A while ago I started looking into making a unified set of objects that could be used on a large scale and with a lot of customization. After a few iterations, I've arrived at the following:
Book Objects Pack
The intention of this pack is to improve and simplify the use of book objects on a large scale while offering good visual quality and a lot of customization. The original book textures were made by Christine and PinkDot, many thanks to both for providing these resources. PinkDot's original book collection also inspired the creation of this pack.
The pack contains 9 texture sets with a unified layout of 12 books per set:
These texture sets are at 1024x1024 but can be downscaled depending on the project's visual needs. Included in the pack is also the template of this texture layout and a separate shadow texture (ambient occlusion) that should be applied over it. This should make it easier to make one's own book texture sets compatible with the whole pack.
The pack includes almost 200 bin files using the following naming pattern:
1. DBk (prefix for this pack, stands for "Dale Books")
2. 9F, 6F, 3F (indicates the width of a book row in feet/dromed units. So, 9-foot, 6- foot, 3-foot wide row of books), St (A 'stack' of books, rather than a row. Stacks vary in height), Pil (A pile of books)
3. Set, Rep (Set indicates the object has a texture set by default, which is not replaceable, Rep means it is replaceable and requires a texture to be specified. Each model comes in both Set and Rep variation and is always identical. Therefore, if you have a Set model somewhere in the level, you can reliably replace it by its Rep version)
4. The number indicates a variation (usually 01, 02, 03 etc..)
5. X (This indicates the model is an LOD, which is a version with a low level of detail. All the models except the individual books contain an LOD version)
The model categories are as follows:
7x 9-unit-wide book rows
20x 6-unit-wide book rows
10x 3-unit-wide book rows
8x book stacks
1x book pile
12x individual books
The general recommended setup is to have an archetype for 9F, 6F, 3F, and Stack with the following settings:
This ensures the LODs appear at 20 dromed units away, and TxtRepl can be easily edited on concrete objects if they are changed from Set to Rep.
Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CAN...usp=drive_link
Other assets: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/5/f...N61VmyFZKMXNLu
This looks really good, appreciate the work! Might come in handy for my upcoming campaign that's been in the works for a couple years now