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Thread: Elden ring gameplay thread [SPOILERS]

  1. #126
    Level 10,000 achieved
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Finland
    Ok an update on where I'm at the moment:

    Recently returned to Elden Ring after giving up in Crumbling Fazulah at ~85h in, lvl90 or so.

    Made it to Beast Clergyman/Maliketh, and got my ass kicked several times, decided to go off and see the world/level up.

    Did Volcano Manor and Ranni's whole quest and some other things I'd missed.

    Started level up INT, experimented with magic a bit, but found it pretty underwhelming. Respecced at left Fai/Int at 9 while putting points in DEX(which had been my main focus), and other relevant stats.

    Returned to Maliketh at 117h/lvl130, with Margot Cursed Sword +10, 60DEX, and a Mimic Tear +10. Whupped his ass!

    Promptly wiped out the next few bosses, but got stomped by Elden Big Boss.

    Looked up how to get down the the Consecrated Snowfields, which had always been tantalisingly out of reach.

    Currently in the green ghost town with invisible assassins.

    There is so much STUFF in this game!

  2. #127
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Finland
    I got started on the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC a couple of days ago and have just defeated my first real boss in it (before this one I felled about 4 mini bosses and one dragon which took about 10 minutes of chipping away with torrent): the dancing lion beast from the trailers.

    Getting back into Elden Ring it took me some time to get reused to the control scheme as I had been playing the Nioh games for about 2 months.

  3. #128
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: Finland
    I finally managed to take down Rellana. A way harder boss fight than the lion, who I found to be relatively easy.

    I also beat the flaming wicker man pretty easily once I realised that you only have to jump with torrent when he stomps for a fire AOE.

  4. #129
    El Pato
    Registered: Jul 2000
    Location: Under your fingernails.

    Man, I envy you...getting to discover (and get your ass kicked) all the new remembrance bosses (and Bayle).


  5. #130

    Elden ring gameplay thread [SPOILERS]

    Quote Originally Posted by salass00 View Post
    I got started on the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC a couple of days ago and have just defeated my first real boss in it (before this one I felled about 4 mini bosses and one dragon which took about 10 minutes of chipping away with torrent): the dancing lion beast from the trailers.

    Getting back into Elden Ring it took me some time to get reused to the control scheme as I had been playing the Nioh games for about 2 months.

    That's cool, of course. I started playing Elden Ring a couple weeks ago too.

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