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Thread: FU 1 - Your help needed - getting Joystick to work

  1. #1
    New Member
    Registered: Oct 2009

    FU 1 - Your help needed - getting Joystick to work

    Hi Guys,

    I hope some of you still read this forum, I would greatly appreciate any help with this!

    I got Windows 7, and while I was lucky enough to be able to run Flight Unlimited(1) on the machine with no issue - I simply can't get the joystick to work. the joystick itself is working fine on the computer game controller settings.

    I have also the DOS version of FU which I run via "DosBox" - the joystick works great in that (but very low FPS so can't really enjoy the game)

    I have tried to edit/copy the flite.cfg from the Dos to the PC version in the hope to get the joystick to work - but no luck. It is like the game does not recognize any joystick which is connected to the computer.

    Any ideas?

    Many thanks!!

  2. #2
    > the joystick itself is working fine on the computer game controller settings.

    Is that "computer game controller settings" within FU1, or something in Windows? (I haven't run FU1 for a very long time, so I don't recall its config options; and I haven't run Windows at all since XP).

    I'm afraid I haven't a clue how the Windows version of the game implemented joystick support, but if it relied on the joystick being plugged into an RS232 serial port then that's a non-starter for any modern hardware.

    Sorry I can't help more. I hope it's something which can be made to work.

  3. #3
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2006
    Still here but I am not too helpful I am afraid.

    Last time I played FU1 (2008), I ran it in XP client in VMWare. I still got that image by the way. I got all the manovres accepted by the instructor (even the rolling turn) so I kept it :-)

    Like Shadowcat I am sorry I can't help.

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