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Thread: The Fighting TTLGers present: Arma 3 (a TTLG Coop Saturdays spin-off)

  1. #526
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Switzerland
    We should be able to repaint any captured vehicles, so there's no chance of mixing them up. It's already difficult enough to distinguish our own units and theirs on sight.

    It's a bit scary how much my brain's been occupied with coming up with strategies for that assault on the airbase that I've been talking about. Especially when it's likely that two minutes into the assault the usual thing happens: three of us end up bleeding out on the ground, while Dema manages to hole up in a nearby hut, waiting for us to respawn and come back with reinforcements.

  2. #527
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Switzerland
    Today's session started off with a glorious, and successful, assault on an airbase near our territory. Apparently, this is where Antistasi's end game begins. We did have some losses: henke and his valiant team went in with a tank, guns blazing, but a number of well-aimed RPGs took out that beautiful machine. Demagogue and Piglick aided the attack from the NE, but they too didn't survive - though they made it back to the airbase just in time for us taking it. Jesh took in some marksmen, but they were soon under attack by the base's mortar team. But the combo of AI squads and human resilience won the day - and much more quickly than expected. Where we'd sometimes taken over an hour to take a little outpost and deal with the counterattacks, here we pretty much took control of the airbase in about half an hour. Some AI anti-air trucks took care of the attacking jets that tried to strafe us, and after that the enemy had no appetite whatsoever for trying to take the base back.

    Cocky from our big success, I suggested an attack on a nearby outpost with a radio tower, since these screw with our radio comms within a certain radius. My plan was to have everyone else attack the base on the hill, sniping them from far away, while I took an armoured vehicle to the nearby other base to keep them from mortaring us and calling for reinforcements. The problem was: I forgot to tell my gunners to hold fire until we were all prepared... so they opened fire on the few patrols on the hillside along the base, which in turn meant that a) the guys on the hillside took out my vehicle with a couple of rockets, b) the base called for reinforcements, and c) soon we had a bunch of angry enemy vehicles swarming us and blasting us to kingdom come with their grenades. Jesh made it up the hill, where he entered a cycle of taking out a few bad guys, getting shot, waiting to shake off the worst of it, shooting some more, getting shot etc.

    But we did finally make it up the hill and took the base - at which point the enemy sent two more vehicles, and one of them decimated us. We weren't properly dead, but we were just about able to put one missile after another into that Gorgon... but it wouldn't die. Reinforcements arrived, which Jesh, Dema and me tried to fight off, but in the meantime the enemy took back the base, which meant we couldn't communicate properly. As the Gorgon circled the house Dema and I were in, we tried to find ammo for one of the launchers - which we finally did, and Dema blew up that Gorgon with one final shot - that took the house we were in with it.

    I'd botched the second attack, but we succeeded anyway, after a gruelling fight - and at that point one of the nearby towns decided that we were so cool, they'd join us, just like that. And at this point we hold almost half of the map. May the endgame begin!

  3. #528
    Level 10,000 achieved
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Finland
    Here's some clips from out 2024 sessions.

  4. #529
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Switzerland
    Nice vid, henke! Yesterday, after my Strider had got blown up at the airbase and I was making my way back there with reinforcements, I heard you guys talking on the radio about seeing something cool happening there, so it's good to see some of what was going on at your end. Those anti-air trucks we'd positioned just north from the base were definitely worth their money.

    Also, the next couple of Saturdays won't work for me, so I'd suggest a session on Sunday 6 October (possibly a shorter one; we're going away for a week the day after and may have some packing to do) and one on Sunday 20 October, to find a new place for our HQ and possibly mop up some of the smaller bases. Oh, and to get some more tanks, perhaps?

    Upcoming Antistasi sessions

    Date: Sun, 6 October and Sun, 20 October
    Starting time: 3pm UK time / 16h in the Netherlands and Switzerland / 17h in Finland
    What's Antistasi?
    It's a persistent whole-map mission in which we play a local resistance on a map where the local military is fighting an invading army, and we take on both of them. Doing small sorties and missions, we slowly gather resources to take on bigger and bigger targets and converting the island to our cause, town by town. Or we get shot to bits trying to race past a checkpoint in a battered old pickup truck. We'll see.

    What will you need to join?
    • An updated installation of Arma 3 (possibly including the APEX DLC, depending on which map we want to play on)
    • An up-to-date TeamSpeak 3 client
    • The mods in this collection, all fully updated
    • Here's a list of optional mods tweaking your Arma 3 visuals and sound

    On the days of the Antistasi sessions, I'll get the server for Arma 3 and TS3 started beforehand and will send everyone who'd like to join the IP and password at the beginning of the session. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of you ready and willing to liberate Altis/Stratis/Malden/Tanoa!

  5. #530
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Switzerland
    By the way, since some of the gang have asked about this (I think Dema brought it up at some point): it might be possible for people to add the Enhanced Movement mod client-side, which would allow them to climb onto and off of things, though windows etc. (There's similar functionality in ACE, but as we're not using that mod at the moment, it doesn't exactly help. )

    And here's an old video showing some of the functionality:

    I'll try this out for next time we play, to see if it works as it says on the tin. I'm not sure I trust the whole client-side-only thing just yet.

    Edit: Apparently there's a mod called Enhanced Movement Rework that addresses some issues, so I'll check that one out as well.
    Last edited by Thirith; 26th Sep 2024 at 05:43.

  6. #531
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Switzerland
    Nice small-scale session today, even if henke and dazza couldn't make it. We started off by moving our HQ closer to the front, and since we've now shacked up in the industrial district of Altis the rent is also lower. Dema, Jesh and I then grabbed an MG guy and we took a helicopter to the northernmost enemy outpost. From a few hundred metres away, we took out all the bad guys we could see, then we moved in, cleared out the two huts and took the outpost - which prompted a counter attack that included an armoured vehicle with a fuck-off MG on top, so things got pretty hairy. We'd packed anti-tank weapons - but the high-tech stuff, and sadly this doesn't do particularly well at distances under 50m, where a simple fire-and-forget RPG would be better. We lost the outpost twice, but in the end we kept it - not least thanks to Jesh, who first defended it against the infantry units moving in and then drew the attention of the armoured vehicle, so as that one went after Jesh I could finally use the AT weapon I had, blowing it to bits.

    We then moved on to a base at the far side of Altis, this time with more AI to help us. The base was at the top of a hill, so we drove to a nearby hill and started taking out the base soldiers from a distance, including the machine gunners on the guard tower overlooking the base and the hill. While Jesh and Dema continued covering us, I went in with the AI units, and we soon took that base - so the enemy sent not one, not two, but three tanks our way. Since we were up a hill, the tanks couldn't just rush us, and we were pretty good at picking off the soldiers from the tower we'd liberated - but we didn't have enough AT weapons to take out the tanks coming at us. While Jesh and Dema stayed on the tower, taking out enemy soldiers trying to sneak in, I went and looked for some RPGs or similar. In the meantime, I think the AI had taken out one or two tanks (with a little help from us), but the last one kept opening fire whenever we peaked out, but I finally found a (decidedly low-tech) RPG on a dead soldier, made it to a rock overlooking the slope on which the tank had come to a halt, and I took a shot - which hit, but at first nothing happened other than the tank popping smoke, so I was convinced that it's armour was too thick and we were fucked.

    Then the tank blew up, lighting up the hill.

    All in all, a good session, even if it was just three of us. And I'm looking forward to another game of Antistasi in two weeks, on Sunday 20 October.

  7. #532
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Switzerland
    Fun session today with Jeshibu, Demagogue and henke. We started off by taking the rest of a peninsula to the south of Altis - and on the way there things almost escalated when we ran into a roadblock that realised we were up to no good, but we took them out and then grabbed the (admittedly small) outpost. What helps a lot by now is having some AA guys in our team, because they have become pretty good at taking out transport helicopters bringing in reinforcements. In the meantime, though, the enemy took back a radio tower we'd liberated a month ago, so we split up, each recruited an AI squad, and we moved in. Compared to earlier sessions, all of this was remarkably simple, so we got cocky and decided to make a move on the last enemy outpost still left on the peninsula. Henke and I went in from the west, Jesh and Dema came from the north and east - and somehow the latter two got killed horribly, but because they distracted the guys at the outpost, henke and I were able to sneak in and take the picturesque little church where they'd holed up. Again the enemy sent in some helicopters to retake it, but our AA guys took out one of them and forced the other one to land, and we then picked off the surviving reinforcements.

    So we thought: let's finish the session with a simple supply run. These are pretty much beginner missions, but they can help you take villages and towns. They're what we did most of the time the first few sessions we played Antistasi.

    And this one nearly killed us. Well, it did kill us: the enemy, who was pissed off due to all of our outpost shenanigans, sent in armoured vehicles, and they, together with (embarrassingly) some local law enforcement, pretty much pinned us down in the town's gas station and killed us whenever we peeked out. I held out the longest (mainly because I was down but not dead, so the enemy ignored me), and in the meantime henke, Jesh and Dema respawned. I did manage to revive myself and kill the police units that had taken us out with their measly little SMGs, but the remaining enemy had taken hold of a roadside machine gun emplacement, so the battle continued for a while longer. When it finally abated, we did succeed in delivering the supplies, got out of there and soon after the game told us that the town had joined our side, so all's well that ends well - but fuck, that was by far the harshest battle we'd had today.

    And what's next for our intrepid heroes?

    Upcoming Antistasi sessions

    Date: Sat 2 November
    Starting time: 3pm UK time / 16h in the Netherlands and Switzerland / 17h in Finland
    What's Antistasi?
    It's a persistent whole-map mission in which we play a local resistance on a map where the local military is fighting an invading army, and we take on both of them. Doing small sorties and missions, we slowly gather resources to take on bigger and bigger targets and converting the island to our cause, town by town. Or we get shot to bits trying to race past a checkpoint in a battered old pickup truck. We'll see.

    What will you need to join?
    • An updated installation of Arma 3 (possibly including the APEX DLC, depending on which map we want to play on)
    • An up-to-date TeamSpeak 3 client
    • The mods in this collection, all fully updated
    • Here's a list of optional mods tweaking your Arma 3 visuals and sound

    On the days of the Antistasi sessions, I'll get the server for Arma 3 and TS3 started beforehand and will send everyone who'd like to join the IP and password at the beginning of the session. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of you ready and willing to liberate Altis/Stratis/Malden/Tanoa!

  8. #533
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Switzerland
    Fun, smaller-stakes session today with Henke (committing biological warfare, breathing COVID viruses all over Altis!) and demagogue. We took two smaller outposts. The first of these proved to be more challenging than expected, mainly because the enemy threw an MRAP and a tank at us, but after a wee bit of dying and respawning we still made it. The second outpost was almost like shooting fish in a barrel: it was on one side of a bay, and we sniped them from the other side. I don't think any of us even went down once - though once we'd taken the outpost, the enemy shelled us from a nearby airfield. (We got our revenge at the end by stealing one of the tanks and a transport truck from the airfield.) In between, we also attacked the enemy soldiers in a nearby town, hoping to make it join our cause, but sadly our efforts weren't quite enough for that. Still, I enjoy a good bit of urban warfare in Arma every now and then.

    For the next two sessions, I'd suggest Sunday 17 November and Saturday 30 November, so...

    Upcoming Antistasi sessions

    Date: Sun 17 November
    Starting time: 3pm UK time / 16h in the Netherlands and Switzerland / 17h in Finland
    What's Antistasi?
    It's a persistent whole-map mission in which we play a local resistance on a map where the local military is fighting an invading army, and we take on both of them. Doing small sorties and missions, we slowly gather resources to take on bigger and bigger targets and converting the island to our cause, town by town. Or we get shot to bits trying to race past a checkpoint in a battered old pickup truck. We'll see.

    What will you need to join?
    • An updated installation of Arma 3 (possibly including the APEX DLC, depending on which map we want to play on)
    • An up-to-date TeamSpeak 3 client
    • The mods in this collection, all fully updated
    • Here's a list of optional mods tweaking your Arma 3 visuals and sound

    On the days of the Antistasi sessions, I'll get the server for Arma 3 and TS3 started beforehand and will send everyone who'd like to join the IP and password at the beginning of the session. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of you ready and willing to liberate Altis/Stratis/Malden/Tanoa!

  9. #534
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Switzerland
    Great, successful session with henke, Jeshibu and demagogue today. We planned to attack a factory on a hillside, but there was also an enemy outpost on that hillside, which could've easily meant quick, horrible death over and over. To begin with, I set up a couple of AT positions approaching the hill, so they could help us defend against the APCs and tanks that the enemy was certain to send against us, and then we split up: Jesh took his squad to attack from the west, henke and dema attacked from the south, and I placed an AT vehicle with some AI gunners and then joined the fray. It didn't take too long before we'd taken the factory, and the various AT groups along the southern edge of the hill kept us safe from vehicle counterattacks. We then continued towards the base, which we also took relatively quickly, so in less than an hour we'd taken two map points.

    We then decided to do some guerilla shit in a nearby town that hesitated to join the rebellion, but while we did take out a lot of enemies, they then sent in an APC that quickly made mincemeat of our AT guys. After an arduous fight, henke managed to distract the Gorgon and dema took it out, but not before we'd been mortared a bunch of times.

    Since this barely moved the needle with respect to the town's support of our glorious rebellion, we then finished on something different: we found that in the SE corner of the map of Altis a town had joined us because we're just so damn cool, so we took a truck of guys there and attacked another hillside base, taking it surprisingly quickly - and while the enemy then sent a counterattack of three choppers our ways, our AA took out one of them and we picked off the enemy units dropped off by the other two helicopters. In the end I almost felt bad for AAF, because this time round they were so clearly not a match for us.

    Anyway: we've now got the entire western part of Altis and we've established a foothold in the southeast - so next time we'll try to take the small airfield that's there, and then we can begin to take the rest of the map from that side.

    Upcoming Antistasi sessions

    Date: Sat 30 November
    Starting time: 3pm UK time / 16h in the Netherlands and Switzerland / 17h in Finland
    What's Antistasi?
    It's a persistent whole-map mission in which we play a local resistance on a map where the local military is fighting an invading army, and we take on both of them. Doing small sorties and missions, we slowly gather resources to take on bigger and bigger targets and converting the island to our cause, town by town. Or we get shot to bits trying to race past a checkpoint in a battered old pickup truck. We'll see.

    What will you need to join?
    • An updated installation of Arma 3 (possibly including the APEX DLC, depending on which map we want to play on)
    • An up-to-date TeamSpeak 3 client
    • The mods in this collection, all fully updated
    • Here's a list of optional mods tweaking your Arma 3 visuals and sound

    On the days of the Antistasi sessions, I'll get the server for Arma 3 and TS3 started beforehand and will send everyone who'd like to join the IP and password at the beginning of the session. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of you ready and willing to liberate Altis/Stratis/Malden/Tanoa!

  10. #535
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Switzerland
    And in addition to the Antistasi session this Saturday, I want to announce the final Antistasi game for 2024:

    Upcoming Antistasi sessions

    Date: Sat 30 November and Sat 14 December
    Starting time: 3pm UK time / 16h in the Netherlands and Switzerland / 17h in Finland
    What's Antistasi?
    It's a persistent whole-map mission in which we play a local resistance on a map where the local military is fighting an invading army, and we take on both of them. Doing small sorties and missions, we slowly gather resources to take on bigger and bigger targets and converting the island to our cause, town by town. Or we get shot to bits trying to race past a checkpoint in a battered old pickup truck. We'll see.

    What will you need to join?
    • An updated installation of Arma 3 (possibly including the APEX DLC, depending on which map we want to play on)
    • An up-to-date TeamSpeak 3 client
    • The mods in this collection, all fully updated
    • Here's a list of optional mods tweaking your Arma 3 visuals and sound

    On the days of the Antistasi sessions, I'll get the server for Arma 3 and TS3 started beforehand and will send everyone who'd like to join the IP and password at the beginning of the session. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of you ready and willing to liberate Altis/Stratis/Malden/Tanoa!
    Looking forward to two more good games this year, taking as much of Altis from AAF as we can!

  11. #536
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Switzerland
    Another successful session with henke, Jeshibu and demagogue: we took an airbase (with few losses, other than Jesh's AI squad, which was mortared to kingdom come), followed by attacking and liberating two radio towers - though this one was tougher, with Jesh getting napalmed at some point (it seems that Jesh took the brunt of the enemy's firepower today) -, and finally we took a resources point in a quarry. Our AI is now at a point where they're pretty adept at taking down helicopters bringing in reinforcements and even fast movers doing bomb runs, and today we even had one of the AI team members take out an armoured vehicle that tried to attack us (in the past these have been a regular pest, taking out all of our AI and forcing us to try some attacks several times).

    While the hilltop radio towers were still relatively tough, the thing that hurt at least my ego most was a measly little roadblock on the way to the quarry: henke saw it and drove the truck carrying most of us off the road, and we got out quickly - but then an AT guy at the roadblock blew up the truck, taking those of us with it who weren't at enough of a distance. Other than that, though, we're at a point where AAF is so much less of a threat than at the beginning, it's almost ridiculous at times. I think we took the airbase within ten, fifteen minutes.

  12. #537
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Switzerland
    Upgrading my server PC to Windows 11 mucked up the port forwarding (long, boring story), so yesterday's Arma session didn't happen - but I found out what the problem was and managed to get it to work, so henke, Jeshibu, demagogue and I joined up today instead for the final Antistasi game of the year.

    We started off by taking a radio tower near a town complete with an enemy base and a seaport we were hoping to conquer, and that first attack went really well, with our AI cutting down the opposition. Things did get a bit more complicated when we moved on to the base which, even though it was small, put up a lot of resistance - and then the enemy sent in two small but nonetheless deadly tanks that cut up our squads. Eventually I grabbed one of the bigger tanks we'd 'liberated' in an earlier session, and Dema took out one of the tanks with a well-placed RPG hit, which helped us take the base and the seaport - and seeing this, the town joined us without us needing to do anything else... though a jet that came in to fuck with us killed the tank I'd brought in. RIP, you were a good tank.

    We then decided to take a small seaside base as a palate cleanser - and on the way there, we first ran into a roadblock, which took out at least half of our AI comrades... and once we'd taken down the roadblock, another plane zoomed overhead and bombed us, just for good measure. We still took the base itself - but in the meantime, the enemy had attacked and taken one of our bases a dozen klicks away, so we finished by taking way more units than was strictly necessary and taking back that hillside hill... and this time: no tanks, no jets, no bombardment. It's as if the enemy had got all of its spite out of its system by that point.

    Not quite sure yet when we'll continue our Antistasi campaign in the new year, as it depends on holiday plans that aren't 100% made yet. I might try to organise a session on 4 January, but I'll confirm this at a later stage. In any case, thanks a lot to the gang for another fun game - and next year, Altis will be ours!

  13. #538
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Switzerland
    Thanks to the usual gang - henke, Jeshibu, demagogue - for a fun, successful first Antistasi session of the year. We started off by targeting a big enemy base near the city we took last time; I expected this one to be difficult, seeing how large the base was, and it did have several towers with machine gun emplacements, but with Jesh and dema sniping the guys in the towers and several AI squads, we took the base in a little over half an hour... so we got cocky and decided to take on the largest airbase on Altis. I mean, that thing is so big, it includes multiple map points we needed to take. This one was a harder nut to crack: we did die and respawn at base and the western-most map point changed owners a couple of times, but especially with henke and later Jeshibu taking a tank to the battle, we did eventually prevail - though it didn't help that while AI gunners do reasonably well in the tanks when it comes to taking out infantry, they are shit at prioritising taking out enemy tanks and armoured vehicles.

    In the meantime, the enemy decided to use the fact that we were focused elsewhere and took a hilltop base that had changed hands a few times already. We'll probably start by taking that base back and manning it with two dozen AT soldiers, in the hope that they'll repel future attacks. Anyway, we've taken about 2/3 of the island from AAF, which means that before long they'll have to give up - and then we'll be facing CSAT, which is stronger and has better, more modern equipment.

    Upcoming Antistasi session

    Date: Sat 18 January
    Starting time: 3pm UK time / 16h in the Netherlands and Switzerland / 17h in Finland
    What's Antistasi?
    It's a persistent whole-map mission in which we play a local resistance on a map where the local military is fighting an invading army, and we take on both of them. Doing small sorties and missions, we slowly gather resources to take on bigger and bigger targets and converting the island to our cause, town by town. Or we get shot to bits trying to race past a checkpoint in a battered old pickup truck. We'll see.

    What will you need to join?
    • An updated installation of Arma 3 (possibly including the APEX DLC, depending on which map we want to play on)
    • An up-to-date TeamSpeak 3 client
    • The mods in this collection, all fully updated
    • Here's a list of optional mods tweaking your Arma 3 visuals and sound

    On the days of the Antistasi sessions, I'll get the server for Arma 3 and TS3 started beforehand and will send everyone who'd like to join the IP and password at the beginning of the session. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of you ready and willing to liberate Altis/Stratis/Malden/Tanoa!
    Last edited by Thirith; 4th Jan 2025 at 19:12.

  14. #539
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Switzerland
    Aw, man... The browser ate up my post about today's session, which was gruelling in parts but still fun and definitely successful. We took back a mountain base that the computer had retaken from us last time, and we expanded our territory. We did lose a lot of men in the process, though, and a tank that Jeshibu steered into the thick of things, but it was worth it, I'd say.

    Upcoming Antistasi session

    Date: Sat 25 January
    Starting time: 3pm UK time / 16h in the Netherlands and Switzerland / 17h in Finland
    What's Antistasi?
    It's a persistent whole-map mission in which we play a local resistance on a map where the local military is fighting an invading army, and we take on both of them. Doing small sorties and missions, we slowly gather resources to take on bigger and bigger targets and converting the island to our cause, town by town. Or we get shot to bits trying to race past a checkpoint in a battered old pickup truck. We'll see.

    What will you need to join?
    • An updated installation of Arma 3 (possibly including the APEX DLC, depending on which map we want to play on)
    • An up-to-date TeamSpeak 3 client
    • The mods in this collection, all fully updated
    • Here's a list of optional mods tweaking your Arma 3 visuals and sound

    On the days of the Antistasi sessions, I'll get the server for Arma 3 and TS3 started beforehand and will send everyone who'd like to join the IP and password at the beginning of the session. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of you ready and willing to liberate Altis/Stratis/Malden/Tanoa!

  15. #540
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Switzerland
    Shit just got real.

    After months and months of facing up against AAF, the military supporting the government of Altis (which I think is probably not the nicest of governments, because otherwise we wouldn't be rising up against it, right?), today we came up against CSAT, the invaders - because they decided that we needed to be taught a lesson, meaning that they destroyed one of our towns. We had a chance to defend the town, but sadly we failed, and much of that town is now a heap of rubble.

    Which means we're in the endgame of our campaign of Antistasi, which we started last February. AAF is a husk of its former self, but CSAT is on the attack. We need to take the remaining three airfields on Altis, and then we'll have won the game, but in the meantime CSAT may start any number of punishment missions against our towns.

    In spite of that loss, today went well: we took a factory and several bases, including two CSAT bases, and these days we have enough money to recruit mainly a mix of AT and AA units, so we're also much better than we used to be at taking out attacking armoured vehicles, helicopters bringing in reinforcements, and even jets moving in to carpet bomb us. It never gets old to see a bunch of helicopters coming in from the distance and our AA guys firing several rockets at once. It's not particularly efficient, and they often run out of ammo if there's a third wave of attackers, but we take out the first two waves pretty reliably.

    Upcoming Antistasi session

    Date: Sat 8 February
    Starting time: 3pm UK time / 16h in the Netherlands and Switzerland / 17h in Finland
    What's Antistasi?
    It's a persistent whole-map mission in which we play a local resistance on a map where the local military is fighting an invading army, and we take on both of them. Doing small sorties and missions, we slowly gather resources to take on bigger and bigger targets and converting the island to our cause, town by town. Or we get shot to bits trying to race past a checkpoint in a battered old pickup truck. We'll see.

    What will you need to join?
    • An updated installation of Arma 3 (possibly including the APEX DLC, depending on which map we want to play on)
    • An up-to-date TeamSpeak 3 client
    • The mods in this collection, all fully updated
    • Here's a list of optional mods tweaking your Arma 3 visuals and sound

    On the days of the Antistasi sessions, I'll get the server for Arma 3 and TS3 started beforehand and will send everyone who'd like to join the IP and password at the beginning of the session. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of you ready and willing to liberate Altis/Stratis/Malden/Tanoa!

  16. #541
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Switzerland
    While we did start today's session with a surprisingly heated battle over an outpost of ours (the radio tower that AAF has kept taking back, then we took it back, then they took it back etc. etc.), the rest of the session was almost uncannily successful. First we took one of the three remaining airbases (sadly losing the tank that henke took in to soften up the opposition, because the AI gunners decided they didn't want to fire on anything softer and squishier than another tank, so the enemy's AT units blew henke up), then three resources points with almost no opposition. We went in, each of us with eight or nine AI units, and we saw almost no opposition. Whenever the enemy sent in helicopters with reinforcements, we took those out.

    Which doesn't mean that the rest of the campaign will be easygoing, but realistically speaking it's just a matter of time now - and we've got all the resources we need to throw at CSAT. One large peninsula left, two airbases, and we'll have won this rebellion of ours.

    Upcoming Antistasi session

    Date: Sat 22 February
    Starting time: 3pm UK time / 16h in the Netherlands and Switzerland / 17h in Finland
    What's Antistasi?
    It's a persistent whole-map mission in which we play a local resistance on a map where the local military is fighting an invading army, and we take on both of them. Doing small sorties and missions, we slowly gather resources to take on bigger and bigger targets and converting the island to our cause, town by town. Or we get shot to bits trying to race past a checkpoint in a battered old pickup truck. We'll see.

    What will you need to join?
    • An updated installation of Arma 3 (possibly including the APEX DLC, depending on which map we want to play on)
    • An up-to-date TeamSpeak 3 client
    • The mods in this collection, all fully updated
    • Here's a list of optional mods tweaking your Arma 3 visuals and sound

    On the days of the Antistasi sessions, I'll get the server for Arma 3 and TS3 started beforehand and will send everyone who'd like to join the IP and password at the beginning of the session. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of you ready and willing to liberate Altis/Stratis/Malden/Tanoa!

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