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Thread: "Boomer Shooter" old school-style, arcade FPS discussion thread

  1. #1
    PC Gamering Smartey Man
    I <3 consoles and gamepads

    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: New Zealand

    "Boomer Shooter" old school-style, arcade FPS discussion thread

    Context: "Boomer Shooter" is an pet name for old school-style, arcade FPSes being made today by indie developers like the New Blood Interactive, 3D Realms (Slipgate Ironworks, wearing the old Duke 3D developer's name as a skin), Croteam, etc. The term was a popularised by Youtubers like Gggmanlives, Civvie 11, etc.

    Turbo Overkill was announced the other day, damn it looks good!
    Developer Twitter

    Selaco is a GZDoom engine-powered game that's heavily inspired by F.E.A.R.
    Developer Twitter.

    Ion Fury: Aftershock expansion launches Q2 2021. Ion Fury is powered by the EDuke32 engine and is a spiritual successor to Build engine games like Duke 3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior.
    Developer Twitter

    Shadow Warrior 3. Ditching the looter shooter formula of the 2nd game, goes back to basics of being a linear.
    Developer Twitter

    Bright Memory: Infinite
    Developer Twitter
    (PC owners of original Bright Memory get Infinite for free. I have no idea when this offer expires, but I'd imagine as long as you get OG game before Infinite releases then you'll be good.)
    Due 2021 some time.

    Sequel to Bright Memory, Bright Memory: Infinite is an upcoming Devil May Cry-esque indie FPS, made by a small Chinese developer. It's looks better than most of the bullshit being made by AAA publishers, IMO.

    Brutal Fate
    Developer Twitter
    Stand-alone original IP game, from the maker of Brutal Doom.

    Last edited by EvaUnit02; 14th Aug 2021 at 17:23.

  2. #2
    PC Gamering Smartey Man
    I <3 consoles and gamepads

    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: New Zealand
    POSTAL: Brain Damaged is a linear, action-focused spin-off of the Postal series.
    Developer Twitter

    This is looking better than the mainline Postal games IMO.

    Last edited by EvaUnit02; 21st Aug 2021 at 15:40.

  3. #3
    PC Gamering Smartey Man
    I <3 consoles and gamepads

    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: New Zealand
    -temp- Nothing can kill the Grimace.

  4. #4
    PC Gamering Smartey Man
    I <3 consoles and gamepads

    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: New Zealand
    -temp- Who's driving? Oh no, Bear is driving. How can this be?!

  5. #5
    PC Gamering Smartey Man
    I <3 consoles and gamepads

    Registered: Aug 2007
    Location: New Zealand
    At oh eight hundred hours, station time, the Romulan Empire formally declared war against the Dominion. They have already struck fifteen bases along the Cardassian border. So, this is a huge victory for the good guys. This may even be the turning point of the entire war. There's even a 'Welcome to the Fight' party tonight in the wardroom. So I lied, I cheated, I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But most damning thing of all, I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again, I would. Garak was right about one thing. A guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant, so I will learn to live with it. Because I can live with it. I can live with it. Computer, erase that entire personal log.

  6. #6
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: ZylonBane
    Shooters for people who were born between 1946 and 1964?

  7. #7
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    Yeah peak Boomers were already in their 40s when Doom came out.
    So much for Gen X.

  8. #8
    Registered: May 2004
    Whoa, I didnt know GZDoom could get so snazzy!

  9. #9
    Registered: Jun 2004
    Location: Los Santos
    Boomer = old. These shooter are made to be old.

    Also boomer shooter is more catchy than GenXer shooter.

    It's the same shit when boomers whine about millennials, they're actually whining about GenZ.

  10. #10
    Registered: May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ZylonBane View Post
    Shooters for people who were born between 1946 and 1964?
    For the children today, anyone born in the last century is a boomer, because what do words even mean, apparently.

  11. #11
    Level 10,000 achieved
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    Location: Finland
    ok boomer

  12. #12
    Registered: Feb 2001
    Location: Somewhere
    Judge Reinhold

  13. #13
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: The Plateaux Of Mirror
    I kinda hate the grouping of all 90's style shooters into one genre, because from like 93 or whatever until 04 or 05 every year or two the new FPS games tended to play quite differently. Having been on a big kick of replaying them for the past year or two, I feel like there's a pretty big difference between the way each of the classics played, and simply calling something a "boomer shooter" doesn't tell me which style it is.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Moyer View Post
    I kinda hate the grouping of all 90's style shooters into one genre, because from like 93 or whatever until 04 or 05 every year or two the new FPS games tended to play quite differently. Having been on a big kick of replaying them for the past year or two, I feel like there's a pretty big difference between the way each of the classics played, and simply calling something a "boomer shooter" doesn't tell me which style it is.
    Pretty much.

    And while there are similarities between eg. Doom, Duke3D, Quake and Unreal, they are all quite different from each other in how they play and not just on an engine based level.

  15. #15
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Maupertuis
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Moyer View Post
    I kinda hate the grouping of all 90's style shooters into one genre, because from like 93 or whatever until 04 or 05 every year or two the new FPS games tended to play quite differently. Having been on a big kick of replaying them for the past year or two, I feel like there's a pretty big difference between the way each of the classics played, and simply calling something a "boomer shooter" doesn't tell me which style it is.
    That's one of the reasons why classic FPS games are so important: they span a variety of potential genres. Sadly only one survived in the AAA realm (the Half-Life narrative shooter), but the recent resurgence has been exploring those other paths.

    Anyway, "boomer shooter" is wordplay. It's "boomer" because the genre is old and because things go boom. Pedants do not control nomenclature, and the world is a better place for it.

  16. #16
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    That said the actual tropes at the center of this entire thing as a thing, the only thing anyone can even be talking about if they're talking about anything here, are GenX to their core -- everything is "to the extreme", somebody or something has to be your bitch (but not yet your сука блять), levels are designed for people to literally draw out a map with a pencil to find their way around, the easter eggs, the aesthetic, the color design, the chiptune melodies... if you don't understand GenX then you don't understand what these games are ... or whatever, words have no meaning.

    Edit: I guess I should qualify what I mean. The name makes sense from a Zoomer perspective. It's pre-millenium FPS that old people like, and it has "boom" in it & the games go boom... All that's fine, whatever. I don't really care about what they call it. But if we're going to talk about what the games actually are, then they're all GenX tropes.

    But all that aside, it is wild that Boomer is getting hitched to anyone over I guess 30. Boomer tropes are like rolling a wheel with a stick, Far Side glasses, seeing a television set for the first time bigger the size of an oven with a screen the size of your hand, picking up a landline phone and you're talking to a person that asks what number you're calling and you say something like Transylvania 6-5000, knowing someone that's installed a bomb shelter ... I mean it's so superlatively detached from our reality. Just to put it in perspective, the Xoomer line, between Boomers & GenX, is John Travolta in bell bottoms dancing to disco... And the disco era itself seems like an eternity ago -- to not even get to the fact that it'd be bizarre to think what someone could possibly mean by disco FPS (recent popular Disco-themed video games aside) -- and that's already a sub-generation, what feels like an eternity in itself, after Boomers. Disco. It's weird the sense of time and place we find ourselves in.
    Last edited by demagogue; 12th Apr 2021 at 06:59.

  17. #17
    Registered: Jun 2004
    And we don't have any millennial shooters because we can't afford the bullets.

    (Am I doing this right?)

  18. #18
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Maupertuis
    A tangent. How in the world did Civvie 11 become so influential so fast? He gets shoutouts in every new boomer shooter. Sure, his videos are solid, funny and intelligent, and he comes closer than anyone else to The Spoony One at his prime. But he's only been putting out videos for three years!

  19. #19
    Registered: Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Jashin View Post
    Boomer = old.
    Oh, is that what it is?

    Every time I saw/heard someone say "OK boomer", I genuinely had no idea what they meant and I could never be assed to look it up.

    Now I know, I guess. Thanks.

  20. #20
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Ireland
    It's kind of been said already in this thread, but "Boomer" originally refers to people from the Baby Boomer generation - people who were born between 1946 and 1964. But it's kind of been co-opted to just mean "older person" at this point, especially as time marches on and 1964 becomes increasingly in the past.

  21. #21
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: flapping in the wind
    People born in the 90s are "boomers" by now according to teens. As long as you're at least a couple years older than the speaker you're a boomer if they happen to disagree with whatever you're saying.

  22. #22
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Maupertuis
    Quote Originally Posted by reizak View Post
    People born in the 90s are "boomers" by now according to teens. As long as you're at least a couple years older than the speaker you're a boomer if they happen to disagree with whatever you're saying.
    Fuckin' teens, am I right?

  23. #23
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Maupertuis
    I am an angry fox right now, so let me state my position before I single anyone else out.

    The very act of using generational categories to characterize people and their creations is fatuous and borderline anti-intellectual. The few who use these cohorts rigorously, in sociology and adjacent fields, can compensate for the flaws inherent in arbitrary generational categories. Everyone else who uses them gains a spurious short-term clarity at the cost of deepening the generational divide between them and their fellow human beings.

    When you take the concept of Boomer, GenX, Millennial, or GenZ seriously, when you use it as more than just a convenient shorthand, you age yourself a tiny amount. And engaging in arguments using those categories is the intellectual equivalent of exercising without stretching.

    I will bite people.
    Last edited by Anarchic Fox; 24th Apr 2021 at 10:35.

  24. #24
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    Quote Originally Posted by Nameless Voice View Post
    It's kind of been said already in this thread, but "Boomer" originally refers to people from the Baby Boomer generation - people who were born between 1946 and 1964.
    Really just 1945 to '54. People born from 1954~'64 are already in the Jones Generation, a kind of inter-generational middle grounds like the Oregon Trail mini-generation, 1979~1984.

    I don't think the idea of a "generation" means too much as far as personality; only the kind of environment that dominated their core experience in some critical years. It makes a difference for some things but not everything.

  25. #25
    Registered: Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Nameless Voice View Post
    But it's kind of been co-opted to just mean "older person" at this point, especially as time marches on and 1964 becomes increasingly in the past.
    Amusingly, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Mitch McConnell are all older than the baby boomers, having been born in the early 40's. (Chuck Schumer is a boomer, though.)

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