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Thread: T2FM - Into the Dark Forest [6 May2020]

  1. #1
    Registered: Jan 2020
    Location: Bucharest

    T2FM - Into the Dark Forest [6 May2020]

    Hello everyone,

    This is my second FM for Thief2 - Into the Dark Forest.
    This is the continuation of the story in my first mission - A Tough Night. This mission was made for Thief 2 The Metal Age Anniversary Contest but because it used features from Dromed Deluxe (monsters, textures etc.) was not accepted to take part in the contest. This mission was not made to be compatible with New Dark, this works with Thief 2 1.18 old version. Still it can be played with Thief2 New Dark but has some major issues like a bugged map with white lines instead of black. Converting .pcx map files into .png files will not solve this problem so i strongly recommend you play this mission through Thief 2 1.18 version until further updates are available.


    This is a huge mission who requires between 1 and 2 hours of play depending on difficulty level. So do no expect to finish this quick. The action takes place in a mountain/forest/caves environment outside the City Walls. Just read Garrett's Journal in your inventory at start. It contains all the story lines and all you need to know in order to play this mission.

    DOWNLOAD: (102 MB .zip file, 144 MB uncompressed)
    Last edited by Master of Dromed; 10th May 2020 at 07:35.

  2. #2
    Registered: Oct 2012
    2 mission releases in one day, both by the same author and a newbie at that, it this a first for Thief?

    Anyway congrats again and again....

  3. #3
    Registered: Oct 2004
    Location: Slava Ukraini!
    Congrats on the release - I love the outdoors settings - will try it out.

    Is this the second and final mission in the series, or do you plan to continue the story?

  4. #4
    Registered: Jan 2020
    Location: Bucharest
    Quote Originally Posted by PinkDot View Post
    Congrats on the release - I love the outdoors settings - will try it out.

    Is this the second and final mission in the series, or do you plan to continue the story?
    Thanks ! This is not the final mission in the series as A Tough Night is not the first, there will be other missions after and before those two since i am planning to release a campaign of at least 14 missions called "Dark Age Memories - Life of a Thief". The action takes place in between Thief 1 TDP and Thief 2. Now i am working on two new missions of the series.

  5. #5
    Registered: Mar 2018
    I beat this mission in 2,5 hour on Expert, collected 2497 loot and 2 secrets. I suspect that 3rd secret must have something to do with wall passage in Mage Hideout, but I had no idea how to open it. Map looks good, but again it gets messed up if you scroll to Notes and come back. This is the first time I see this glitch. I wonder why is it happening.

    Areas are well designed and guards are also well placed and less sensitive than in previous mission. I like the most design of starting area. But there is flaw - number of loot. All areas are large, but loot appears only in few places inside them. The best example is huge mine (the biggest area in this mission) and yet loot is located only in few places. Yeah, this huge mission would be more enjoyable if loot would be more frequent. So mission is tricky, well designed and still fun.

  6. #6
    Registered: Jan 2020
    Location: Bucharest
    Quote Originally Posted by Galaer View Post
    I beat this mission in 2,5 hour on Expert, collected 2497 loot and 2 secrets. I suspect that 3rd secret must have something to do with wall passage in Mage Hideout, but I had no idea how to open it. Map looks good, but again it gets messed up if you scroll to Notes and come back. This is the first time I see this glitch. I wonder why is it happening.

    Areas are well designed and guards are also well placed and less sensitive than in previous mission. I like the most design of starting area. But there is flaw - number of loot. All areas are large, but loot appears only in few places inside them. The best example is huge mine (the biggest area in this mission) and yet loot is located only in few places. Yeah, this huge mission would be more enjoyable if loot would be more frequent. So mission is tricky, well designed and still fun.
    Thank you for your feedback Galaer! Actually this mision has 3272 loot so you still have gold to find But it's not placed in obvious places, some loot is even hidden. I always try to build my mission in the spirit of the original Thief games, there you can hardly find missions with more than 3000 loot so thats the reason the loot is so scarce.
    Since this was my second mission the quality of the game play is better than Tough Night, i was more experienced. All testers reported this is a better mission than A Tough Night.
    No ideea about the map bug, but i think its impossible to fix. All my maps got that problem so it's not something related to the map .pcx files.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Registered: Oct 2004
    Location: Slava Ukraini!
    No ideea about the map bug, but i think its impossible to fix. All my maps got that problem so it's not something related to the map .pcx files.
    I agree, that the white letter maps are very hard to read. What makes you think it's impossible to fix? I just fixed a couple of them on my end in Photoshop.
    It probably has something to do with the way you - presumably - convert from RGB to Indexed Table picture. (in other words - what color palette you apply).

  9. #9
    Registered: Jan 2020
    Location: Bucharest
    Quote Originally Posted by PinkDot View Post
    I agree, that the white letter maps are very hard to read. What makes you think it's impossible to fix? I just fixed a couple of them on my end in Photoshop.
    It probably has something to do with the way you - presumably - convert from RGB to Indexed Table picture. (in other words - what color palette you apply).
    I was talking about the other bug Galaer has found, that the first page of the map looks great at first time and after you switch to second page (Notes) and return to first page again it looked messed up. Why dromed see this corectly at first time and messed up after?
    The funny thing is that the white lines are present only if you play the map through Thief 2 New Dark, if you play through Thief 2 1.18 (old Thief) the lines are black and map looks normal. I never tested this in Thief 2 New Dark so i didn't know about the bugs.. right now i'm trying to find ways to fix this.

  10. #10
    Love this mission! But i am stuck at the chest that is supposed to have the skull. When i open it it’s not there. I accomplished all the objectives but am stuck here. Is this a bug that you are aware of or am i missing something?

  11. #11
    Registered: Jan 2020
    Location: Bucharest
    Quote Originally Posted by Basso The Boxman View Post
    Love this mission! But i am stuck at the chest that is supposed to have the skull. When i open it it’s not there. I accomplished all the objectives but am stuck here. Is this a bug that you are aware of or am i missing something?
    Hello Basso! Please pay attention to the story. The skull used to be in the chest but it's no more there. The keepers moved the skull with an expedition who was attacked in the woods by the Trickster minions. So you have to keep searching in the wilds for it.
    Last edited by Master of Dromed; 8th May 2020 at 12:26.

  12. #12
    Registered: Jun 2011
    how can i combat this flying white ball, whick looks like a moon?

    and how the guard whhich seems to be aflamed
    Last edited by radogoal; 8th May 2020 at 03:16.

  13. #13
    Registered: Jan 2020
    Location: Bucharest
    Quote Originally Posted by radogoal View Post
    how can i combat this flying white ball, whick looks like a moon?

    and how the guard whhich seems to be aflamed
    Radogoal, the earth elemental (stone sphere with a moon like face) can't be harmed since obviously it's made from stone, at least as far as i know. You must sneak past him. His vision is not that good so it's not that hard to do so.

    The Fire Shadow or the flame guard as you call it it's the same creature you find in Thief Gold on the maps Down in the Bonehoard and The Hunted Cathedral. You can vanish him with some water arrows and after he dissapeared he is not returning anymore.
    Last edited by Master of Dromed; 8th May 2020 at 12:25.

  14. #14
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    I would recommend the use of spoiler tags when answering questions in both threads, so as not to spoil for people reading casually or looking for one particular answer and seeing more than they wanted to.

  15. #15
    Registered: May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by fortuni View Post
    2 mission releases in one day, both by the same author and a newbie at that, it this a first for Thief?
    clearing posted several previously unreleased missions by Dront in 2008.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by ;2446785
    clearing posted several previously unreleased missions by Dront in 2008.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Master of Dromed View Post
    Hello Basso! Please pay attention to the story. The skull used to be in the chest but it's no more there. The keepers moved the skull with an expedition who was attacked in the woods by the Trickster minions. So you have to keep searching in the wilds for it.
    Thank you!

  18. #18

  19. #19
    Ok but these weren’t released recently. You meant they were released on the same day?

  20. #20
    Registered: Sep 2005
    Location: Uppingham, Rutland, UK
    There's an unpickable metal door in the Mages' hiedout, at which Garret says "I need to find a key for this". I have spent some time looking but can't find it. Where is it please?

  21. #21
    Registered: Jan 2020
    Location: Bucharest
    Quote Originally Posted by Marbrien View Post
    There's an unpickable metal door in the Mages' hiedout, at which Garret says "I need to find a key for this". I have spent some time looking but can't find it. Where is it please?
    Hello Marbrien! In that room is kept the mages treasury so it's a room full of loot. You can find the key in the 3 rd section of the mages hideout (there are 3 sections with 2 stone bridges in between). So you can find the key in the last section in a locked room which is lockpickabe. The key is on the table in that room next to a scroll with a story.

    Please submit feedback after you finish this mission. Write a few words here on this topic about what are your impressions about this mission. Thank you and have fun!

  22. #22
    New Member
    Registered: Feb 2019
    I would play it but do you need to reinstall T2 or New Dark can be disabled someway ?

  23. #23
    Registered: Jan 2020
    Location: Bucharest
    Quote Originally Posted by Varen View Post
    I would play it but do you need to reinstall T2 or New Dark can be disabled someway ?
    You can play in New Dark without a map.. anyway it's an outdoor mission map is not that important. Still if you want the full experience i recommend installing Thief 2 1.18

  24. #24
    Registered: Jun 2007
    Location: Herts. England.
    Oh dear! Think I'm going to have to give up on this one. It's just a bewildering maze and I'm fed up of going round in circles.
    I'm afraid the map isn't much help to me. I think I've found the Hammerite Village (even that is a maze with no logical layout) and the Pagan village, but I can't tell the difference between the mine and the caves.
    No sign of the Mage or Cityareas.
    Shame, I can see a lot of work has gone into this.

  25. #25
    Registered: Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by frobbin hood View Post
    Oh dear! Think I'm going to have to give up on this one. It's just a bewildering maze and I'm fed up of going round in circles.
    I'm afraid the map isn't much help to me. I think I've found the Hammerite Village (even that is a maze with no logical layout) and the Pagan village, but I can't tell the difference between the mine and the caves.
    No sign of the Mage or Cityareas.
    Shame, I can see a lot of work has gone into this.
    Don't give up. There is no city in this mission. Mine is at the very beginning of the mission nad looks like mine, cave is later and looks like cave. These places look really different. As for Mage Hideout - it's somewhere in the caves - there is flooded part of it. Don't mistake it with flooded part of mine - it's 2 different areas. You will need to use breath potion to survive, then cross burrick cave and you will enter Mage Hideout.

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