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Thread: New T2 FM Cardinals' Sins - July 12, 2024

  1. #151
    Cathedral's second floor, to the west. Light blue stained-glass window over it.

  2. #152
    Registered: Jun 2011
    i'm standing in the front of the pool

    but if i activate the switch holy water andi throw the symbol in the water , nothing happens?

  3. #153
    You will notice the red light came on and no holy water is coming out of the fountain. I guess this switch is broken. You will have to turn on the water in a different place.

  4. #154
    Registered: May 2010
    Hm, are there two ways to get a blessed holy symbol? I actually used the eternal flame.

  5. #155
    Registered: Apr 2020
    Location: Germany
    Yes, there are two ways: the eternal flame and the way RippedPhreak described.

  6. #156
    The second way (really the way you're supposed to do it) involves finding a water valve up in the vents.

  7. #157
    Registered: May 2010
    Alright, thanks. I remember a readable where I thought the process was actually purifying it first, and then blessing it, but, when I tried to drop the (already) blesed symbol in the holy water, it didn't work.

  8. #158
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by bjack View Post
    Littlek, look in his room - did you read the note/book that says Proyas has been housed outside the Hammer compound? You need to get into his temporary housing. It's the apratments to the far SW. You have to use a rope arrow to get up there. Search the top of the fireplace.
    Thank you bjack. I found it with your help.

    I have another question, I cannot seem to get to where the drunk man is. I do not see that there is any loot on him or where he is. Is he there just for fun?

  9. #159
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by chk772 View Post
    Alright, thanks. I remember a readable where I thought the process was actually purifying it first, and then blessing it, but, when I tried to drop the (already) blesed symbol in the holy water, it didn't work.
    Get into the vents and you will find yourself on wooden beams. Prowl around on the beams and look for a vent that has a green light. It is there that you turn on the holy water. Below the vent with the green light is the holy water fountain.

  10. #160
    You can jump/mantle on a certain metal light fixture to reach drunk man.

  11. #161
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by RippedPhreak View Post
    You can jump/mantle on a certain metal light fixture to reach drunk man.
    Thanks Rip. That was easy and I cannot understand why I didn't see that before. btw I am Ruffian on Rick's discord. Wish I could change my profile name on TTLG.

  12. #162
    Registered: Jun 2010
    Location: Post Glacial
    Littlek, I tried to get to the drunk guy on the balcony to the I guess south midwest by jumping from the bel tower. I always died, being just short of catching the railing. I’m glad there is a possible other way up there.

    BTW, RippedPhreak, thanks for the FM. It was a challenge in parts, but never tedious. Looking forward to your next.

  13. #163
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: USA
    I got to the drunk guy's balcony by jumping from the bell tower the first time, but I wasn't able to do it again. Then I tried to diagonal jump and I was able to mantle onto the railing.

  14. #164
    Registered: Feb 2010
    Location: Mississippi
    I has a bad case of the dumb, but I still can't figure out how to get the scepter without blowing up.... I can't see where to disable it... what statue?

  15. #165
    @vincentlancon Hint 1: The three statues facing the altar.
    Hint 2: To solve this puzzle you need to stop the watchers from watching.
    Outright solution: Each of the three statues has tiny little gems for eyes. As long as those gems are there, the 'trap' is active. Steal the gems and you blind the watchers, and disable the trap.

  16. #166
    Registered: Feb 2010
    Location: Mississippi
    Quote Originally Posted by Unkillable Cat View Post
    @vincentlancon Hint 1: The three statues facing the altar.
    Hint 2: To solve this puzzle you need to stop the watchers from watching.
    Outright solution: Each of the three statues has tiny little gems for eyes. As long as those gems are there, the 'trap' is active. Steal the gems and you blind the watchers, and disable the trap.
    Thanks I thought I did that but I missed one.

  17. #167
    Registered: May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by littlek View Post
    Get into the vents and you will find yourself on wooden beams. Prowl around on the beams and look for a vent that has a green light. It is there that you turn on the holy water. Below the vent with the green light is the holy water fountain.
    Thanks, but, I've done that.

    I placed the holy symbol in the eternal flame before, which makes it undroppable, and unusable in the holy fountain. As has been written above, it's either/or, obviously. Either eternal flame or holy water, to bless the symbol.

    My misunderstanding was that I interpreted the readable which tells you how to bless the symbol requires two steps: Purifying the symbol in the eternal flame, and then dropping it in the holy water. That's not the case, it's either/or.

    P.S.: I think this is the text which I misunderstood (from one of the readables): "If the brother's faith is strong enough and the hammer was properly purged of all impurities during its creation, the hammer will acquire the Builder's Blessing. A priest's holy symbol must be blessed before embarking upon any significant magickal undertaking. "
    Last edited by chk772; 24th Jul 2024 at 09:00.

  18. #168
    I must confess I spent a fair amount of time trying to figure out how to put out a certain flame...

  19. #169
    Registered: Jun 2011
    one question

    i got in a room from the bottom of the library there is a room with a green sofa Cardinal Martinian's room ?? and then i can frob the door of the ventilation but at the other end of the ventilation i can't open the door
    Last edited by radogoal; 27th Jul 2024 at 05:37.

  20. #170
    radogoal: You can not get in the bath house that way.

    You can watch and listen to a certain conversation from there.

  21. #171
    New Member
    Registered: Jun 2021
    Awesome fun, thanks RippedPhreak!

  22. #172
    Registered: Mar 2002
    Location: California
    Missed about half the loot, but finished on expert. The architecture, and gameplay was great! Really made it feel like a Hammerite Imperium chapter.

  23. #173
    Registered: Feb 2004
    this has to be the most tricked-out FM for T2 I've ever seen.... Builder be blessed...

  24. #174
    Registered: Jan 2009
    After playing some grimy n' gritty FMs, I was in the mood to explore someplace lavish and opulent, so this mission was perfect. Great visuals, with very crisp lighting and shadows, and fun gameplay concepts too. I appreciated the author's note about the well-hidden loot. I am not the best loothunter (I found 5919) but I took it as a challenge and paid more attention than I usually would, and smiled many times at the devious placements. Thanks RippedPhreak!

  25. #175
    Registered: Feb 2004
    Location: Warsaw (Poland)

    I'm playing on normal and I can not deal with the last objective: "Find the information Proyas is using to blackmail"
    I remember konckin Proyas int the baths and knockin other AI...but
    I have no idea where to look.. I think I've been everywhere, outside cathedral, in two apartmens where I can only enter with rope, also been in tavern
    Mayby something went wrong ?
    It drives me crazy becouse its fantastic fanmission !

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