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Thread: Russia invades Ukraine

  1. #176
    Registered: Apr 2014
    Russia, not Putin, will never allow Ukraine to join NATO. I am a part of Russia, and I will not allow it either.

    Am I the only one surprised by what was said in the quote? Really. I think Russia has no any right to demand or "not allow" anything from independent country. Entire quote seems just bizzare.

  2. #177
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by michael a View Post
    Am I the only one surprised by what was said in the quote? Really. I think Russia has no any right to demand or "not allow" anything from independent country. Entire quote seems just bizzare.
    It's all about the concept of the messianic destiny and mission of "Mother Russia".
    It's hard to explain to people not knowing that kind of "mysticism" (like Fascism is related to a personified "ROME" that must civilize all the peoples with the rule of the law preserved in the Fasces as the "true" human nature)

    It's why you call it "bizarre". It's nationalistic weaponized mysticism (and as I've said, here in Italy we know well how that thing goes FUBAR).
    We had *SCHOOLS* about that (yes, mysticism schools about our "nation destiny"), teaching that kind of "vision" way before Khomeini's Iran.....or Putin's Russia

    And "free market" (ahah) big corporations.
    Corporations, nationalistic regimes.....are the damn same thing in their STRUCTURE.
    And they need a form of mystical foundation of their "values" and their "mission" to get militant cells in the organisation (projected in the "state" in the case of the regimes)

    Actually ours was the LESS bizarre (in comparison with Nazism esoteric neopaganism) and really well articulated, all about an intersection between a mass religion and a philosophical idealism system (of social values).
    A majestic perversion of Hegel.....if you know Hegel.

    Russian (orthodox) people think West=Satan and they want to "save" Ukraine from Satan's embrace.
    Last edited by lowenz; 5th Mar 2022 at 12:38.

  3. #178
    Registered: Aug 2008
    Location: behind your second eyelids
    Russia be like: Make Eastern Europe Radioactive Again

    As a Latvian, many people here are worried and also protesting, but I don't think Russian government and oligarchs are the kind of people that care about everyone's little protests. They were preparing for this for a long time, but I hope the nukes were a scare tactic only.

  4. #179
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    .....and they really don't realize that "russophobia" argument is plainly mimicrying "western" "omophobia" argument

    There's really no russophobia here, to the point that Putin's image has been weaponized for YEARS in stupid memes to "counter" Islam
    We got *YEARS* of Putin *serious* memes, like this

    So much for "russophobia"
    If you want I can translate, but it's a PLAIN propaganda "I'm the boss, you can't fool me"

  5. #180
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by Thor View Post
    Russia be like: Make Eastern Europe Radioactive Again

    As a Latvian, many people here are worried and also protesting, but I don't think Russian government and oligarchs are the kind of people that care about everyone's little protests. They were preparing for this for a long time, but I hope the nukes were a scare tactic only.
    2015, after Crimea. We got the proof.....they see Crimea as a "gift from heaven" (better, GOD himself) and they got really doped by the "blessing" so "why not" ask for other GOD gifts.
    Last edited by lowenz; 5th Mar 2022 at 13:08.

  6. #181
    Registered: Dec 2020
    Uggh, there was a private zoom chat between Zelenskyy and a number of US senators. They were asked to keep it confidential

    Two of the senators however decided to leak it on social media for clout. You'll never guess which party they were from!

  7. #182
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    A "NATO strategic asset" that can afford.....a Zoom chat.

    What an asset.....oh wait, it's because he is not.

    And no NAZI dieselpunk retrofuturistic tech.....they don't make them like before, ja.....

  8. #183
    Registered: Jun 2010
    Location: Post Glacial
    Lowenz, you said" A majestic perversion of Hegel.....if you know Hegel.
    Russian (orthodox) people think West=Satan and they want to "save" Ukraine from Satan's embrace. "

    I read a lot of Hegel in school many decades ago. I did not like the dude at all. Some agreement, but the overall vibe was terror. That's just my opinion.

    Spot on, on the second sentence I quoted. Many religious people in Russia and elsewhere see the West as being Satanic. Unfortunately, some in the USA feel a partnership with those that agree with these religious views (be they Russian, etc); however, they do not realize the differing cultures are at odds. The Russians are not really their friends. Neither are the millions of those following Islam that find the USA culture abhorrent.

    This is a very "interesting" time. I hope to survive it. I hope the rest of you do too.

    May we not get toasted in nuclear fury.

  9. #184
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Hegel "per se" is not dangerous. But like Plato he can be weaponized in a really easy way. You know, "ethical state". Fascist Italy was primary (in Gentile's theory) an attempt to build an ethical state of zelous "militant" citizens: templars, paladins, crusaders (if I can use the classic RPG subclasses ) moving from a catholic model of society and the Rome legacy: Romantic (you know where "romantic" word comes from and why) spiritualism and idealism.

    Putin's nationalistic elite and интеллигенция are not SO high on goals. Just protect Матушка Россия from the "Empire of Lies" (Putin's words), Satan's dominion.
    Putin sees itself as a tool of salvation of russian civilisation (in his ideology, please don't let me start on Marx ), it's why he accuses Lenin about the very existence of Ukraine as a state, a country and not only a geographic region.

    "People of Ukraine, if you reject communism and its errors COME WITH US - willing or not"

    It's only this - hyper-protective until being abusive - thing from the ideological perspective.
    Last edited by lowenz; 5th Mar 2022 at 18:26.

  10. #185
    Registered: Feb 2002
    Location: In the flesh.
    Russian jet shot down.

    Also WTF Europe?

  11. #186
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by Tocky View Post
    Russian jet shot down.

    Also WTF Europe?
    To sell "lethal weapons" (not a gun, but "superior" weapons like a jet) is a war declaration, Putin already has cleared that point. So nuclear strike in response.

  12. #187
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    The ONE thing that really can explain why we're literally paralized is the "protective nature" of Putin OCCUPATION.
    It's NOT an "invasion" cause it's real that Putin sees it as a form of "protection" of Ukraine people (Ukraine as a part of the russian civilisation that Russia as a state must love and protect no matter the cost for Ukraine "nowdays living" people too). That part is NOT propaganda, it's his real vision.

    And it's precisely the point answering the question "He will use NUCLEAR WEAPONS?????" too: of course YES, because for him the preservation is an act of love toward ALL the russian civilisation - not a form of ventureous aggresion like nazi's lebensraum conquest or communist "global" titanism.
    That's why THIS time, for the first time in hystory, the nuclear solution/outcome is POSSIBLE.

    West="masculine" culture of aggression in the name of the "FATHERland": expansion to farm resources (NAZIS!!!!1111) no matter the number of fallen brothers
    Russia="masculine" culture of obsessive control to achieve protection of the "MOTHERland": preservation at ALL costs no matter the number of fallen sons too.

    That's the difference, summing up all. How to stop Putin? The same way you stop an abusive husband with a gas tank (pun intended) and a lighter.
    Last edited by lowenz; 5th Mar 2022 at 19:55.

  13. #188
    Registered: Feb 2002
    Location: In the flesh.
    If one nuke flies they all fly. Is he really ready to end all of mankind by plunging the world into nuclear winter? Is he that crazy? I know he wants everyone to think he is but it is hard to believe the game he is playing has knocking the whole board over if he loses as an I told you so.

    Oh and how about these two dipshit Republican traitors?

  14. #189
    Registered: Jun 2010
    Location: Post Glacial
    Quote Originally Posted by lowenz View Post
    Hegel "per se" is not dangerous.
    I have deleted the rest that can be seen in the post above. My country does not respect either side. It is all about money. Power. Influence. However, it's gotten sloppy that we have degenerated to this point. Please, if you believe is Jesus, Krishna, or another savior... Pray and reflect. I wish you all well. I mean that from the depth of my soul. Even though some of you dislike me, I wish you no harm at all. May you and your family, loved ones, and associates of all sorts live in peace. That is my wish. That is what I want. I sense I will not get it. Jesus didn't either. As we say in the USA , "It's a tough row to hoe!"

  15. #190
    Registered: Dec 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Tocky View Post
    Oh and how about these two dipshit Republican traitors?
    Yeah those were the same two i referenced in the Zoom chat. I just said "guess which party" instead of outright mentioning they were Republicans. Either they're that stupid or they're doing everything they can to throw the whole world under the bus if it'll bring Biden down.



    Brazilian Congressman and candidate for Mayor of São Paulo, @arthurmoledoval, went to Ukraine on a “humanitarian trip”.

    Leaked audio shows the outspoken anti-Bolsonaro politician isn’t concerned about refugees, trying to take advantage of desperate women

    He went to Europe to fuck Ukrainian refugee women.
    Last edited by Cipheron; 6th Mar 2022 at 04:13.

  16. #191
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    This is all really depressing me. Also my Afghanistan book. Nobody wants to read that their people were/are indeed the baddies--the ones that said they were fighting monsters only to become themselves the monsters. But it's a truth many of us have to face up to. Something about talking with my Russian friends--I'm definitely in a bubble there too, because they're universally horrified by this war; I wouldn't know any sane person could support it if not for threads like this--but talking to them, I always sense some really deep sadness they can't hide.

    Whether or not that was just my foreign perception, I sense it in listening to Soveitwave. It's like there was once this dream that Russia could really be something, go to the stars, find that elusive happiness all of humanity had been striving for so long to achieve. And then one day they woke up and it was never there, not even the hope it could exist. And I feel like this war is some kind of perverse yearning to force themselves back into that deep sleep, where they could at least catch a fleeting glimpse of that faraway dream. But then the mystic in me wants to observe that that dream is always something you have to search within you to find. You'll never find it out there. You can never force another people to achieve your dream for you if they don't want to. She's never going to stay married to you if she doesn't love you. Ukraine is never going to be part of Russia again, not in her heart, certainly not after this. No matter how hard you batter her. You need to wake up.

    The only thing you can really do is remember, there once was a dream. But you need to find that solace from within. That's what listening to this makes me feel.

  17. #192
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by demagogue View Post
    I remember SO WELL that day, my father was in shock "How can he bomb the Parliament?"
    Last edited by lowenz; 6th Mar 2022 at 06:09.

  18. #193
    Registered: Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Cipheron View Post
    Obviously even if the TV is not telling them anything, the effects of the sanctions are starting to hit, and there have been runs on banks with people trying to withdraw money.
    The effects aren't very noticeable at this point. Give it three weeks, and I'd expect full-blown chaos by then, complete with technogenic disasters, executive paralysis and ethnic tensions exploding into conflicts. The rich rats are already jumping ship and forming a nest in UAE (Chemezov, Kalmykov, Deripaska et al.), and people like me are finding themselves to be hostages.

  19. #194
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Russian bot botting youtube (EVERY youtube video about Ukraine situation) is really intense in these days here in Italy.

    It's the same situation with EVERY comment in EVERY video. It's a neverending swarm.
    The ukrainian woman speaks a good "real" italian. Russian one not so good.

    Russian people, wake up.
    Just look at the account creation date: YEARS ago.

    Russian Bots have fucking stupid names So stupid they're not handled by russian people but some other company somewhere in the world (India? China?)

    It's just incredibile how some Dnipro soccer team supporters (Azov) went from nothing to being the excuse of a WW III candidate and the incarnation of the "Iron Sky" nazis manipulating 44 MILLIONS of people.

    Really, wake up.
    Last edited by lowenz; 6th Mar 2022 at 15:52.

  20. #195
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Today Konashenkov announced that Ukraine (driven by NAZIs) is producing ANTHRAX WEAPONS for the USA (no, better, the "PENTAGON" - satanic symbol, you know )
    Damn, these NAZIs get anthrax weapons now (but they don't use them over Israel - like everyone would think - they gently package them for the USA), more and more Iron Sky fiction.

    It's outstanding how these guys can make up *good old* Blair stories to justify occupations
    Last edited by lowenz; 6th Mar 2022 at 16:59.

  21. #196
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven, March 6. /TASS/. Evidence of a US-financed military biological program developed in Ukraine has been revealed during Russia’s special operation in that country, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Sunday.

    "In the course of the special military operation, evidence of the Kiev regime’s hasty measures to conceal any traces of the military biological program finance by the US Department of Defense in Ukraine has been revealed," he said.

    According to the spokesman, information was received from employees of Ukrainian biolaboratories that especially hazardous pathogens: plague, anthrax, cholera, tularemia and other lethal diseases infecting agents had been urgently destroyed on February 24.

    According to Konashenkov, following the beginning of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, the Ukrainian health ministry issued an instruction to all biolaboratories to urgently destroy hazardous pathogens they had.

    "Obviously, after the launch of the special military operations, Pentagon became afraid that secret biological experiments in Ukraine will be exposed. We will share the results of the analysis of the documents we have received in the near future. Some of them, in particular the Ukrainian health ministry’s instruction to destroy pathogens and certificates of completion from the Kharkov and Poltava biolaboratories we are publishing right now," he said.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a televised address on February 24 that in response to a request by the heads of the Donbass republics he had made a decision to carry out a special military operation in order to protect people "who have been suffering from abuse and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years." The Russian leader stressed that Moscow had no plans of occupying Ukrainian territories.

    When clarifying the unfolding developments, the Russian Defense Ministry reassured that Russian troops are not targeting Ukrainian cities, but are limited to surgically striking and incapacitating Ukrainian military infrastructure. There are no threats whatsoever to the civilian population.

    I would say nbohr threat level

    NAZIs really get sloppy since 1945, helping USA

  22. #197
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Russia out of the Internet: 11 March

    Goodbye COMRADES (and I mean the real COMRADES, may you fight the new Охранное отделение)

    This is madness but it's real. And 2 weeks ago nobody would have thought that.

  23. #198
    Registered: Aug 2004
    I almost wish Soul Tear were back to tell us all about how perfectly normal things are in Russia and how disconnecting the internet is going to hurt the West much more than it's going to hurt Russia.

  24. #199
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Or why in a country so little as Ukraine secret CIA-NAZIs anthrax labs are placed along the borders How convenient for the neighbors is that?

  25. #200
    Registered: Aug 2004
    Russia be like, "What? It worked for the U.S. invading Iraq."

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