Now I've finally played it! What is this, ZAngband if it made love with Nethack, and the successive progeny ended up procreating with dwarves in some fortress? Arrow keys and number pad like it's 1993? Every other key is mapped to an action and the game expects you to both look at AND inspect things? I'm getting flashbacks to the time my brother and I installed 4DOS because it supported more wildcard formats than vanilla MS-DOS 6.22 did, and immediately had too many options to do anything, so we did nothing*, and then he just wiped it and installed Linux instead.
I don't know if they were good times, but they were some times, and this is catapulting me back to those days. All that's left is if they release the source code so we can make our own tile sets and fuck around with the procgen.
*Almost nothing - I enjoyed deleting and renaming entire swathes of shit in my dad's directories with this new freedom