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Thread: How much of the original Thief 3 plot made it into DS?

  1. #1
    FKA Buccura
    Registered: Mar 2014
    Location: 20X6

    How much of the original Thief 3 plot made it into DS?

    I know that LGS always planned to have the Keepers have a more central role in their T3, and that it would involve something crazy, but I find myself wondering if we have any idea to what extent was the original vision for the story implemented (ignoring gameplay compromises), and how much was changed between LGS and IS, considering that numerous LGS alum would move there but many also wouldn't.

  2. #2
    I know this will be unhelpful, but there was a Twitch stream years ago where some of the LGS devs were either playing or in chat, and answering questions. Someone asked this question and one of the devs said that the Thief 3 plot pretty much didn't change at all, which I remember because it was surprising given how much else changed. However, I don't know if the stream (or the chat) was ever saved and I haven't been able to find it, but I'm asking around if anyone else remembers. Unless and until I can find a saved version of that stream, I'm really just a guy on the internet making unsubstantiated claims, so it doesn't answer your question authoritatively, unfortunately. Sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  3. #3
    FKA Buccura
    Registered: Mar 2014
    Location: 20X6
    Quote Originally Posted by FenPhoenix View Post
    I know this will be unhelpful, but there was a Twitch stream years ago where some of the LGS devs were either playing or in chat, and answering questions. Someone asked this question and one of the devs said that the Thief 3 plot pretty much didn't change at all, which I remember because it was surprising given how much else changed. However, I don't know if the stream (or the chat) was ever saved and I haven't been able to find it, but I'm asking around if anyone else remembers. Unless and until I can find a saved version of that stream, I'm really just a guy on the internet making unsubstantiated claims, so it doesn't answer your question authoritatively, unfortunately. Sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    I can believe it. There are some things planted in Thief 1 and 2 that at least somewhat elude to what would happen in 3. I always figured the biggest divergences came from the gameplay. Wish we could see into an alternate timeline and see what LGS' Thief 3 would have played like, and what they might have done with a 4th game since IIRC they did plan on doing it, even if not right after releasing 3.

  4. #4
    Registered: May 2008
    Location: Southern,California
    the mystery of the murlocks is very deep in thief 3

    but it is known the woodsie lord himself was fond of them, until they took the kershawk crown

  5. #5
    Registered: Jan 2004
    Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Bucky Seifert View Post
    I can believe it. There are some things planted in Thief 1 and 2 that at least somewhat elude to what would happen in 3. I always figured the biggest divergences came from the gameplay. Wish we could see into an alternate timeline and see what LGS' Thief 3 would have played like, and what they might have done with a 4th game since IIRC they did plan on doing it, even if not right after releasing 3.
    If I recall, an LGS Thief 3 was to have been built on the next iteration of the Dark Engine. Wasn't there a community project porting the Thief 3 missions into New Dark? I would have loved to see that completed and have the missions expanded to incorporate swimming and rope arrows.

  6. #6
    Registered: May 2008
    Location: Southern,California
    change to engine was ion storm Texas decision = warren spector

    and yes there is a map of thief 3 hub , and even some fan mission where made using it, brethren made a great fan mission using the thief 3 map, made/converted to thief 2 new dark

  7. #7
    New Member
    Registered: Dec 2016
    Location: Europe
    Quote Originally Posted by FenPhoenix View Post
    I know this will be unhelpful, but there was a Twitch stream years ago where some of the LGS devs were either playing or in chat, and answering questions. Someone asked this question and one of the devs said that the Thief 3 plot pretty much didn't change at all, which I remember because it was surprising given how much else changed. However, I don't know if the stream (or the chat) was ever saved and I haven't been able to find it, but I'm asking around if anyone else remembers. Unless and until I can find a saved version of that stream, I'm really just a guy on the internet making unsubstantiated claims, so it doesn't answer your question authoritatively, unfortunately. Sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    I think this is what you are looking for.

  8. #8
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2011
    From what I know, the Keepers were supposed to be a bigger deal in LGS's version, but it's tough to say what exactly changed when IS took over.

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