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Thread: US Election Thread 2024

  1. #251
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Scaryzona
    Nobody's going to get that close to having the back quarter of their brains removed on purpose. People come up with the dumbest crap.

  2. #252
    Registered: May 2004
    Location: Canuckistan GWN
    Trump Watches - Just another grift or are they for collecting illegal election money?

    I thought that Murkans couldn't even afford to buy eggs and toilet paper, the economy is so bad. Who has $100K to waste for a $200 Chinese knock-off, masquerading as Swiss Made?

    Put Komrade Putin and President Erdoğan down for a few. They make great stocking stuffers.

    Hey MAGAs. Maybe you can cash in your Truth Social stock or flog a Trump NFT trading card?

  3. #253
    Registered: May 2004
    Location: Canuckistan GWN
    File under "hoist on his own petard".

    If you are suffering from tRump burnout or if you somehow still believe that Donny is still fit to infest the Oval Office, here is a nice summation, based on the stunning trove of evidence which the SCOTUS basically forced Jack Smith to provide, in opposition for tRump's motion to dismiss based on presidential immunity.

    Stellar moment around the 7 minute mark. O'Donnell notes that, after threatening Pence with mob violence and after inviting said mob to the Capitol (will be wild), he complains to Pence that "You're too honest"!

  4. #254
    Registered: May 2004
    Location: Canuckistan GWN
    A shot over the bow of election deniers. Nine years in prison for Tina Peters, the unrepentant freak who let random people into election offices in Colorado so they could steal personal data on voters.

    Donny T. did way worse. Just saying.

  5. #255
    Registered: Dec 2020

    Donald Trump was reportedly caught on tape turning the grieving widow of a man who died at one of his rallies into a source of amusement for his uber-wealthy dinner guests.

    The recording, obtained by The Guardian, apparently comes from a private meal Trump held Aug. 10 in Aspen, Colorado. In it, the Republican presidential nominee reportedly recalled a meeting with the wife of Corey Comperatore, the man who was killed by shots fired at Trump by Thomas Crooks at a Pennsylvania rally in July.

    “So they’re going to get millions of dollars but the woman, the wife, this beautiful woman, I handed her the check—we handed her the check—and she said, ‘This is so nice, and I appreciate it, but I’d much rather have my husband.’ Now I know some of the women in this room wouldn’t say the same,” Trump reportedly said. “At least four couples here would have been thrilled, actually.”

    The dinner, which Trump reportedly flew in for on a private jet once owned by disgraced financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein ...
    To Trump the idea that someone would rather have human being that they love rather than millions of dollars must have stuck with him. Then he's turned it onto a 'piece' doing a roast of his wealthy guests that some of their wives would have them offed for the checks.

  6. #256
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: The other Derry
    I think he's making a joke about some trophy wives wishing they could kill their rich husbands and take all the money.

  7. #257
    Registered: May 2004
    It's funny, because it's true.

  8. #258
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Trumping someone's else wife uh...

  9. #259
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    Everything is transactional to him, so of course he's not going to be able to comprehend something like that, except as a pathetic weakness and vulnerability on their part.

    The biggest laugh I got this week was some magat trying to say that Trump is getting persecuted because of his commitment to the America First agenda. The fact that after all that's happened they still believe he can be committed to something other than himself, much less something to do with other people, still less America (if he's committed to anything, it's a strong man government to stroke his ego where, when he orders an execution as Barr recently said he did regularly in his first admin, he expects it to just be done, no questions asked, Stalin-style), even knowing how detached from reality people have to be to still buy Trump's schlock, still made me laugh. What a world.

  10. #260

  11. #261
    Registered: May 2004
    Location: Canuckistan GWN
    Guess who started a scam charity drive to profit from the misery of Hurricane Helene?

    I guess it wasn't enough for the orange turd to block critical roads with secret service motorcades and press-op barricades.

  12. #262
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    "The Horrible people" Marylin Trump
    "Trumping dead men's wives" Marylin Trump
    "Taking funds from people's good intentions" Marylin Trump
    Last edited by DuatDweller; 7th Oct 2024 at 05:38.

  13. #263
    Registered: Dec 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by mxleader View Post
    Funding may have been cut but there is yet to be any evidence that the cut was linked to the pandemic. One can speculate all day long and point fingers but once a virus spreads there isn't much you can do to stop it when there's no vaccine available. Trump can be blamed for his anti-vaccine stance though and all that goes along with that. He had a powerful opportunity to silence the foolish conspiracy groups and really slow the pandemic down but he loves the excitement that comes with stirring the pot.

    He literally could have been the biggest hero of the pandemic but chose to be a stupid grandstanding show off. I don't know if he can tell the difference between the harsh reality of the presidency and the lack of reality of his role on the former reality TV show The Apprentice. Everything is a game to him. He could have been a huge hero with massive popularity if he would have listened to reason, kept his bullshit to himself and followed the teleprompter. He did, and is still doing, a lot of damage to the GOP.

    One thing I'm curious this time around is if those people who were on the fence with voting republican last time, and probably threw away their vote, will do the same thing or rally around Trump because of the attempts on his life. I'm willing to bet that during his presidency and the following years he hasn't learned a damn thing other than what it's like to be shot at.
    Which is why I said 50%. Keep in mind that the USA had the highest deaths per million people of any advanced industrialized nation, and more than double the death rate of Canada.

    And that ties into what I was saying about how Trump pitched his re-election chances on pretending Covid wasn't a thing, or that it wasn't serious, or that there some quick fixes so you shouldn't worry. He tried to business as usual his election chances so there wouldn't be any lockdowns or economic slowdown at all, so he could get elected the way he'd hoped to win it - on the stock market.

    USA - deaths per million 3,642
    Canada - deaths per million 1,538

    Slowing the spread even a little would have had a big impact on the final death rate because you're lowering the r-value of the epidemic.
    Last edited by Cipheron; 8th Oct 2024 at 05:06.

  14. #264
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: The other Derry
    The Trump administration had no control and only limited influence over the behavior of the public. Each state made up its own COVID response. Some followed the recommendations of Trump's COVID task force (Fauci et al), but most did not. Policies were loosely enforced in most places. The body count is on the American people for behaving the way we do. It's a price we paid for enjoying a lot of liberty and putting politics and/or religion over common sense.

  15. #265
    Registered: May 2004
    Location: Canuckistan GWN
    The Trump administration had no control and only limited influence over the behavior of the public.
    Well that's total bullshit. What ever mad scheme dribbled out of tRump's mouth was gleefully adopted by MAGAts and echoed by Rethug governors. Ivermectin, drinking bleach, partying down in large groups, not wearing masks, NOT GETTING VACCINATED.

    Gaslighting. Not a good look.

    Also, let's remember that tRump completely dismantled the federal response plan, already in place for just such emergencies. All he need to do was activate it but because a black man had touched it, he had to destroy it.
    Last edited by Nicker; 8th Oct 2024 at 09:02.

  16. #266
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Scaryzona
    Any sitting president's words have great power over the people that voted them into office, especially ones that are slightly delusional regardless of party affiliation. You could argue all day long as to whether or not Trump incited the craziness at the White House during the last election, but the truth is when he outright told his supporters to go home they did. If he had any class at all, and really wanted to prove to Americans that the political system functions well he would've thanked them for their support and said things to keep things orderly and calm. What he did do was nothing when they started to riot at the capitol. He's a poor sport and stood there watching his supporters throw themselves under the bus because they were acting out the very thing they are afraid of: a stolen election. Trump is a childish and manipulative leader who uses people then watches them all take the blame when things don't go right. He's a con man. He's a twelve year old boy in an adult skin. I do have to give him credit though because in the end he's no different than most politicians, he just didn't use his inside voice like the others do.

  17. #267
    Registered: May 2004
    The way I see it, the crazy was already there. It was there during the Tea Party, it was hidden in plain sight after 9/11 because everyone went crazy, it was there during the 90s in the form of wing nuts fuelled by conservative talk radio.

    And you might be able to steer the crazy in directions they are already inclined to go in, but it's another thing entirely to get them to behave normal. Lord Dampnut was booed at his own rallies when he tried suggesting people might take the vaccine.

  18. #268
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: The other Derry
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicker View Post
    Well that's total bullshit. What ever mad scheme dribbled out of tRump's mouth was gleefully adopted by MAGAts and echoed by Rethug governors. Ivermectin, drinking bleach, partying down in large groups, not wearing masks, NOT GETTING VACCINATED.

    Gaslighting. Not a good look.

    Also, let's remember that tRump completely dismantled the federal response plan, already in place for just such emergencies. All he need to do was activate it but because a black man had touched it, he had to destroy it.
    Let's not remember something that's false.

    The folks objecting to COVID control policies were objecting right from the beginning in March 2020, when Trump was still on script following his advisors. When the White House was advising lockdowns, people were having COVID parties, gathering for worship, holding unofficial sports practices for their kids, etc. Some Republican-controlled states just blew them off and didn't enact any of the recommendations.

  19. #269
    Let's not forget how the folks in blue cities gathered all day and night to riot, smash and burn stuff in the summer of 2020. Not much concern about Covid then.

  20. #270
    Registered: May 2004
    Ok, let's look into it, then. Oh, look at that -- Black Lives Matter protests did not significantly raise COVID infection rates:

    If anything, I'd bet that the police rioting in the streets contributed more to the increase than the protests did.

  21. #271
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: The other Derry
    A retrospective look at their net effect is kinda missing the point, which is that the protesters were yet another demographic group who were blowing off the White House's recommendations.

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