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Thread: Let's rank your most to least favorite Fallout games, because everyone loves lists!

  1. #51
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: Sweden
    Quote Originally Posted by DuatDweller View Post
    How about DEIMOS for NV voice acted and with time travel, one word of advice though save a lot! The entrance is hard to locate (you don't receive a notification) but is in the gas station (look for sewer manhole) before the NCR outpost uphill(where is the statue with the ranger/NCR trooper), and after the Nevada police station and in front of Nipton race track. Way after Primm, just keep on the right side as you go.

    And Beyond Boulder Dome for NV voice acted (you get a notification in this case unlike DEIMOS) you have to forgive the intro quest about some ghouls but after that its just fine, just make sure you stick with the BoS quest, because there is a bug with the NCR quest, don't worry it won't affect your reputation with neither of them in the main game.

    There is also *Cabot's Quest for NV, voice acted too (*yeah the Fallout 4 Cabot you know), while at the factory save often and there is a choice to make (possible screw up warning) and a hang up on the factory exit cut scene.

    Also you have to save often when inside the mountain complex as there is a small bug with a cut scene that gets stuck, so you will have to reload before entering the area with the scene. After that all fine and dandy.
    Might give one of those a shot at some point thanks!

  2. #52
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    You might want to try also Alton, IL, for FO3, voice acted, very well done, there should be two versions one for FO3 and one for Tale of Two Wastelands, pick the first (unless you want to merge both games FO3 and NV into one).

    Then there was Washington Malevolence for FO3 and for TTW, but the author deleted it due to some bugs being introduced by latest versions of FOSE (FO3 Script extender) and xNVSE (NV script extender).
    Too bad, because when it worked it was a fine mission, also voice acted.

  3. #53
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: Sweden
    cool. Have you guys tried any of the total conversions for FO2? there are quite a few...

  4. #54
    Registered: Dec 2013
    Fallout 1
    Fallout 3
    Fallout NV
    Fallout 4
    Fallout Tactics
    Fallout 2

  5. #55
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Quote Originally Posted by vurt View Post
    cool. Have you guys tried any of the total conversions for FO2? there are quite a few...
    Nah, couldn't get over the game play style of FO1 and FO2.

    I was just playing "Saving Carla Boone" for NV, man the spelling was bad, there are no voices, and you go up and down the Mojave doing fluffy missions, certainly it was a ride and some what fun, but nothing to write home about it. If you want to try it go ahead, be my guest. However since I was using "Functional Post Game Ending" the assassination missions were definitely a faction change threat (full of NCR troops all over the place), so I had to kill some people with the console command KILL, not friendly otherwise.

  6. #56
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Just played "Dog City" for NV, (before entering the sewers check the containers near the radio for your belongings and a message with your goals) you have to have a powerful or very fast shooting weapon because those dogs will come at you quickly. (I used a Gatling laser and still got short of speed, although a Fat man could cut it too, if you have enough ammo)

    Before that climb to the hospital and search the place for medicine that is mod only related, because you WILL need it later on, damn dogs. There are also humans don't worry. Oh and if is not red on the marker, try not to shoot them, they might help you.

    Also you might encounter a small bug when you have to retrieve the mannequin's key, just open the basement with the console "unlock".
    For the rest where you see a lot of red lines in the hud, save because you might experience a crash to desktop. Its just wise to save before level changes.

    Generally well done, but as a city landscape you have a lot to desire for, very plain detail.
    Beginners levels I would guess.
    Last edited by DuatDweller; 29th Feb 2024 at 06:50.

  7. #57
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    You might also like "A world of pain FO3" (i don't know if there is a NV version I'll find out), is not voice acted but has several new locations and a Talon warehouse with three levels that re-spawn enemies once every week (game time of course), there are no quests only suggested lists of directions or characters to kill, look for dogtags on named Talon company bodies.

    Friendship asylum is a special location in A world of Pain FO3, hard save BEFORE entering as suggested by the pop up warning and DO NOT bring companions (didn't tested beyond the entrance, but after is a real mess in some places they might get lost). (I left Veronica and ED-E outside this time) Of course I am using Tale of Two Wastelands but you can use it or not depending on which version do you download simple Fallout 3 or Tale of Two Wastelands versions.

    Is recommended to find the death fight locations (seven spread all over the map and other places worth looting) with "tmm 1" console command since there are loads of places you might miss otherwise.

    EDITED for more details
    You might get more bomb shelters locations after visiting a certain PPPS office in Pennsylvania area (hint check around Metro Central side streets), last floor computer and security office corpse... (I would recommend getting the explorer perk if you can).

    There is a plenty to explore, loot, kill...
    Last edited by DuatDweller; 26th May 2024 at 20:50. Reason: more locations

  8. #58
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Just played Garden of Ethan (might want to play it more than once to get at all the places), and The World We Knew (both ambiented in different kinds of vaults), but rater well done.
    As for replaying it, I admit I lost patience at Garden of Ethan, but open your eyes for keycards and satchels you will find users swipe cards (mostly useless), but is possible to finish the game if you know all the areas to plan your escape route (I wont go into details so to not spoil anything) and yes save, and save a lot in case you need to rethink your approuch. Listen to what you're told and pay attention to written clues.

    For The World We Knew, carefully look for keys (you wont find them on enemies so look around the floor for "something" of interest).

    And yes save before you mess around with activating things.
    Both cannot have followers with you. BTW both quest areas overlap to some degree so you cannot have them both enabled at the same time.

    And finally Someguy2000 Bounty quests 1, 2, 3.
    Save when you are about to enter new areas, as some are nasty choices and surprises.
    Also as a companion quest for them Russell (his quest is medium long).
    Also from the same author The Inheritance, and The Better Angels (I had a minor sound bug crash with a big fight, and yes is repeated even if you save in middle of the battle, but the author provided a way to skip it, so save before doing this part).
    All of them require that you use Someguy ESM file with them.
    Else it wont work.

    Also Seven Graves From Now (FNV of course), very good, a bit short.
    I forgot, Folly of the old World, good mission, well done all with little assets so no new voices this time.
    You might like QuestSide (it occurs inside Westside) very short and weird, and CampQuestSideHope (Camp Forlone Hope) about the same vein both are short.

    And if you like exploring Legion Territory you can try Nova Arizona (be aware of the extra requirements when downloading) however the caveat here is that needs to be installed by Mod Organizer 2.4.4 or higher and the two extra files will have to be extracted and manually placed inside the data folder for FNV, be aware the navigational mesh is only 35% complete so you will have companions that cannot advance in some areas or get stuck somewhere (so I used fast travel to solve it), you can access via quest (during the Mark of Caesar) or you can cheat and TMM 1 if you passed that quest already.(the readme insists on creating new LOD (level of detail) but it worked just fine as is.

    Suspicious Minds for FNV is a nice fine little quest, thinking in a beginner quest in GoodSprings, I liked it.

    Also if love to be lost underwater in the dark and without your belongings, then Dunk's Adventure is for you, be aware that some meshes in the latest levels might go out of sight for some reason, and come back. Ah and save, save a lot underwater as it might crash after you managed to cross the labyrinth under water.

    All of this missions/quest are for New Vegas.
    Last edited by DuatDweller; 4th Oct 2024 at 14:40.

  9. #59
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Th3 Overseer series
    (note that you have to have th3 Overseer Core file .esm loaded and they must be all the quests .esp files loaded after to keep progressing)
    From the first to last
    -The North Road Remastered (difficult to navigate for companions) to start it go to Ranger Station Bravo and talk to a NCR officer sitting in a desk.
    -The Initiation (you have to get a good ending to start this one for the Khans for this one, so save a lot, start by taking to the Khan named Rivas)
    -Eliza (a companion and quests) To follow up the quest I had a small incompatibility with
    Functional Post Game Ending, so I had to disable it to continue with the poker room, else CTD. To start it keep talking to Rivas in the Khans valley.
    (Speaking of companions, I have now Russell, Cassidy, Eliza, Charlie all at the same time, and ED-E)
    -Headhunting (similar to New Vegas Bounties only better paid) look for a door under a bridge near Grub n Gulp
    -The Depths of depravity (to start this one you have to talk to Ryan O'Neill outside Westside)
    -The High Desert (I admit I expected something entirely different by this name but I won't spoil it for you, lots of cursing on this one) You have go to Primm and enter the casino with the robot and talk with a shady guy to start this quest.

    I am only stuck with progressing further in Eliza quest line with the Office of Mohave Affairs follow up, they haven't contacted me again, so I have to keep traveling and keep busy some how.

    Needless to say this mods are all for New Vegas.

    I have to check Zion Trail, and Autumn Leaves, not from the same author, sorry my mistake.
    I was using New Vegas Bounties I and II concurrently with this mods.
    So I don't know how I ended up with a small follower army.
    Last edited by DuatDweller; 14th Nov 2024 at 13:58. Reason: details

  10. #60
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Just finished Autumn Leaves, you need to dismiss all companions.
    And the pace of progress is very, and I mean very slow.

    Is another vault run, but you are talking to robots up and down, trying to squeeze some answers out of them, and looking for quest items, with a fine comb.

    In the end, you might choose violence or peaceful resolutions.
    I recommend it but, I won't be replaying it anytime soon.

  11. #61
    El Pato
    Registered: Jul 2000
    Location: Under your fingernails.
    Welp, from my experience with the Fallout series, my ranking is the following:

    Fallout: NV
    Fallout 1
    Fallout 3

    Fallout 2 and 4, alas, I have not yet finished a playthrough of either one, so I cannot comment fairly on them.

  12. #62
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    I also played
    Into the deep, an adventure of miners who got missing when found something down there, your mission is to go and find them.
    You need to go near Nipton further south.

    The Abandoned Complex, is near Ivanpah dry lake, I wont go into details, but is a bit cramped there, and very maze like.

    Children of the Sun, you have to do some quests to find the keys to a vault. Unfortunately the most fun part is outside the vault.
    Short but relatively good. Look at the wrecked car at Ivanpah dry lake.

    Skinwalker, nice but short police style investigation (might conflict with Th3 Overseer mods, disable them), well done.
    Start at the Mormon Fort in Freeside and talk to Alejandra.}

    City of adventurers Redux, to start get to the 188 trading post, and toward Boulder City. There parked on the road you shall find a vertibird, there are no voice files, so talk to the pilot and get to the destination.

  13. #63
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    I have replayed A Quest For Heaven 3, and 2, soon I'll replay 1 also. This is for Vanilla Fallout 3 with FOSE and Abbreviated Effects Mod or else a CTD is instantaneous.

    Number 3 is quite demanding for CPU and Video resources, not to mention memory, that being said, in the previous Laptop I had corrupted save games but no so the autosaves. It only had a 4gb ram and an integrated (CPU) video card.

    In this run with a new Laptop with 12 cores 16gb ram and a 4gb video card I didn't experienced corruption, but a crash near the end mission (the alien world) but you can skip it easily, just remember to save, not less that twice, beginning of the level and end to prevent losing progress in the case of a crash, you never know when or if it will happen at all.

    Oh yeah, use and abuse of the gladiator armor set, (Z for vision modes and X for stealth) and the weapon you recovered in a previous mission (the Pentagon sewers) the Striker.
    Also I recommend reading the walk-through if you're stuck or unsure of what to do. And for God's sake do not shoot the prisoner!
    Last edited by DuatDweller; 23rd Nov 2024 at 20:10. Reason: details

  14. #64
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Zion Trail, so I had a new game started, and finished Honest Hearts, then went for it, up north there now a wooden bridge over the radioactive pool/crater, but before that there is a camper a little before the bridge, get in search for the holotape log (inside an ammo box) pick it up and you will get a key you'll need to continue your trip.

    The only thing I can say is I hope you have time, time and lots of patience to explore the new area, there are at least 2 vaults, go find them.

    Well done levels, if not convoluted you will need to rely on your pipboy maps inside the vault and even like that is a confusing layout.
    Save before switching levels, as the ghost of the insta crash is always around the corner. Not so often like with other mods that demand too many screen effects at once (see A Quest For Heaven 3 for example).

    Something different, well done, enjoy it.

  15. #65
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Just played The Canyon lands Updated, nice scenery for a desert, and yes its a deserted desert, no animals, a few rats, maybe 10 tops, no scorpions (ok 6-7) no deathclaws no mole rats maybe 25-40 raiders, and the same quantity of zombies. Plenty of trees and plants and very shallow lakes.

    Quests ah, if you consider the only "Humans" that even talk to you are Securitrons with real human faces and names and voices that give you loosely a task, if you get away you might miss their speech (yes you're not engaged in a normal New Vegas conversation style) but stand next to them and they will loop their speech infinitely.

    (nope no markers or quests)

    You've to be on the lookout for Tables with notes and keys, keep in mind though that no building have inner cells in this two level desert, and there are very few doors/gates that you've to open, in short get crazy hunting around for where the keys belong, because their key names sometimes do not match with what you have on the map.
    And FFS, do you yourself a favor and use TMM 1, to enable all markers, you will be grateful you did.
    Yes is a classical key/door chase all over the place and it doesn't help that you have no quests and no markers for the goals.
    It is a very beautiful place however, if not for the gameplay, for the scenery.
    I admit the people faces on the securitrons and their speeches are very well done.
    Well actual pictures from real people.
    But it falls short because you've to remember on your own the quests.

  16. #66
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Just replayed Of Truth And Lies, for NV.

    Possible spoilers below. Read only if you find bugs or don't want to lose points with the NCR reputation.

    There are issues with killing some dude who is NCR, if you kill him, you net bad karma with the NCR, so since I saved, I reloaded and went for the side mission alternative to killing him, unfortunately the quest never update its status, so I had to do SQT find out the name of the quest and make it complete by setstage 100, the other values did not much of a difference. Shame.

    For the rest you must be careful not to get caught by NCR or being seen in the strip, so is either a sword or a silenced pistol.
    Also there is an alternative to killing a target in which you might have to choose to snipe an NCR representative or a Scorpion gang member from a distance, to avoid losing NCR fame, I sniped the scorpions dude.

    Those are the only fame threats that I could find, is relatively short, but in the final fortress DO NOT bring companions inside, there must be a bug in the Navigational Mesh, since they cannot go further. Leave them outside.

    Free Cheyenne Demo.
    Well done but small, flat in the sense there is not much to do over there, it didn't caught my attention, so it lasted about ten minutes.
    You're supposed to be in Caesar's land, but it doesn't give you the idea of that, rater of another Nevada town.

    Christmas Special (New Vegas)
    this one NEEDS Frozen World FNV, is a fun Christmas mission with holidays ambient and Nazis, yes, Nazis.
    You have to hunt for bit and pieces in old forgotten bunkers, and fight Nazis and the omni present Legion Lesbianaries I mean legionaries.
    God knows I love lesbians.

    Next on the list
    The Rockwell Pursuit, and The Rockwell Descent, I'll report later about it.
    To start it go near the Cinema Drive-in near Crescent Canyon.
    The Rockwell Pursuit, a bit I admit I didn't used the patch for the broken scripts, I wrongfully believed it was fixed with the latest release, it wasn't, I had to cheat my way of a script block.
    All in all long mission, I had once a case of solidity problem with the outside floor, I saved, quit and reloaded, it was fixed that way.
    You'll need to save a lot when you're protecting someone, or the quest will fail.

    I started the Rockwell Descent, supposed to be played first, I couldn't find a key, I looked everywhere so you'll guess what I had to do.
    But I haven't finished yet, I'll come back later.

    Well I finished, not much of a novelty, locked door find a key, the usual key/door hunt to an extreme.
    All in all was better the follow up, The Rockwell Pursuit.
    Last edited by DuatDweller; 4th Jan 2025 at 12:55.

  17. #67
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Chem Control v1.8, make sure you update from 1.7.
    Is a nice little mission with a few quests, but is short.
    You have to meet Landon in Westside (near casa Madrid) to start the quest.
    Last edited by DuatDweller; 9th Jan 2025 at 13:25. Reason: Westside not freeside

  18. #68
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Project Genesis for Fallout 3, by the same author of DEIMOS for NV.
    In the beginning there is not quest, there is a radio signal, you might need to go near Vault 101 or Megaton to listen to message.
    Once you have been to the first house, you will get a key for a second house near by, make SURE you look closely for a small button, its activation area is very small, if you miss it, you wont get a quest at all.
    I haven't found any bugs so far (nothing major anyway), if O'Neil fails to be a some spot keep going to the quest spot and do what you have to do.
    Also when you fast travel to meet again with O'Neil you might have to wait for a few hours for him to get to the destination.
    Also there seems to be an incompatibility with A Quest For Heaven, if it 1, 2, or 3, I don't know which one is, just disable it before you mess with the Prometheus Armor Mainframe or pick up the program routines. else is an insta-crash to desktop.
    For the rest I suppose there is not much to tell but prepare for trials.
    Well done for most part.

  19. #69
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Vault 104 for fallout 3, it was in Russian, the only speaking person still talks in Russian, but you can read subtitles, do you?
    Anyway once in Vault 104 I failed to find a last password, so I had to unlock a terminal with the console commands, after that to fix the reactor I had to cheat on the quest progress since something didn't trigger properly, if you do cheat on Quests stages save before, and always go for small increments, 10, 20, 30 and so on, stop after a while to see if there is any result.
    Maybe I'll go for another run and see if I can progress properly.

  20. #70
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    The ghoul king for Fallout 3, I recommend this mod. Well done, lots of exploring, some hard ass ghouls to kill.

    I tried The Island for Fallout 3, another Russian mod, it was all fine and dandy until I reached the new land, then hang ups and crashes to desktop galore, so I reverted to previous saves and uninstalled, too bad it looked promising.
    Last edited by DuatDweller; 15th Jan 2025 at 00:40.

  21. #71
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    The Lost Temple for Fallout 3 (another Russian Mod), well done, but in order to actually advance you might need to wait 24 hours, save a lot in the trials, and when you first land on the island make sure to visit the doctor's tent, you might have some "action" of the other sort.
    When you manage to get into the first trial save and save a lot, the stones do not go to were they seem to belong, there is another order, so save before attempting each pedestal before you screw up.
    The other trial is more forgiving as you do not die if you choose the wrong path.
    Once you get a right path, memorize your correct path to complete the trial.
    The last trial quite easy, but you will need good fire power for several reasons.
    I recommend this mod.

  22. #72
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Revenants V2.08 for Fallout 3, very short quest, interesting but is not more than 15-10 minutes tops of playtime.
    I admit I was expecting a longer quest.

    Summer Effect English version 1.0 (Fallout 3) another of those Russian translated mods, too bad it makes the game crash on start.
    So I had to use the additional file to fix it, remember to download it when you get the main file.
    In the end is a quest of about 1 or 2 hours gameplay, save often when in the maze as is riddled with deep pits, just getting near you will fall in them.
    In the end you better tell the girl to wait outside while you take care of business.
    So you can have her as a companion.
    Not bad, I recommend it.

  23. #73
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Blammo Corporation 1.02 (AKA Back from the future) Fallout 3 mod, is nice very near the National Guard Depot, look near for Blammo Corporation Building entrance.
    You have to fight hordes of Talon company dudes, and in lower levels even Enclave people.
    Is recommended that you explore everything first and then go to the CEO Offices.
    Do whatever she says. In the end is just another key hunt quest, but is interesting.
    After the end of the mission you might choose to send her away for good, or enroll her as a companion.

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