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Thread: Let's rank your most to least favorite Fallout games, because everyone loves lists!

  1. #51
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: Sweden
    Quote Originally Posted by DuatDweller View Post
    How about DEIMOS for NV voice acted and with time travel, one word of advice though save a lot! The entrance is hard to locate (you don't receive a notification) but is in the gas station (look for sewer manhole) before the NCR outpost uphill(where is the statue with the ranger/NCR trooper), and after the Nevada police station and in front of Nipton race track. Way after Primm, just keep on the right side as you go.

    And Beyond Boulder Dome for NV voice acted (you get a notification in this case unlike DEIMOS) you have to forgive the intro quest about some ghouls but after that its just fine, just make sure you stick with the BoS quest, because there is a bug with the NCR quest, don't worry it won't affect your reputation with neither of them in the main game.

    There is also *Cabot's Quest for NV, voice acted too (*yeah the Fallout 4 Cabot you know), while at the factory save often and there is a choice to make (possible screw up warning) and a hang up on the factory exit cut scene.

    Also you have to save often when inside the mountain complex as there is a small bug with a cut scene that gets stuck, so you will have to reload before entering the area with the scene. After that all fine and dandy.
    Might give one of those a shot at some point thanks!

  2. #52
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    You might want to try also Alton, IL, for FO3, voice acted, very well done, there should be two versions one for FO3 and one for Tale of Two Wastelands, pick the first (unless you want to merge both games FO3 and NV into one).

    Then there was Washington Malevolence for FO3 and for TTW, but the author deleted it due to some bugs being introduced by latest versions of FOSE (FO3 Script extender) and xNVSE (NV script extender).
    Too bad, because when it worked it was a fine mission, also voice acted.

  3. #53
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: Sweden
    cool. Have you guys tried any of the total conversions for FO2? there are quite a few...

  4. #54
    Registered: Dec 2013
    Fallout 1
    Fallout 3
    Fallout NV
    Fallout 4
    Fallout Tactics
    Fallout 2

  5. #55
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Quote Originally Posted by vurt View Post
    cool. Have you guys tried any of the total conversions for FO2? there are quite a few...
    Nah, couldn't get over the game play style of FO1 and FO2.

    I was just playing "Saving Carla Boone" for NV, man the spelling was bad, there are no voices, and you go up and down the Mojave doing fluffy missions, certainly it was a ride and some what fun, but nothing to write home about it. If you want to try it go ahead, be my guest. However since I was using "Functional Post Game Ending" the assassination missions were definitely a faction change threat (full of NCR troops all over the place), so I had to kill some people with the console command KILL, not friendly otherwise.

  6. #56
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Just played "Dog City" for NV, (before entering the sewers check the containers near the radio for your belongings and a message with your goals) you have to have a powerful or very fast shooting weapon because those dogs will come at you quickly. (I used a Gatling laser and still got short of speed, although a Fat man could cut it too, if you have enough ammo)

    Before that climb to the hospital and search the place for medicine that is mod only related, because you WILL need it later on, damn dogs. There are also humans don't worry. Oh and if is not red on the marker, try not to shoot them, they might help you.

    Also you might encounter a small bug when you have to retrieve the mannequin's key, just open the basement with the console "unlock".
    For the rest where you see a lot of red lines in the hud, save because you might experience a crash to desktop. Its just wise to save before level changes.

    Generally well done, but as a city landscape you have a lot to desire for, very plain detail.
    Beginners levels I would guess.
    Last edited by DuatDweller; 29th Feb 2024 at 05:50.

  7. #57
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    You might also like "A world of pain FO3" (i don't know if there is a NV version I'll find out), is not voice acted but has several new locations and a Talon warehouse with three levels that re-spawn enemies once every week (game time of course), there are no quests only suggested lists of directions or characters to kill, look for dogtags on named Talon company bodies.

    Friendship asylum is a special location in A world of Pain FO3, hard save BEFORE entering as suggested by the pop up warning and DO NOT bring companions (didn't tested beyond the entrance, but after is a real mess in some places they might get lost). (I left Veronica and ED-E outside this time) Of course I am using Tale of Two Wastelands but you can use it or not depending on which version do you download simple Fallout 3 or Tale of Two Wastelands versions.

    Is recommended to find the death fight locations (seven spread all over the map and other places worth looting) with "tmm 1" console command since there are loads of places you might miss otherwise.

    EDITED for more details
    You might get more bomb shelters locations after visiting a certain PPPS office in Pennsylvania area (hint check around Metro Central side streets), last floor computer and security office corpse... (I would recommend getting the explorer perk if you can).

    There is a plenty to explore, loot, kill...
    Last edited by DuatDweller; 26th May 2024 at 19:50. Reason: more locations

  8. #58
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Just played Garden of Ethan (might want to play it more than once to get at all the places), and The World We Knew (both ambiented in different kinds of vaults), but rater well done.
    As for replaying it, I admit I lost patience at Garden of Ethan, but open your eyes for keycards and satchels you will find users swipe cards (mostly useless), but is possible to finish the game if you know all the areas to plan your escape route (I wont go into details so to not spoil anything) and yes save, and save a lot in case you need to rethink your approuch. Listen to what you're told and pay attention to written clues.

    For The World We Knew, carefully look for keys (you wont find them on enemies so look around the floor for "something" of interest).

    And yes save before you mess around with activating things.
    Both cannot have followers with you. BTW both quest areas overlap to some degree so you cannot have them both enabled at the same time.

    And finally Someguy2000 Bounty quests 1, 2, 3.
    Save when you are about to enter new areas, as some are nasty choices and surprises.
    Also as a companion quest for them Russell (his quest is medium long).
    Also from the same author The Inheritance, and The Better Angels (I had a minor sound bug crash with a big fight, and yes is repeated even if you save in middle of the battle, but the author provided a way to skip it, so save before doing this part).
    All of them require that you use Someguy ESM file with them.
    Else it wont work.
    All of this missions/quest are for New Vegas.

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