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View Poll Results: How long will Trump be President?

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  • 1 Term (4 Years)

    35 19.55%
  • 2 Terms (8 Years)

    63 35.20%
  • 1st Term Impeachment/Assassination

    51 28.49%
  • 2nd Term Impeachment/Assassination

    6 3.35%
  • I don't know what's going on!

    24 13.41%

Thread: ✮✮✮ !Trump Dump! ✮✮✮

  1. #18076
    Chakat sex pillow
    Registered: Sep 2006
    Location: not here
    Quote Originally Posted by Aja View Post
    It's not a media hoax. There's literally a video of it. Of course, only he knows his true intentions, but you can't deny he's making a gesture most commonly associated with Naziism. If I drove around with swastikas on the side of my car but insisted that I was merely a Buddhist, you'd certainly have cause to be suspicious.

    I know you're really excited about your new president, and that's fine, but for God's sake, if you don't think critically about the things he says and does, you're just leaving yourself wide open to be taken advantage of. Proclaiming this to be a golden age before anything has actually happened is the height of naivety.
    Dinna feed the troll, ye ken?

  2. #18077
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Location: Edmonton
    But I can fix him!

  3. #18078
    Registered: May 2004
    Location: Canuckistan GWN
    Fascists agree...

    But then, as one poster observed. "Elon is just National Socialistically awkward."

    Give the guy a break.

  4. #18079
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by RippedPhreak View Post
    is why your side lost.
    And that's the one and only refrain of the Right.

    We all know that's NOT an error, the roman salute is just trolling+appeasement, trolling because *today* it's associated with nazism, appeasement because it's the ROMAN salute -> "emperor Trump"

  5. #18080
    It's a simple fact that a political party cannot win if it offers nothing to the people except negative finger-pointing at the other side.

  6. #18081
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: The other Derry
    Obviously that was a calculated move and not just some mistake we're blowing out of proportion. It was a signal to all the neo-Nazi groups in the country that Trump's got your back. The other signal was pardoning all of those involved in the insurrection, even the guys who tried to kill Capitol police.

    The reason for the signals is that he needs a loyal army of mercenaries to stay in power after his term is up. He learned last time that he can't trust the law enforcement agencies or military to throw aside the law and take out who he wants. That's why he's so keen on gutting them and replacing them with loyalists, not oath takers. But ultimately, the only people he can count on are amoral scumbags who owe him their freedom. In his own words, those are his people.

    BTW, don't bother trying to convince Vae that Trump is a fascist. He's not stupid, he already knows that. That's what he wants.

  7. #18082
    It was a signal to all the neo-Nazi groups in the country
    According to the SPLC, there are approximately 13,000 neo-nazis in the USA. A furry convention in Pittsburgh last year attracted 17,000 people. Wetting your pants over the pervasive neo-nazis surrounding you everywhere seems a bit silly.

    The other signal was pardoning all of those involved in the insurrection
    Reminder that absolutely no one cares about Jan 6th. Again, banging on about Jan 6th for four straight years instead of doing anything to help struggling Americans is why the Dems lost.

    he's so keen on gutting them and replacing them with loyalists, not oath takers.
    Are these the same "oath takers" that made up the Russian hooker piss tape, the Russian Collusion plot that flipped the 2016 election, swore up and down that the Hunter Biden laptop did not exist and swore that Joe Biden was sharp as a tack right up until the moment he was exposed as non compos mentis on live television?

  8. #18083
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: The other Derry
    I believe you are being disingenuous now.

    Also, it's easy to guess why Musk was willing to go there. His goal is to get rid of the Constitution so he can become the leader.

    BTW, about 1500 people nearly pulled off a coup 4 years ago. Nobody really knows how big the numbers are now because they've been laying low during the Biden administration. Now that Trump is back the ranks will swell.
    Last edited by heywood; 21st Jan 2025 at 18:16.

  9. #18084
    Registered: Feb 2002
    Location: In the flesh.
    Quote Originally Posted by heywood View Post
    I believe you are being disingenuous now.
    Of course he is. He knows that 13,000 declared neo-nazis are the visible tip of an iceberg. He knows Republicans don't care about January 6th because they don't really care about the vote counting and the constitutional turnover of power as long as Trump can do anything he wants. He knows Trump did nothing for struggling Americans the first term, only the non struggling tax cuts for millionaires. Then of course he knows the piss tape was only a believable rumor touted by a few until nothing came of it but the payoff to a porn star he humped while his wife was pregnant is true and that Russians mounted a facebook campaign in 2016 to elect Trump and Trump paid Putin back by saying on TV that he trusted Putin over his own people. He knows the Hunter laptop only showed dick picks and that Hunter bought a gun when he was not legal to do so.

    Lastly he knows that Biden is having some problems in cognizance due to age but blows those out of proportion because Trump is always saying crazy shit and he needs to cover for him.

    We all know this. He does too. He doesn't have to be honest about it. No Republican ever is.

  10. #18085
    Registered: Jun 2009
    Location: The Spiraling Sea
    Now even Taylor Swift has become a Nazi!...

    We've caught her red-handed!...Now we know she is fascist and bad!...

  11. #18086
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    So what's wrong with being a National Socialist member......

    Ah you fell for it.

  12. #18087
    Registered: May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Vae View Post
    Now even Taylor Swift has become a Nazi!...
    We've caught her red-handed!...Now we know she is fascist and bad!...
    It's clear you're just a dishonest troll, but here's a video where she's making that gesture and it's nothing like a Nazi salute. You just grabbed a freeze frame that makes it superficially look like it.

    Also, you try to make it seem as if it's just about one gesture or two, but Swift hasn't unbanned actual Nazis on Twitter and she hasn't promoted Nazi talking points.

    Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin has been reinstated to Twitter under Elon Musk’s new policies for the platform. The founder of the white supremacist website The Daily Stormer had been banned from Twitter since 2013.

    Elon Musk’s X is a thriving hub for Nazi support and propaganda, with paid subscribers sharing speeches by Adolf Hitler or content praising his genocidal regime.

    NBC News found that at least 150 paid “Premium” subscriber X accounts and thousands of unpaid accounts have posted or amplified pro-Nazi content on X in recent months, often in apparent violation of X’s rules. The paid accounts posting the content all consistently posted antisemitic or pro-Nazi material. Examples included praise of Nazi soldiers, sharing of Nazi symbols and denials of the Holocaust.


    Rather than crack down on antisemitic posts, Musk has used his massive platform to promote antisemitic conspiracy theories. Last year, he embraced the concept of the “great replacement,” which says there is a top-down plot to replace the white population with nonwhite people.
    Last edited by Starker; 22nd Jan 2025 at 04:35.

  13. #18088
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Musk just thinks he can you "nazi obessions" (nazi obsessions AND the ones of who are against them) to make money and gain power (=ego boost)......but it's a risky game.

  14. #18089
    Registered: Jun 2009
    Location: The Spiraling Sea
    Quote Originally Posted by Starker View Post
    here's a video where she's making that gesture and it's nothing like a Nazi salute. You just grabbed a freeze frame that makes it superficially look like it.
    Which is exactly the point of my post, which clearly went over you're head.

    Just like words, context and intention are used to determine the various meanings of similar biomechanical gestures.

    In this case, there is a clear context (winning an important victory and feeling love and support from the people)

    ...and intention of the gesture, (placing hand on chest, then extending it out to the people in the front, placing hand back on his chest, then extending it out to the people in the back, then placing it back on his chest and holding it there saying "my heart goes out to you".

    In this context, using this body language and saying "my heart goes out to you" (verbal clarification of body gestures), means he is grabbing his heart and throwing his love and appreciation back to those who supported something that was very important to him, as an expression of gratitude.

    Those who think this is a "Sieg Heil Salute" are either not understanding the context and intention behind the body gestures, or they are unfairly projecting their prejudice upon a political opponent.

  15. #18090
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Stop trolling Vae, that's obvious a nazi salute wrapped up in a made-up context NOT because Elon is a Nazi but because he wants manipulate them with their obsessions (appease, engage, use the word you prefer) AND trolling the Left.

    It's crystal clear, stop climbing the mirror.

  16. #18091
    Chakat sex pillow
    Registered: Sep 2006
    Location: not here
    I think it's pretty hilarious seeing Vae try to construct an alternative fact for a sieg heil. Let's help him along with some more reasons. Musk's gesture really was:

    a) an elaborate and crowd-pleasing way to redistribute suit lint his dry cleaner missed that day into his immediate surroundings
    b) showcasing his progress on learning how to do the semaphore without flags, by dramatically spelling the letter B
    c) just a Roman salute to show his appreciation of Italy during World War 2
    d) a way to show people that his torso's pretty normal actually, and his chest fits into clothing just fine

    Which option do you think is correct, dear TTLGizen?

  17. #18092
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: The other Derry
    There is no point in trying to hide it anymore Vae. Your leader isn't.
    He even issued an executive order calling for neo-classical architecture. I missed that little Nazi signal yesterday.

  18. #18093
    New Member
    Registered: Dec 2024
    Quote Originally Posted by Vae View Post
    Which is exactly the point of my post, which clearly went over you're head.

    In this case, there is a clear context (winning an important victory and feeling love and support from the people)

    ...and intention of the gesture, (placing hand on chest, then extending it out to the people in the front, placing hand back on his chest, then extending it out to the people in the back, then placing it back on his chest and holding it there saying "my heart goes out to you".

    In this context, using this body language and saying "my heart goes out to you" (verbal clarification of body gestures), means he is grabbing his heart and throwing his love and appreciation back to those who supported something that was very important to him, as an expression of gratitude.

    Those who think this is a "Sieg Heil Salute" are either not understanding the context and intention behind the body gestures, or they are unfairly projecting their prejudice upon a political opponent.
    You're not a semiotician, stop bullshitting.

  19. #18094
    Registered: Dec 1999
    Location: Black Squadron
    Quote Originally Posted by Vae View Post
    some kinda bullshit

  20. #18095
    Login for the first time in years and I see people extolling the virtues of America doing world policing.

    What the fuck happened? Back in the day people, including myself, rightfully got the piss taken out of them for that

    Now you all unironically endorse the Team America view of the world.

    The "Rules Based Order" that Allen Dulles introduced had a huge dark side that consisted of US intelligence and defense resources being used to destroy any government that leaned slightly too socialist or refused to open themselves up for exploitation by US Corporate interests.

    From overthrowing Iran's government, to the boondoggle in Vietnam, to training right wing death squads in South America, or funding Genocides in Africa, or helping Israel exterminate the Palestinians I think there's ample evidence that this "Rules Based Order" is a destabilizing force rather than a stabilizing one.

    And it was because of this kind of retarded rhetoric that, being too young to know better, I got sucked into being a part of unjust wars myself.

    We should know better. I am not a Trump voter but it's pure folly to defend the foreign policy establishment as noble peace keepers.

  21. #18096
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    I don't really put too much stock into one gesture.
    To me it's clearly in the grey overlap of trolling and cathartic value signaling.
    I mean it's the by now very familiar domain of Kekistan, and Elon is an edgelord, so of course it's Kek-trolling.
    FFS he named his play agency reward for bankrolling Trump's campaign DOGE.
    But the guy is a son of apartheid South Africa too and I don't doubt he wants to think these are his people.

    But out of a whole hurricane, one raindrop isn't the thing to focus on, even if it is a rancid piss drop.

    There were like several dozen Executive Orders issued in the first two days. (I'm seeing reports give different numbers. Well there were other things issued beyond EOs, and the situation is dynamic. There's more things coming each day.) But anyway many of them are legally suspect if not ultra vires on their face, and others are perverse to their core in achieving the exact opposite outcome to their ostensible motivation.
    Those are obviously the things a lawyer is going to care a lot more about.

    But if one did want to try to sum it up in a simple gesture or question, the thing I'd ask is a simple: does the person take Earl Turner's side in the Turner Diaries? Just get right down to it.

  22. #18097
    Registered: May 2004
    I don't think the question is whether Musk is a card-carrying member of a Nazi party or whether he buys specifically into some of the specific ideas of Nazis and nobody is saying that either. The issue is that he has promoted white supremacist talking points, made his platform a place where the far right can thrive, and has generally been seen friendly and sympathetic to the far right. I refer you back to the Elon Musk's "Hitler Problem" video from way back when:

  23. #18098
    Registered: Apr 2004
    Location: Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by Vae View Post
    In this context, using this body language and saying "my heart goes out to you" (verbal clarification of body gestures), means he is grabbing his heart and throwing his love and appreciation back to those who supported something that was very important to him, as an expression of gratitude.

    Those who think this is a "Sieg Heil Salute" are either not understanding the context and intention behind the body gestures, or they are unfairly projecting their prejudice upon a political opponent.
    So, say you've accidentally sieged heil very fanatically. Twice. In one of the most public settings ever. What do you do after? Give at least a small apology and clarify that that's not what it was and you would never do that?

    Or do you view it as le epic based meme and then continue retweeting German neo-nazis?

  24. #18099
    Registered: May 2004
    Location: Canuckistan GWN
    Which is exactly the point of my post, which clearly went over you're head.
    Watch the video of Musk's ""heart gesture"". That's not a generous offering of love. That would be slower and with the palm up. Look at his face. It's twisted and frantic, not open and friendly.

    Don't sprain yourself with those mental gymnastics.

  25. #18100
    Registered: May 2004
    I have to say, the excuse that he's just doing a "throw your heart" gesture in a way that nobody in history has ever done such a gesture, and that just coincidentally happens to look identical to and indistinguishable from the Nazi salute, has to be some of the funniest and most desperate mental gymnastics I've seen in a good while.

    The only thing more desperate, and a good deal more disgusting, is some people blaming this on autism.

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