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Thread: Ultima Underworld PSX English Patch

  1. #1
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2005

    Ultima Underworld PSX English Patch

    After almost 27 years of being inaccessible to the west (original PSX release date 14th March 1997),
    the Japanese PSX port of Ultima Underworld has now received an English translation patch.

    Playing the PSX version may be worthwhile,
    because there are some notable differences to the PC version:
    - Different cinematics
    - Creature models are in 3D
    - Anime portraits
    - Fullscreen 3D display
    - Control scheme for console controller
    - No typing, all spells, mantras, replies can be selected by a menu
    In addition to that, the PSX version can be played in emulators, which for example makes the game available on portable systems like 2DS/3DS.

    PSX Controls:

    Romhacking release page:

    Romhacking thread (general discussion and bug reports):

    YouTube demo videos:

    GitHub project (software tools created to make this ROMhack):
    Last edited by Gertius; 27th Sep 2023 at 13:10.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2005
    During development I had completed the game twice with the speedrun on YouTube to check that it can be finished and that there are no bugs preventing the game from being completed (apart from the existing ones, looking at you, Judy and inventory bug).

    Now that it's all finished I have taken my sweet time to do a regular playthrough and finished it today. I wanted to experience as much as I could and these were my takeaways (bit of a mix of a PSX version review and a general Ultima Underworld review). WARNING, may contain minor spoilers:

    - I had only replayed it 1-2 times in the last 30 years and I was looking forward very much to finally playing the PSX version. And I did so lying on the couch, playing it on a New Nintendo 2DS with a PSX emulator, which was an awesome way to replay the game. There were minor slowdowns due to the emulation and the 2DS' CPU power every now and then but in general it ran satisfactorily. Would probably run even better on PSP. The controller interface is complex and took a bit of time to get used to, but after a while it gets like second nature. I preferred it to the original PC interface. There are some smallish bugs with the strings every now and then, like strings not wrapping aroung correctly, or an extra linebreak here and there. These have been already mentioned in the romhack readme. Most of these can't be fixed within the scope of this translation, but by and large my feeling was that it doesn't detract from the fun, and certainly not from accessing the game. If you want minimal amount of text glitches in dialogues, it's recommended use a character name with 4 letters.

    - the story and dialog content of the PSX version is identical with the PC version. There had been tiny differences sometimes in tone of the Japanese conversations (as far as Google translate/lens was accurate), but more along the lines how the same thing would be worded differently in Japanese. Essentially expressing the same thing though. It was my impression (also from Google translate), that Garamon is a bit less cryptic in the dream-cutscenes in Japanese. All the cutscenes look a lot better than in the PC version.

    - the 3D models are in general a good thing for me. Sometimes they look a little goofy, like the goblins or outcasts. In general they work well though and make the gameworld more cohesive/immersive. The 3D model of the spiders is pure horror, especially when they appear in groups :-D

    - the way that mantras and secret spells are handled is that you have to find the information in the gameworld, before that mantra/spell gets added to the menu of possible choices. This is different to the PC version, where you could just type in the mantra or combine the runes for the spell, even if you hadn't heard about it in that playthrough yet. Spells/mantras being added is handled through the text that is being read. E.g. you might find a scroll that explains a spell, and then it contains an invisible command to add that spell to your menu (you still need all the runes for it to appear). So in theory it would be easy to devise a cheat, that adds all the spells and mantras in an early sign or scroll by adding the commands to the text. But I haven't tried that out yet.
    On the plus-side, I liked the spell menu, as it seemed less tedious than combining the runes manually and it works well with the controller interface.

    - also typing certain keywords in dialogues has been replaced by choosing strings from a menu. This makes some puzzles easier on PSX than on PC.
    (Garamon conversation, learning lizardman language)

    - Ultima Underworld is still a marvel of a game for me, even all these years later. OK I do have a healthy amount of nostalgia for the game, playing it at release 30 years ago. But even objectively (as much as I can) I think it's still a great experience: the exploration, secrets, atmosphere, story, dialogues, puzzles/riddles, combat, the simulation etc etc. So deep! Granted, some puzzles are way too cryptic and I used a walkthrough from time to time (in addition to knowing some item locations from the speedrun). I'd say that using a walkthrough doesn't subtract from the fun, just the opposite, as it helps smoothing over of the irritating aspects of the game. The shortcomings surely have been mentioned in other places, and they still exist: extensive backtracking, arcade-y jumping bits, cryptic hints for riddles, confusing leveldesign in later levels, targeted ranged weapons and spells. But all these did not spoil the good bits for me.

    - I noticed a lot of Looking Glass' DNA in Ultima Underworld, something that I never noticed so much before. When you know the successors, sometimes I got a familiar feeling or spotted design elements that I know from their other games (i.e. emergent storytelling through notes, stealth, freedom and choice in problem solving)

    - it's emergent storytelling, while great, might be easy to miss. I read up on certain story elements in a walkthrough (backstory Garamon/Tyball, and it seems too hard for me to piece that together from all the disconnected storybits (notes and dialogue) that can be found in the game. Again this is something, where using a walkthrough at the appropriate time actually added to my enjoyment of the game.

    - I sometimes explained it to younger friends who didn't know the game as a mix between Minecraft and Skyrim :-D
    I know the comparison is not really too accurate. But I am mentioning it here, because then it got me thinking, that while Ultima Underworld is clearly showing it's age in many ways, I like some aspects even better than in modern open world games. You only get this one dungeon, but everything is more meaningful and dense than in an open world game. Also some of the puzzles are more elaborate and at times even felt like a point & click adventure game e.g. learning to play the flute and playing it, finding and combining the tripartite key, destroying Tyballs orb, creating dragonskin boots, rotworm stew, lizardman language etc

    All in all I had a lot of fun, first of all creating the translation and then doing playthroughs with it. It was great to return to that gameworld for this period of time, and it surely wasn't my last visit.
    Last edited by Gertius; 31st Oct 2023 at 05:17.

  4. #4
    New Member
    Registered: Apr 2022
    Wow! Thank you for doing this! I've played UW1 since the early demo version first released and been a big fan of it. I've only ever played the DOS version, but I wonder what the difference is in other versions, now I can find out.

  5. #5
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2005
    I have now prepared and uploaded the V1_1 release.
    It can be found at the the following download link:
    It fixes a crash occuring through the dialog with the bandits on lvl 3, adds some missing mantras that were not correctly triggered by their readables, and a few minor things with some strings.
    Also this patch update makes it work with the Rev1 version of the game.
    Last edited by Gertius; 17th Jul 2024 at 22:58.

  6. #6
    Registered: Dec 2001
    Location: Marlboro, MA, USA
    Thanks! (I had to arm wrestle Chrome to download it from an "unsecure" source)

    EDIT - looks like your last link is to the original version instead of rev1 version (which can be found at the website)
    Last edited by Komag; 16th Jul 2024 at 18:03.
    The Keep for Thief 1 and 2 FMs, Shadowdark for Thief 3 and Dark Mod FMs

  7. #7
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Thanks for your comment!
    I forgot to update the link in the above post after adapting the translation for the Rev1 version, but have corrected it now.

  8. #8
    Here are some bugs and other things I've found. I were playing before version 1.1 was released, so most of these might be fixed by now.

    Controls sheet that comes with the hack is missing few hotkeys: L1+triangle to fly up, L1+cross to fly down, start+select skips cutscene, and pressing select while in inventory toggles separation of stacked items instead of just moving whole stacks.
    Final slide after the ending is not translated.
    Game crashes on Tyball death cutscene when he says "And it's ambitions are horrible indeed", could be prevented by skipping the cutscene. I have also noticed a crash at the end of Garamon dream, but I forget which one. Here are mcr files just before the Tyball's death.
    ANRA, ORA, and LU doesn't appear in the mantra list after being read.
    Judy bug seems to be absent - tried to push her down the lava, but she won't budge. Can still push her in the opposite direction though by jumping at her from the lava, and when I rested she got back to her original place.
    Inventory bug is still there, but it doesn't seem to be as bad as in original - happened to me only once on level 4, maybe because I used knight's armory as an item stash. I've also had a feel that saving the game frequently helps to prevent it, because when it happened I weren't saving for a long time.
    Found a minor texture bug on level 4, one of the stone wall textures got replaced with a stair down texture.
    When tried to repair Rodrick's magic chain mail with Shak the font in the dialog got bugged.

  9. #9
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Hi Mawxiwtz,
    thanks for your feedback! This is very valuable for me.
    To address your points:

    Control sheet: Flying is already in latest version, I will add the rest.

    Final slide: I couldnīt find it in the game files, so I had to leave it like it is. It says "Thanks for your hard work, you can turn off the power now".

    Videos: I had tested all these in game but havenīt noticed any crashes before. Will check again. What emulator is the mcr format for?

    Mantras: have been fixed in the recent translation version 1.1

    Judybug: seems to be better than PC version, so thatīs great!

    Inventorybug, Texturebug: most likely not connected to the translation. If so, nothing I can do about these, Iīm hoping they have been fixed or improved in the Rev1 ROM by the original developers. The translation has a version working with Rev1 since as of the recent 1.1 release

    Buggy Shak-dialog: confirmed. This is an error in the translation. I was able to confirm itīs in my code and will fix it in the next release

    Thanks again!


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Gertius View Post
    Videos: I had tested all these in game but havenīt noticed any crashes before. Will check again. What emulator is the mcr format for?

  11. #11
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2005
    I have now updated the translation to version 1.2.
    It can be found at the the following download link:

    It fixes the bug with Shakīs repair dialog on lvl2.
    The control sheet has been updated with "Skip cutscene", but I couldnīt verify Select for splitting item stacks.
    I have tested the Tyball video with your save files on Mednafen with the initial version of the rom but couldnīt reproduce a crash or aberrant behaviour.

    From the 1.2 release on, I decided to only support the Rev1 version of the game rom.
    By this I want to make sure it has a s few bugs as possible for future players.

    With shutting down I have uploaded the releases also to the projectīs GitHub page:

  12. #12
    I guess my iso is corrupted in some way, I've tried updating Mednafen but it still crashes there.
    As for stacks, when on level 2 I tried splitting gold from the inventory I couldn't do it, the only way to split it was by dropping it and then picking up, but once I pressed select or it's combination with something it got fixed. I've tried now to replicate this, but couldn't do it either, so it might have been another bug.

  13. #13
    New Member
    Registered: Apr 2022
    Hello Gertius, and thank you so much for doing the work to create this patch!

    I first found the demo for this game when I was about 12 years old and have been facinated by it ever since. I played through the demo so many times just waiting for when I could get the full game. Then when I did - WOW! 8 whole levels? So much to explore! I played all the versions I could, was a little disappointed that they were all more-or-less the same. I found out about the Japanese PS1 version, and started it several times, but just couldn't get past all the Japanese. When I heard there was a fan-made English patch I thought, finally, I will be to give it a try.

    Again, thank you so much for all the work you put into making this happen.

    I've played through the game and made notes on the differences between it and the standard PC version. I just posted a thread to disuss that here:

  14. #14
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Hi Sir Robin,
    thanks for checking out the translation and for your kind words!

    I am happy that another UW fan got enjoyment out of the translation. It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun to create it.
    As I wrote above I am also a big fan of Ultima Underworld.
    I felt happy and blessed to subsequentially find all the infos and clear all the showstoppers to be able to make the translation happen.

    Iīll check out your other thread too.


  15. #15
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2005
    In a late response to Mawxiwtz, it could be that triggering the Shak bug, which is now fixed, corrupted your gamestate somehow.
    I encountered a similar thing when I fixed the banditīs dialog on level 3. Triggering the dialog bug led to memory corruption and even crashes thereafter.

    The banditīs dialog bug and Shakīs dialog bug are both fixed since version 1.1 and 1.2.
    On top of that I switched the release to the Rev1 of the game ROM, hoping to get rid of any bugs that may have made the Rev1 release necessary from the original developers.
    Last edited by Gertius; 18th Jan 2025 at 16:53. Reason: typo

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