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Thread: NVScript not working

  1. #1
    Registered: Oct 2020
    Location: Croatia

    NVScript not working

    I tried to play Shadows in Our Blood and Among Two Storms by Haplo but when I started those missions there was a note that my NVScripts are not working. One other mission I remember having this issue was Vagabond by Random Taffer where the guy I had given a mask to was supposed to give me a scroll and a lockpick but didn't. I tried running the programs as administrator, changing the compatibility to SP3 and nothing worked. I downloaded Application Compatibility Tool but I when I try to run it I receive a message that the app can't run on my device. Is there any other solution to this?

  2. #2
    Registered: Oct 2012
    Most Haplo mission bring up this notification or something similar.

    Repatching your game with the latest T2Fix will fix the problem as it contains all the latest scripts.

    Alternatively you can d/l fixed versions of both of these missions from Darkfate, these fixed zips also contains dml's, so are fully playable.
    Among Two Storms
    Shadows in Our Blood

  3. #3
    Registered: Oct 2020
    Location: Croatia
    It worked. All three missions work now that I've downloaded the fixed versions, thanks!

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