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Thread: Innocent People in the Middle East, Victimized by Fascist Theocrats

  1. #326
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Probably, since I keep living in an alternate reality in my mind (one where I live in a post apocalyptic world).

  2. #327
    Will, there's an arrest warrant or whatever, out for Bibi.

    I hope he gets caught. I want to see that trial.

  3. #328
    Registered: May 2004
    Location: Canuckistan GWN
    Just a reminder; Everybody who hates Jews, is a critic of Likud but most critics of Likud are not Jew haters.

  4. #329
    The Necromancer
    Registered: Aug 2009
    Second Cup cuts ties with Montreal franchisee, closes cafés at a Jewish hospital over antisemitic remarks and Nazi gesture by owner

    Two Second Cup café locations at Montreal's Jewish General Hospital have been shut down and the franchise owner's contract terminated after the individual was filmed at a protest on Thursday making "hateful remarks and gestures," according to the Canadian company.
    In a series of texts with CBC News, the president and CEO of Foodtastic, which owns the Second Cup coffee chain, identified the franchisee as Mai Abdulhadi.

    Peter Mammas said the company's operations team reviewed several videos Saturday afternoon, one showing a woman — whom he identified as Abdulhadi — at a protest raising her arm in a Nazi salute and another showing her hurling antisemitic remarks at other demonstrators.

    "The final solution is coming your way, the final solution. You know what the final solution is?" the woman can be heard saying.

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