I use Mage Space, you can use different modes, and upscale the works to very high resolution. As far as styles, you can put them in the prompt, eg:
"Victorian photograph, Godzilla near Big Ben in London"
"Capriccio haunted castle, 17th century painting"
You can also imitate specific artists. This is an imitation of Remedios Varos' style
Last edited by Azaran; 30th Oct 2023 at 12:59.
Salvador Dali's long lost works, finally unveiled
Interesting style. Looks very Picasso like. All my Halloween images turn out either like Disney or Scooby Doo.
It's turkey month:
I entered random keyword ''buffalo donkey combo'' and it is taking usual than normal time to create. I quit it.
That image is quite remarkably cursed.
Four legs good, two legs bad!
i just made my first grindcore video, 100% AI.
here's an older video i did:
no idea why you'd want to limit yourself to only images these days. Voices, music and lyrics, animation, or make textures for games. you can be quite creative
mostly speaking about myself. audio and video AI will get even better, so in a way it can be good to stick to image AI until its even better. i just like to explore all the new stuff that's coming out
The free AI video / animated pic sites I've seen are awful, nothing remotely close to that video.
Like, get a load of this
looks like "steps" is set to a very low value, makes sense because if you use a low value it's quicker and cheaper, but yes it also affects the morphing, it will stutter.
i run everything locally apart from music, because i don't know of anything that does it as well as https://app.suno.ai/ (i highly recommend testing it out.. make a song about a family member and in any style of music, for example... they'll be impressed.. how the AI pronounces names can be anything from perfect to shit though haha)
edit: some more AI grindcore while im at it
Too bad it doesn't render full songs. totally dig this one (not really my favorite genre otherwise)
Last edited by vurt; 20th Nov 2023 at 23:15.
Last edited by Qooper; 21st Nov 2023 at 05:38. Reason: Linky not worky
Cyberpunk dungeon crawler
Another variation of a cyberpunk demon
Can we say digital art has officially died yet?
Okay, it's dead. But keep posting AI-generated art.
didn't digital art die when filters came out... just like music died when synths came, and then again people claimed it died when samplers came, and then again when AI came, and then again when....
it doesn't die.
Do you remember when video killed the radio star?
Last edited by mxleader; 22nd Nov 2023 at 12:42. Reason: Because I can't figure out punctuation marks.
*shakes fist at video*
I can't be sure but I think there's an Elf on the Shelf in that tavern.