I'll start. An austere and quiet Hammerite study room from Friends in Shadow 1999 FM by Silent Sleep:
Oh wow, what a great idea for a thread. I don't know how many times I've stopped in a mission and just went wow, what a cool scene (that wasn't necessarily exciting, but never thought to take screenshots of them). I mean, I've taken a few million screenshots of actiony scenes, or some awesome bit of brushwork, or maybe a nice vista of the city rooftops... but never thought about really taking any of atmospheric places..
Gonna hafta remember to look for these. I know I see them frequently, but I'll have to look for some that resonate with me.
Last edited by Hit Deity; 22nd Jan 2023 at 16:45.
IŽd add one too because I have alot atmospheric scenes I love, but... to my shame I have no idea how to add a picture![]()
You can upload a screenshot to a file/photo hosting site and then post the URL here. Since I have not done this in a long time, I can't recommend a particular site. Some focused far too much on sending advertisements to me, so I ended up not using any for years by now.
A few off the top of my head (hence the lack of pictures):
# Opening the front gates in "The Rose Cottage". (A very strong visual image.)
# Standing by the cart at the 'drop-off point' in "Lost Among the Forsaken", mostly because that area is almost completely silent. (That said, mind the cart.)
# Can't remember what FM it was, but it was one of the big cityscape missions, and it was essentially a home on three floors connected by a ladder, but each floor was barely big enough to fit anything, yet each floor was oozing with atmosphere due to well-placed objects. It felt like someone actually lived there.
The para-Keeper compound in Ink and Dust
I love Skacky's Thief Gold missions so much to the point of having written songs inspired by them. Melan's too. Love them!
This is "Endless Rain" (2014).
Wow, that looks incredible, Chronicler. I need to put that one on my list as well. Thanks!
Here's one I just took last night in The 7th Crystal in the Mages' Tomb:
{edit: it finally worked!}
Last edited by Hit Deity; 27th Jan 2023 at 10:40.
One of several impressive vistas in Lost Among the Foresaken:
This is from my favourite FM "the last lighthouse keeper". The picture alone sadly doesnŽt catch the feelings it gives, but this together with the music.. I love it <3
Those two are screenshots I randomly made back then when I replayed the FMs "Mystic Gems 2: Heart of Bohn" and "DeathŽs Cold Embrace". I was just stunned by the feelings they gave me.
Well, since I'm not playing any missions now and I don't keep screenshots around, I can only relate to pictures from others. I really like the Last lighthousekeeper FM so I agree with Samantha1's pic. That hidden shrine is very cool but the whole mission is a gem itself. I also like Melan's high rise missions so pretty much any screenshot that you take in one of those standing on a high building.
The mysterious underground complex in Guilded Rivalry (Ruins of Originia)
Another one from Endless Rain, always loved this quiet vantage point with puffy.wav playing in the background.