You can also go to and find all the missions by an author that way.
thank you fortuni
You can also go to and find all the missions by an author that way.
Even (AKA "Cheap Thief Mission Downloads") has a way of selecting missions from a certain author only. It is called "Sort by mission author", IIRC. The only drawback is that it hasn't seen many updates since 2017.
Is there an easy way to find a list of all the multi-mission releases? As in, which releases include 2+ missions in one file. I only found series/campaigns in this thread, but that doesn't include releases with many missions (like Calendra's Legacy, Seven Sisters or T2X).
If you sort the FM Archive at the Keep by Series, any single entries with multiple missions become clear, such as Calendra's Legacy showing Series "Calendra 2-4"
The Keep for Thief 1 and 2 FMs, Shadowdark for Thief 3 and Dark Mod FMs
i have a weird request/question, is it possible to be able to see all t1/g/2 fan missions that use a thief 3 map
one example is T2 FM: Pestis Cruenta, i know there is more but there is no real way to narrow a search to find them so i though maybe a catagorie???
TDS City Project Beta, Pestis Cruenta and Bad Hangover.
That's it, only 3 missions, they are already listed as OM ports in that sub category
Last edited by fortuni; 27th Aug 2023 at 00:03.
thank you fortuni i never seen that port page
would love to see a TDS City Zones fan mission contest since we only got 2 playable missions with objectives, both are amazing of course
and yes i ran around the zones playable map very cool
Last edited by downwinder; 27th Aug 2023 at 15:06.
I am surprised that Eshaktaar's "Ominous Bequest" is listed in Most Challenging, but hist "Broken Triad" isn't. BT was way harder and more involved than Ominous Bequest. IMO ofc.
That would be because we decided that no mission should have more than 5 entries, Broken Triad is already in City, lost Civilization, Undead, Classic and Extensive, but I don't see any harm in bending the rules for this mission, so I have added it to Most Challenging.
That explains it, and I had no idea about the limitation. I feel it well deserves a little rule bending, however. Thanks! :-D
There are not that many missions in the Daylight section but according to the recent thread as to what future missions players would like to see daylight mission are very popular, can you suggest any other mission I can add to this section?
I hadn't added Into the Odd, Mysteries of Tolham previously as we set a limit of 5 categories for each mission but have made an exception for these as you asked so nicely.
I added the ND campaign for Circle of Strain rather than the original T1 missions.
Are you really sure about Tears of Blood? 97% of the mission is set inside the prison where it is dark and dingy, so I wouldn't say it's a mission predominately set in daylight. Could say the same about Broadsword of Sheol, 99% is set underground.
Deciding on which categories mission should go into is not easy, I try to choose the 5 most important aspects, ie just because a mission has a couple of undead in it does not necessarily make it an undead mission, similarly if only 1 or 2 rooms of a mission tale place outdoors doesn't ensure it goes into the daylight category. We need to keep the sizes of each section to a reasonable size otherwise the thread quickly becomes over bloated.
Factually, you are absolutely correct - these missions are predominantly known for their extremely dark underground sections. So perhaps they are not the most suitable fits for the daylight category. Yet the contrast between the hellish darkness and a few glimpses of daylight is what makes these levels memorable. We can say the same about Jaws of Darkness.
IMO Tears of Blood is still the best prison mission, possibly closely followed by Bloodstone Prison and to think they were both made 25 years ago.
Plugging my own but A Thief’s Training probably belongs in the Daylight category, for Thief Gold.
I’ve seen some people refer to Mysteries of Tolham as a daylight mission but I don’t think it is. The briefing refers to “your presence in Tolham tonight” and I felt when playing it that it’s more like a very bright evening or dusk kind of sky.
Mysteries of Tolham is set at dusk. I wouldn't categorize it as a daylight mission.
My intention was to make it look like the sun doesn't set in Tolham, so it's the midnight sun, like here in Finland.