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Thread: T2 FM: Malazar's Inscrutable Tower (18th July 2020)

  1. #1
    Registered: Jan 2006
    Location: On the tip of your tongue.

    T2 FM: Malazar's Inscrutable Tower (18th July 2020)

    My latest mission, Malazar's Inscrutable Tower, is available now.

    Download v1.1 from Google Drive
    Download v1.1 from Taffer's Paradise - Thanks Lord Soth!

    Mirrors welcome!

    v1.1 is unchanged except for some corrections to the German translation.


    - This is a puzzle-focused mission with somewhat linear progression. In many ways it doesn't play
    like a standard Thief mission.
    - The mission is not ghostable.
    - This mission has been designed with a large percentage of stock resources and may look weird or
    broken if you use a texture pack.
    - Installs and runs through FMSel and AngelLoader. Other loaders have not been tested and are used
    at your own risk. Do not use Darkloader, it is outdated and unsupported.
    - Requires New Dark version 1.27 or higher.
    - New mantle should be turned ON. It should be set by fm.cfg but if you get stuck somewhere, it's
    worth checking this setting in your cam_ext.cfg.
    - Includes FRENCH, GERMAN and RUSSIAN translations.

    Last edited by nicked; 30th Aug 2020 at 06:43. Reason: Updated link to v1.1

  2. #2
    Registered: Apr 2006
    Location: France, Paris

    Congratulations for this very nice FM

  3. #3
    Registered: Mar 2018
    Played this mission for 15 min and I think I will give up. I got bow and 100 arrows and I think I should get to lava area. I saw small switch under sign very far away. I wasted 100 arrows, but couldn't hit it. It's even more ridiculous than in RotB 2. Switch is so far away that I can't see exactly where arrow is falling, so I don't know how to adjust my aiming. Unless it's not this switch I must shoot, but I don't see anything else to shoot.

    And also what's with fog setting turning on after I launch this mission again. Usually it stays off for other FMs, but here I need to turn it off again. Look, I don't like fogs, it's my personal preference.

  4. #4
    Registered: Feb 2010
    Location: Switzerland
    Quote Originally Posted by Galaer View Post
    Played this mission for 15 min and I think I will give up. I got bow and 100 arrows and I think I should get to lava area. I saw small switch under sign very far away. I wasted 100 arrows, but couldn't hit it. It's even more ridiculous than in RotB 2. Switch is so far away that I can't see exactly where arrow is falling, so I don't know how to adjust my aiming. Unless it's not this switch I must shoot, but I don't see anything else to shoot.

    And also what's with fog setting turning on after I launch this mission again. Usually it stays off for other FMs, but here I need to turn it off again. Look, I don't like fogs, it's my personal preference.
    oh you will miss somethign special when you give up. Think of a different way using those arrows, they can clear a path for you very close to the place where you get them

    All in All, was great testing this little masterpiece, congrats on the release Nicked!

  5. #5
    Registered: Jan 2006
    Location: On the tip of your tongue.
    Not sure what switch you mean, but that's not what you need to use the bow and arrows for.

    Fog is set on in the fm cfg. Some areas will look odd without fog. You should still be able to manually toggle it off.

  6. #6
    Registered: Oct 2017
    Location: France
    Yeah, you're not supposed to shoot at anything with your arrows that's hidden or far away. Instead, look around the hallway where you got them a bit more thoroughly.

  7. #7
    Registered: Apr 2014
    Galaer, other people have said, and some less obvious hint: you need to do something with lock near the statue.

    More direct hint: you need to shoot arrow at lock to open the window

  8. #8
    Registered: Oct 2018
    Location: Ukraine
    Behold! The gloriest grumpinesser A.Stahl is here to spread the critique and destroy the FM authors' minds!

    While I note all flaws of this mission I indulgently allow you to celebrate the release. I will communicate my decision tomorrow.

  9. #9
    Registered: Mar 2018
    Easy, people. Just because I didn't post it that I figured it out, doesn't mean I didn't figure it out.

  10. #10
    Registered: Feb 2010
    Location: Switzerland
    yeah a shame, people want to help

  11. #11
    Registered: Jun 2004
    Location: Sea of Simulation
    Need a hint:

    After I have fixed the serpent staff, how do I return to the beginning area?

  12. #12
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Yeah, I'm in the same place as rustmite. Not sure what to do next or how to get out of this area.

  13. #13
    Registered: Feb 2010
    Location: Switzerland
    Quote Originally Posted by rustmite View Post
    Need a hint:

    After I have fixed the serpent staff, how do I return to the beginning area?
    You don't need to, you need to use the Serpant staff bigger hint: leave the room where you fixed the staff, go downstairs and on the opposite site of the hallway you can use it

  14. #14
    Registered: Jan 2020
    Location: Bucharest
    Congratulations for the release Nicked! I will download and play it right now and post my conclusions as soon as i finish it Let's see what we have here..

  15. #15
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Ah, found it - one of the bottoms of a stairwell has a 'serpent's passage' that I overlooked.

  16. #16
    Registered: Dec 2018
    Location: Germany
    I'm done
    very good and interesting puzzle mission! i like such mechanics. It also reminded me of the sword mission. Crazy and magic..

    i hate the golems xD

  17. #17
    Registered: Mar 2018
    Mission beaten in 2 hours and collected 4310 loot. Needed help with progress near the beginning and nicked hint was enough for me to figure out. What mislead me was infinite amount of arrows given to me, so I was expecting very hard shot. Mission looks beautiful and for me it looks better without fog. At least I know how to turn it off permanently in yours missions, nicked.

    There is a lot of creativity and platforming, which I like. There were some really interesting puzzles, but many times I was solving puzzles to get items without knowing at all what they are for. Also information on scrolls was completely useless. It didn't helped me at all. Some items are really hard to spot. For example: staff, ring. I had a lot of problem with finding exit (I think it's frobbable only after grabbing crystal). Spot of shooting water arrows is really precise. Even though I shot it in the ground with bean. At first I thought it's a bug that bean doesn't grow. I needed many tries to find this pixel perfect spot. And I'm surprised that you didn't give infinite water arrows for this puzzle. Also after figuring out arrows puzzle, I had big problem with finding exit out of garden. It felt like I need to use vine to climb to attic, but vine wasn't climbable. Climbing statue felt like I am cheating, it really doesn't feel like intended solution.

    So overall, I want to like it more, but I didn't have that fun experience.

  18. #18
    Registered: Feb 2010
    Location: Switzerland
    So I made a little Walkthrough and time coded all the important stuff in the Description box. so huge spoiler warning

  19. #19
    Registered: Oct 2018
    Location: Ukraine
    Quote Originally Posted by Supremcee View Post
    So I made a little video
    That is a shame that you cannot write.

  20. #20
    Registered: Apr 2011
    Location: Lyon, France
    Do you have to be such an asshat every time you post? Your "grumpy" persona isn't fun nor cute and got old very quickly.

  21. #21
    Registered: Nov 2019
    Location: Restaurant at end of universe
    Wondering why this a spoiler ? Some friends of mine had a goat that would follow people around - including me. Whenever i would turn my back on the goat the damn thing would bump me in the butt with it's head (horns). Not enough to hurt me but it was annoying. Every time it would bump me i would turn around and the goat would be turned sideways - like he was saying "I didn't do it" - looking at me head turned in a different direction. Now i know it was Nick's goat.

  22. #22
    Registered: Apr 2014
    A.Stahl, I think it is insulting to say the least.

  23. #23
    Registered: Nov 2019
    Location: Restaurant at end of universe
    i always was always told beta-testing was top secret

  24. #24
    Registered: Feb 2010
    Location: Switzerland
    Quote Originally Posted by A.Stahl View Post
    That is a shame that you cannot write.
    That's why I also do a podcast because I cannot write, it's a shame I know...but actually it is appreciated by many taffers in comparison to what you can give to this community sweetheart. I know that you just try to play a funny character but it doesn't least it's not funny

    but now let's get back to the mission

  25. #25
    Registered: Mar 2007
    Location: Krull Island, in the pub
    Quote Originally Posted by skacky View Post
    Do you have to be such an asshat every time you post? Your "grumpy" persona isn't fun nor cute and got old very quickly.
    I must agree with you on that one. Useless, totally offensive and got old very quickly.

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