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Thread: [Release] Thief Gold 60 FPS Video Pack [ESRGAN & DAIN improved]

  1. #1
    Registered: Apr 2007
    Location: USA

    [Release] Thief Gold 60 FPS Video Pack [ESRGAN & DAIN improved]

    With permission from Akven I've ran all of his ESRGAN improved Thief Gold cutscenes through the DAIN app. It's a slow process, but it does a good job of interpolating frames to create a smoother video sequence.

    Download link:
    File size: 3.96 GB

    The best results are seen in the CS06, CS11, and Cs14 videos.

    Here's a comparison against the original INTRO video vs. the ESRGAN & DAIN improved version.

    YouTube videos were formatted to fit the 16:9 resolution, but the videos to download are in their standard 4:3 AVI format. I have personally tested all of them and verified they work in game without issue.

    In-game example:

    Backup original video files.
    Copy and paste into MOVIES folder.

    All are at 640x480 resolution and playback at 60 FPS.
    B01-154 MB
    B02-274 MB
    B03-311 MB
    B04-206 MB
    B05-118 MB
    B06-140 MB
    B07-164 MB
    B09-141 MB
    B10-133 MB
    B11-134 MB
    B12-64 MB
    B13-134 MB
    B14-78.5 MB
    B15-260 MB
    B16-230 MB
    B17-199 MB
    B18-259 MB
    CREDITS-136 MB
    CS06-178 MB
    CS11-222 MB
    Cs14-196 MB
    DEATH-4.89 MB
    INTRO-310 MB
    SUCCESS-5.23 MB

    Link to a complete playlist:

    Last thing to point out, the CREDITS video is totally optional. It was originally a 1 FPS video since it just changes from one still frame to the other so processing it under DAIN would've been pointless. I decided to grab the frames and add some transition effects to the video then render it. If you don't like my choices, you can skip this video.

    Thanks (credits)
    Akven for his ESRGAN work to improve the quality of these videos.
    Child of Karras and musictaffer for improving the audio.

    Link to Akven's ESRGAN Thief Gold videos:

    Working on T2 videos I've found there is a noticeable difference between using Akven's orignal version which improved the FPS from 15 to 30 using interframe vs. using DAIN. I may revisit these to improve the TG videos from scratch.

  2. #2
    Registered: Feb 2012
    Location: Russia
    I like the Credits transitions effects

  3. #3
    Registered: Feb 2012
    Location: Russia
    I will link this version to my post and PCgamingWiki, 60 fps looks smooth.

    Still, it's just interesting for me if double DAINed version would be better than InterFrame2+DAIN like now, maybe on some test. But someone need to rerun one example movie through whole process of ESRGAN dejpeg+4x manga 109.

  4. #4
    Registered: Apr 2007
    Location: USA
    I haven't tried the ESRGAN process yet, but if someone can provide the raw files I would be willing to run it through DAIN a few times to see how it turns out.

  5. #5
    Registered: Feb 2012
    Location: Russia
    I can provide some example (Intro or one of the cs cinematics), but in time.
    I definitely need a second PC
    One to proceed whole ESRGAN process and one to sit in the evening)) Because it can't be the same PC) Any application that use video acceleration (graphic editor, even browser) can stop ESRGAN. Or sometimes can't.
    For now my PC is busy with cleaning one video and after that there are a lot of Deus Ex 2 videos to upscale. I completed only two (Thief Trailer and remade Thief Trailer from Thief 3 with better deinterlace)

  6. #6
    Registered: Apr 2007
    Location: USA
    Contrast settings have been slightly increased so black areas are truly black removing several artifacts in scenes. File size has been slightly reduced from 4.52 GB to 3.96 GB. Download link is unchanged.

    Viewing may be device dependent. I can clearly see a difference on my IPS monitor, but cannot with my OLED phone. I don't have a TN or VA panel to compare.

  7. #7
    Registered: Feb 2012
    Location: Russia
    How did you changes the aspect ratio of the movies?) By cropping?

  8. #8
    Registered: Apr 2007
    Location: USA
    I converted them to 720p using Wondershare UniConverter. Any further upscaling was done with Adobe Premiere Pro.

    Going to add a note here...

    I'm being far more meticulous with the T2 videos so it's taking much longer to complete. I will likely redo the TG videos once I am done with T2 since my results are proving to be worth it IMO. Once done, I have a program that does a decent job of removing elements from videos without totally destroying the background image. I'm going to try that with the various TG & T2 cut scenes so FM makers will have a blank slate video to use if they would like. Will probably make those at 15, 30, and 60 FPS. Then I will move on to T3.

  9. #9
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    For T3 check the job already done (and in fieri) by Akven

  10. #10
    Registered: Apr 2007
    Location: USA
    IIRC his videos are 30 FPS, not 60 and improved with Interframe, which does a decent job, but not as good as DAIN.

  11. #11
    Registered: Feb 2012
    Location: Russia
    I didnt touch fps in Thief 3. Just upscaled

  12. #12
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Location: Grand Rapids
    Thanks and great job with the conversions Akven and Corsair! Nonetheless I felt the 4.3GB total file size was a bit much for permanent storage, so I converted them via Handbrake to H.265 MKV very high quality (CQ RF:14) and back to mpeg4 AVI at max quality via ffmpeg (-c:v mpeg4 -q:v 1 -c:a copy). Resulting total file size is 1.1GB and is nearly indistinguishable in quality to my eyes.

    Edit: Download 981MB zip

    Here's B14.avi for easy comparison.
    Last edited by LeatherMan; 14th Feb 2021 at 03:01.

  13. #13
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by LeatherMan View Post
    Thanks and great job with the conversions Akven and Corsair! Nonetheless I felt the 4.3GB total file size was a bit much for permanent storage, so I converted them via Handbrake to H.265 MKV very high quality (CQ RF:14) and back to mpeg4 AVI at max quality via ffmpeg (-c:v mpeg4 -q:v 1 -c:a copy). Resulting total file size is 1.1GB and is nearly indistinguishable in quality to my eyes.

    Edit: Download 981MB zip

    Here's B14.avi for easy comparison.
    Awesome! Are you planning to do this for Thief 2 as well? I could do it myself of course but that would take a while on my laptop.

  14. #14
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Location: Grand Rapids
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabe29 View Post
    Awesome! Are you planning to do this for Thief 2 as well? I could do it myself of course but that would take a while on my laptop.
    Sure, I could do that. Ultimately the best quality and file size would be achieved with fewer encodes as each re-encode has the potential to introduce artifacts (eg, if Corsair were to do the initial encode in H.265 instead of H.264). That's why I chose such high quality encodes for this. It's too bad we can't use H.265 or VP9 MKVs in Thief instead of MPEG4 AVIs, because the resulting file size would be smaller than the original 320x240 15fps videos.

  15. #15
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Location: Grand Rapids
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabe29 View Post
    Awesome! Are you planning to do this for Thief 2 as well? I could do it myself of course but that would take a while on my laptop.
    Thief 2 videos are up.

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