Originally Posted by DuatDweller
How about DEIMOS for NV voice acted and with time travel, one word of advice though save a lot! The entrance is hard to locate (you don't receive a notification) but is in the gas station (look for sewer manhole) before the NCR outpost uphill(where is the statue with the ranger/NCR trooper), and after the Nevada police station and in front of Nipton race track. Way after Primm, just keep on the right side as you go.
And Beyond Boulder Dome for NV voice acted (you get a notification in this case unlike DEIMOS) you have to forgive the intro quest about some ghouls but after that its just fine, just make sure you stick with the BoS quest, because there is a bug with the NCR quest, don't worry it won't affect your reputation with neither of them in the main game.
There is also *Cabot's Quest for NV, voice acted too (*yeah the Fallout 4 Cabot you know), while at the factory save often and there is a choice to make (possible screw up warning) and a hang up on the factory exit cut scene.
Also you have to save often when inside the mountain complex as there is a small bug with a cut scene that gets stuck, so you will have to reload before entering the area with the scene. After that all fine and dandy.