing anyone, though of course I'm an outsider and maybe people in the US really feel put off by Tim Walz. I'm getting the feeling he's very well liked, though. As for the issues, the Democrats are the only ones who are talking about raising the minimum wage, giving child tax credit, supporting unions, etc -- things that actually improve the lives of people who aren't wealthy and ultrawealthy.

    Lord Dampnut can promise things, sure, but quite a lot of people have already experienced how he handled things -- his years of attempting governance were full of chaos and scandals and turmoil. Some people might think back fondly on those days, as they brought excitement to their lives, but I would wager a lot of people, moderates and even some conservatives were extremely put off by it. And the campaign is not showing that he's any more disciplined this time around. And of course he didn't manage to build the wall or bring back coal jobs and his handling of the pandemic was disastrous -- he did not answer people's concerns or instil any confidence that he had the situation under control.

    Die hard Magas will vote for him no matter what, but the question this time around is whether more people want a repeat of the four years under him or less. I see it being a referendum on him and if the Democrats communicate that successfully, that's enough to win, just like the tone-deaf economy and border issue ignoring Biden campaign won last time.

  2. #17927
    raising the minimum wage
    This has been tried before. Businesses that were already struggling just end up laying people off.

    giving child tax credit
    Don't know much about this one, but Republicans like to lower taxes too.

    supporting unions
    The Democrats support unions so much they are bringing in 2 million migrants per year to undercut union pay by working for less.

    his years of attempting governance were full of chaos
    Yes, there were a lot of riots in blue cities...encouraged and supported by the Democrats. As I mentioned before, Walz was governor of Minnesota during the riots, but he sympathized with the rioters and did nothing. Harris started a GoFundMe to bail rioters out of jail so they could go back and cause more destruction.

    his handling of the pandemic was disastrous
    No one can ever tell me what Trump should have done differently during Covid. Shut down all flights to the USA? Put the military guarding the borders? You would have called him a fascist. Even then, Covid would have come in on cargo ships delivering goods. What Trump did for Covid was put Fauci, Birks and Walensky from CDC in charge, with carte blanche to do anything they wanted. Yet it's all solely Trump's fault personally? Absurd.

  3. #17928
    Registered: May 2004
    And what benefit does giving massive tax breaks to the wealthy and ultrawealthy give, exactly? History has shown over and over again that it does not trickle down. The wealthy elite hoards their wealth and sits on it, doing stock buybacks and all kinds of schemes to increase their net worth instead. Republicans do nothing but increase the power of the government and the elites -- giving ever more immunity for the police and politicians and making it easier for big financial institutions to gamble with people's money without any consequences.

    Biden helped the railroad workers get their sick days. On the other hand, there's nobody who's more anti-union than the Republicans and the wealthy businessmen they cater to.

    Minimum wage increase is widely supported by US citizens and there are already states that have a substantially higher minimum wage than others and are not doing any worse for it. I also think that there are more effective ways of helping people in the working and middle class, but the US seems incredibly allergic to doing anything that actually helps ordinary people.

    Lord Dampnut constantly undermined the messaging and response to the epidemic, saying that Covid was not a threat, it was going to pass soon, it wasn't a serious issue, etc. When it became time to actually allocate resources and effectively respond to the disaster, he made it a free for all, where every state had to competitively bid on scarce resources, thereby driving up the price even more. What he should have done, for example, was to immediately invoke the Defense Production Act to help supply the frontline workers and hospitals. Instead he dragged out the response for weeks and months, forcing people to come up with their own makeshift solutions, trying to reuse and sterilize disposable masks, etc.

  4. #17929
    Registered: May 2004
    Location: Canuckistan GWN
    No one can ever tell me what Trump should have done differently during Covid.
    He could have enacted the science based and comprehensive protocols, established by the Obama Administration. He could have left the decisions to science and the medical experts, but nobody in the whole world knows more about infectious diseases and pandemics than Donald "it will all disappear like a miracle" tRump.

    What Trump did for Covid was put Fauci, Birks and Walensky from CDC in charge, with carte blanche to do anything they wanted.
    BULLSHIT! tRump got in the way. His family stole PPE and hoarded it for resale or to hand out as favours to political allies. He had his family and administration vaccinated then told Americans that the vaccines were dangerous. He told them to drink bleach, get some UV light inside their bodies by, who knows, shoving sunlamps up their asses.

    He knowingly had COVID while attending a debate with Biden.

    tRump was so fucking stupid, he toured a mask factory, picked up a tray of a hundred sterile masks, pawed it with his filthy little hands and put it back down. What an absolute clueless, gormless fuckwit.

    And you worship him. You worship a rapist who stole money from dying children. Why, Phreaky? Why won't you answer that question? Do you ever post without lying?

  5. #17930
    what benefit does giving massive tax breaks to the wealthy and ultrawealthy give, exactly?
    Letting someone keep more of their own money is not a giveaway. The wealthy run businesses and employ people in jobs. If you take more of their money, they will employ fewer people. Possibly just leave the country. Look up the Laffer Curve.

    If someone has become wealthy by breaking the law, fine. Investigate and hold them accountable in court. All I see is greedy, envious people wanting to tear down others just because they are successful. Decades ago there was once something of an argument for jacking taxes higher. But with our current crop of politicians, we know that they will either waste the money on bullshit, hand it out to their friends and donors (i.e. weapons contractors), or stuff it in their own pockets. Might as well just let us keep as much of our money as possible, since they aren't going to use it to help us anyway.

    On edit: I agree there should be no government special favors to corporations or lobbying influence on the government from corporations. I think the incestuous relationship between big business and government needs to end. But both parties are in that armpit-deep. Trying to say the Repubs are the only ones doing it is naive. How did Nancy Pelosi reach a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars based on her 250k a year salary again...?

    making it easier for big financial institutions to gamble with people's money without any consequences.
    Agreed but Obama bailed out the big banks, did nothing to hold them accountable for gambling our money away, and today those same people still are doing the same shit. Again, neither party wants to upset that applecart.

    there's nobody who's more anti-union than the Republicans
    In the sense that the Repubs are ALSO in favor of importing illegal labor to undercut union wages I would agree. I don't like the Republicans in general.

    Minimum wage increase is widely supported by US citizens
    Yes, if you keep telling economically ignorant people that they can get free money without consequences, they will "widely support" it. But there ARE consequences. People are fleeing states like California because you can't run a business there.

    He knowingly had COVID while attending a debate with Biden.
    Biden lived. Guess it wasn't that dangerous then.

    he toured a mask factory, picked up a tray of a hundred sterile masks
    Yeah I guess that's what killed 50 gorillion Americans huh? You finally solved the mystery. Wipe the foam off your chin, you sad, angry little man.
    Last edited by RippedPhreak; 8th Aug 2024 at 21:43.

  6. #17931
    Registered: May 2004
    The ultrarich don't give a damn about creating jobs or improving the lives of workers. They only think about how to maximise their profit, laying off people in mass if it means improving their already massive profits just a little bit while making sure their workers get as little benefits and wages as possible.

    Democrats are the ones who are in favour of regulating the banking industry and the top elite, so that they don't go out of control all that often. Republicans want to give them a free pass every single time. While Obama could have let the banks go bust, that would also have meant disastrous consequences for the entire economy and, as for accountability, it was under Obama that Dodd-Frank was enacted and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was established. Which, btw, Lord Dampnut did his best to defang and cripple and that is one of the agencies on the chopping block in Project 2025. Cause can't let consumers get back their money from being robbed by unscrupulous financial institutions, apparently.

    As for Republican tax cuts, it's not just about letting people keep their money, though, is it? It's about increasing the rate in which the wealthiest of people get richer while the ordinary people have their wages stagnate. Democrats want to slow down the rate at which the top elite gets richer a little bit while Republicans want to massively increase it. It's the Republicans who drastically cut the Estate Tax for the wealthiest of people, for example.

    And the results of the Republican tax cuts have been already seen over and over again -- Reagan faced a shortfall of tax revenues after he cut taxes and plunged the country into massive debt from which it has not recovered to this day and Republicans later had to increase taxes again, including in the next administration of Bush. The Laffer Curve is an unproven idea scribbled on a napkin that has never been shown to work and both empirical analyses and modelling show that cutting the taxes would do not increase revenues, but in fact result in budget deficits both short and long term. Which is what keeps happening in pretty much every Republican administration that does tax cuts -- the missing revenue simply has to paid by someone else at a much higher cost. And that someone else is usually the people at the bottom who pay it in the form of indirect taxes and by having to pay out of pocket for services that get more expensive as a result.

    There are services (such as health care, education, prisons) where cutting corners and maximising profit as much as possible does not work out for the little people and turns out to be massively more expensive in the long run. Which is why the US has one of the most costly health care systems in the world (more than twice that of other wealthy countries), one of the largest prison populations and recidivism rates, and is struggling to keep up with other countries' educational performance outside of top universities, especially in math and science.
    Last edited by Starker; 8th Aug 2024 at 22:33.

  7. #17932
    Registered: May 2004
    Location: Canuckistan GWN
    Biden lived. Guess it wasn't that dangerous then.
    Someone takes a few shots at you and misses. I guess there was no harm in them trying, right?


    Yeah I guess that's what killed 50 gorillion Americans huh? You finally solved the mystery. Wipe the foam off your chin, you sad, angry little man.
    Just one example among thousands of examples oh how fucking clueless he is. And your posts stand as a continued record of how devoid of common sense, honesty and morality you are.

    Also noting that you are too cowardly to own up to your choices.
    Last edited by Nicker; 9th Aug 2024 at 01:00.

  8. #17933
    Registered: May 2004
    Turns out that Lord Dampnut praised Walz's handling of the Minneapolis unrest at the time:

    MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — While former President Donald Trump and running mate JD Vance have been hammering Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz over his response to the violence that erupted after George Floyd’s murder, Trump told the governor at the time that he fully agreed with how Walz handled it.

    “What they did in Minneapolis was incredible. They went in and dominated, and it happened immediately,” Trump told Walz and other governors and officials in a phone call on June 1, 2020. The Associated Press on Wednesday obtained an audio recording of the call, which has taken on new significance now that Walz has been tapped as Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate against Trump and Vance.

  9. #17934
    Registered: May 2004
    Lord Dampnut holds a.... let's call it a press conference, for the lack of a better word:

    People here have talked about how the Harris-Walz campaign seems to them to be patronizing and over the top, but I'm wondering whether, on the flipside, this kind of messaging is effective to anyone outside of his die hard supporters? Does this in any shape or form alleviate the concerns of moderates and independents? Does it have any potential to sway anyone who voted for Brandon 4 years ago or encourage people who voted for Lord Dampnut to show up again?

  10. #17935
    Registered: May 2004
    Location: Canuckistan GWN
    On the matter of tRump's "emergency press conference", Lawrence O'Donnell takes the press to task (including his own MSNBC) for politely lapping up an hour of Trump lies without a single real-time fact check, while ignoring Kamala Harris' speech and haranguing President Biden over a minor misquote. As he titles the piece, "2016 All Over Again".

    Serial lying has become so normalized, some guests here feel justified to do nothing but. But I digress...

    A little palate cleanser : The top 10 (plus-plus with bonus round) stupid things that tRump has said (in the last decade).

  11. #17936
    Registered: Oct 2000
    Location: Athens of the North
    This thread has been temporarily closed for a few weeks and will be re-opened in September. For Trump related discussion on the upcoming US Election please use this thread going forward, thanks!

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