Starting virtually from the moment the Capitol was breached, investigators spent more than four years obtaining warrants for thousands of cellphones and Google accounts, scrolling through tens of thousands of hours of police body-camera and surveillance camera footage, and running down hundreds of thousands of tips from ordinary citizens.
Their work resulted in charges being brought in Federal District Court in Washington — just blocks from the Capitol itself — against almost 1,600 people. More than 600 of those defendants were accused of assaulting or impeding law enforcement officers, many with weapons that included hockey sticks, firecrackers, crutches and broken wooden table legs.
More than half of the nearly 1,100 people who have been sentenced for their crimes were sentenced to at least some time in jail. Mr. Tarrio, the former Proud Boys leader, received the longest prison term of any defendant — 22 years. He was followed closely by a Proud Boys member from California, David Dempsey, who had attacked the police with his hands, his feet, a flagpole, pepper spray and other weapons and was sent to prison for 20 years.
Both of those sentences will now be erased, along with others for far-right leaders like Mr. Rhodes, the Oath Keepers founder, who was serving an 18-year prison term when the commutations were issued.