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Thread: New T2 FM Cardinals' Sins - July 12, 2024

  1. #101
    Registered: May 2018
    Location: Kaposvar, Hungary
    Quote Originally Posted by RippedPhreak View Post
    That's one way. Could always take a crate down there too. But notice the wooden beam above you as well.
    Thanks, RippedPhreak! I totally forgot to look up while I was searching for a way out.
    Another question, since I'm trying to find a solution for some hours now. Is there a way to get the loot from the high priest's office and the crypt key from the bath without alerting the hammerites? The bath is especially difficult, since after the attack on Warstrand the hammerites remain in the area in an alerted stance.

  2. #102
    For the office: Again use ropes.

    For the bath house: The Hammerites should leave the area soon. Proyas goes over to the priests' house to the east, while his lackey patrols the bath house. If they are just standing there forever, then something has gone wrong. If you wait a while, do they calm down and leave?

  3. #103
    Registered: May 2018
    Location: Kaposvar, Hungary
    Quote Originally Posted by RippedPhreak View Post
    For the office: Again use ropes.

    For the bath house: The Hammerites should leave the area soon. Proyas goes over to the priests' house to the east, while his lackey patrols the bath house. If they are just standing there forever, then something has gone wrong. If you wait a while, do they calm down and leave?
    Well, Proyas went on his way but not before I could snatch his key. Unfortunately, his friend decided to stop patroling and stand guard in front of the toilet door... and i was hiding in said toilet . After reloading everthing looks fine. The lackey is patroling, Proyas is nowhere to be seen (supposedly went back to the priests' house). Only problem is, that the guard in the well area got alerted somehow too, so I will have to evade him as well.

  4. #104
    Registered: May 2018
    Location: Kaposvar, Hungary
    I have just finished this masterpiece. Missed about 2800 loot, so yeah, there is a lot of well hidden loot... hell, I have even found loot that I could see but couldn't get to it. Very well designed mission, with wonderful architecture, lighting and textures. Many interesting places and a wide variety of characters and objectives.

    Thank you for this mission, RippedPhreak, this was time well spent for both of us .

  5. #105
    Registered: Feb 2007
    Location: South Coast,England uk
    is there a way into Cardinal Martinian's room at the base of the outside stairs.....I can see a vent in the bath house changing rooms,that does not open,although the inner vent does open when I lean into it... but cannot fathom out how to get there from the tunnels above.

    Edit:...I have found the way...bottom of library
    Last edited by JonesCrusher; 19th Jul 2024 at 14:56.

  6. #106
    Registered: Dec 2015
    Location: Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by JonesCrusher View Post
    is there a way into Cardinal Martinian's room at the base of the outside stairs.....I can see a vent in the bath house changing rooms,that does not open,although the inner vent does open when I lean into it... but cannot fathom out how to get there from the tunnels above.

    Edit:...I have found the way...bottom of library
    Okay, now I am curious, where did you find the secret way in? I am currently in the library (which stretches on three floors). Where should I look? - Found it - little spiral stair room next to the library, ground floor, where the little shelf is - look at the ceiling

    Amazing mission, this far! Thanks for release. I managed to get around 6.000 in loot so far and stole every relic so far, absolutely love it. I think it is really a worthy successor to the abandonded Hammerite Imperium campaign.

    Another question:

    How do I enter the blue flame room? There seems to be loot located in the maws of the garoyles on the wall... - found it: on the hallway to the left check the iron wall decorations - the sarcophagus on the other side has a secret switch behind it
    Last edited by Thinking Robot; 19th Jul 2024 at 16:06.

  7. #107
    Registered: Apr 2020
    Location: Germany
    So far I absolutely love this mission, but sadly it doesnīt run smoothly. I installed the V2, but after 1 hour ingame I experince lags and missing sounds about every 30 seconds

  8. #108
    Thanks for the updated release. I gave it a quick test, and the objectives work now. I'll have to go through the whole thing again, but last time I was ~1800 loot short of the total.

    On a sidenote, it's because the objectives weren't working that the book in Proyas' quarters didn't make any sense to me.

  9. #109
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2023
    Excellent release! Made only about 1000 over the loot objective so I still got plenty more snooping around to do.

    One question though, I disabled what I assume was a poison trap on the crown in the crypt but I couldn't figure out the portcullis. I ended up using two pieces of rubble I found down in the crypt to prevent it from closing fully but I can't help but feel I missed some other, more obvious solution here.

  10. #110
    There is a way to pick a lock and open the doors from the inside. Just search the walls as if you lost a contact lens on one of them.

  11. #111
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2023
    Foiled again by overestimating frob distance, it's always one of those things that makes me smack my head for not noticing earlier!

    Also gotta say, there's something special about these daylight interiors. Pleasantly reminiscent of Dishonored in a way.

  12. #112
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: USA
    Quote Originally Posted by RippedPhreak View Post
    Force field: Have you been reading scrolls and books as you go? You can't pass the barrier without a blessed/purified holy symbol.

    Scepter: Read the plaque on the floor by the scepter and examine the statues nearby.
    I feel silly. I don't want to spoil the solution, but I unknowingly completed only a small part of that process with the scepter, and then was still able to take it & avoid damage.

  13. #113
    Registered: May 2003
    Location: West Seattle
    completed on Expert in about 2 hours, only found about half the loot - people mentioned a lot of very hidden areas, I'm sure there was some on the rooftop decks I couldn't reach without alerting the city watch.
    I wasn't playing the newest update, but only the loot objective ticked off; perhaps this has already been dealt with.
    a really beautiful mission, with such attention to detail in all areas. *chef's kiss*

  14. #114
    Registered: Nov 2010
    Location: Alberta, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMunkeepants View Post
    completed on Expert in about 2 hours, only found about half the loot - people mentioned a lot of very hidden areas, I'm sure there was some on the rooftop decks I couldn't reach without alerting the city watch.
    I wasn't playing the newest update, but only the loot objective ticked off; perhaps this has already been dealt with.
    a really beautiful mission, with such attention to detail in all areas. *chef's kiss*
    the only piece of loot on the rooftop is reachable from the vent system. I will probably make up a loot list as I am only 40 away from max loot on my playthrough.

  15. #115
    Registered: Jun 2011
    i stuck in a room with many machines . there is a frobbable control panel where i can deactivate the water turbine in the next room.

    but how can i go further on ??

  16. #116
    Registered: Jul 1999
    Location: did that shadow move?
    Quote Originally Posted by dkessler View Post
    thanks for all the suggestions. nothing worked but eagerly awaiting your additional release, keeping fingers crossed. you are an amazing FM author
    new version opened the sewer and here we go.................

    ty so much

  17. #117
    Radogoal: The thief gang boss took away the ladders, but you can still reach the doors (high up). Look for pipes to jump on and climb on.

  18. #118
    Registered: Aug 2008
    Location: UK
    Quote Originally Posted by radogoal View Post
    i stuck in a room with many machines . there is a frobbable control panel where i can deactivate the water turbine in the next room.

    but how can i go further on ??
    If I've got your location right: in the machine room, mantle onto the three vertical pistons/pumps, jump across to pipe and then to steel walkway

    ..... or in room with water turbine, mantle onto hand rail then jump to square metal unit on wall and across to raised walkway

  19. #119
    Registered: Dec 2004
    Location: Germany
    Version 2 seems to have a bug concerning the difficulty level: No matter what I select in any one of the two screens/menus before the mission loads, the mission apparently has switched to Expert again after I leave the selection screen. Whether it's just a problem with the difficulty level and goals displayed, or whether the mission actually only runs on Expert difficulty no matter what one selects I did not check so far.

  20. #120
    Registered: May 2003
    Location: San Jose, CA USA


    Hi all, I have found a "holy symbol" and turned on the holy water in a high location but have no idea how to "bless" the item. I tried dropping in the bathhouse but no go. A hint?

    Thank you.

  21. #121
    baeuchlein: Sorry, I'm stupid. Please redownload the file and try again.

    Kaain: Did you find a fountain labeled Holy Water? Now that you turned on the water pipe, has the fountain started running? If so then you know what to do with the hammer.

  22. #122
    Registered: Apr 2020
    Location: Germany
    Kaain, you need to find a place with holy water, it is signed. The bath is obviously not the right place, since itīs used for people to bath. Nothing holy to find there
    The holy water pool is currently not working though, but a note gives you a hint on where to get it back working.

    Spoiler: You need to get up to the vents and turn on the main holy water valve.

    So I do need help myself: Where are proyas quarters? I read in a note that they are not where the other cardinals are because of lack of space, but I just canīt find it. I assume the optional objective with the blackmail prove can be finished with sth. in his quarters.

  23. #123
    Samantha: In the note it says Proyas will be in an apartment just outside the cathedral's west entrance.

  24. #124
    Registered: Apr 2020
    Location: Germany
    Found it, thank you! Finished after about 2 hours. I absolutely enjoyed this mission, especially the eye-candy that it was. It reminded me alot of the hammerite imperium, which is one of my top 10 favourite fanmissions.
    I only found about 6.000 loot, definitely gonna replay this and try for all the loot.

    Thank you so much for this amazing mission RippedPhreak

  25. #125
    Registered: May 2003
    Location: San Jose, CA USA
    Thank you all, of course I figured it out shortly after posting! I placed the holy symbol on the "Eternal Flame" and that did it. Is there more than one place to bless the symbol?

    I can't remember where I found Proyas. It seems like he was wandering around and I pilfered the key.

    On a different note, I found Walstrand in the bath house and he was having a conversation with someone and that someone killed Walstrand after the conversation. I tried to knock the guy out but he seems impervious to a knock on the head. I am wondering if this was supposed to happen.

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