Every situation is different from every other situation.
Look, there are 8 billion people on planet earth.
There are 5 million stateless people.
That's 0.0625% of the population.
You want to tell me that that 0.0625% is fundamentally different from 99.9375% of the rest of humanity?
No other ethnically-different population has ever been at war with its home state to which it now has citizenship in the history of mankind?
That's really the argument you want to go with?
Edit: Fine, you raise a valid point, trying to arrest Hamas would be operationally a challenge and hard to avoid some conflict, like it was for some of the other cases like Black South African militants under the apartheid regime or Northern Irish Catholic militants during the Troubles, etc. But they still managed to come to a political solution that didn't involve completely leveling 90% of every structure and cutting off the food and water supply. There's self-defense in terms of incapacitating the ability for Hamas to attack Israelis, which was a line crossed long ago. (The Israeli state was negligent in not preventing the attack to begin with.) But anyway they've gone way beyond the goal of self-defense at this point, and if you really want to get rid of Hamas for good, not even speaking of wokeness, just very realpolitik practically speaking, no state in history has ever gotten rid of a terrorist network until they've given civil and political rights to the population and their outlet for dispute is political and not through violence. The terrorist group just keeps coming back until you have that. Believe it or not I'm actually coming at this from the perspective of wanting to end Hamas, Hezbollah, and terrorism and political violence in the region altogether as one of my starting points.