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Thread: US Election Thread 2024

  1. #501
    Registered: Jun 2009
    Location: The Spiraling Sea
    *** BREAKING NEWS ***

    RFK Jr. will become the next Secretary of Health and Human Services!

    Damn you, Bobby and Drumpf!...You think you're going to Make America Healthy Again!...

    Well, I've got news for you, it doesn't get better than this!...

  2. #502
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Location: Edmonton
    Vae, people are upset about that because RFK Jr. has a long history of vaccine skepticism, including promoting the totally debunked myth that vaccines cause autism. How do you suppose America is going to be healthy again if its population has weakened immunity to deadly diseases? I’m not trying to troll you; I’m genuinely curious why you think this is fine.

  3. #503
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by Vae View Post
    *** BREAKING NEWS ***

    RFK Jr. will become the next Secretary of Health and Human Services!

    Damn you, Bobby and Drumpf!...You think you're going to Make America Healthy Again!...

    Well, I've got news for you, it doesn't get better than this!...

    Not the way americans eat and (can't/won't/doesn't understand how) cure themselves, it's all on BIGPHARMA!!11111 (but Blackrock and the MIC are fine, mind you, and of course Tesla/SpaceX/ Neuralink, Elon is a Renaissance artisan not a greedy capitalist, nooooo.......)

    Demo(N)cracy is so stupid.
    Last edited by lowenz; 15th Nov 2024 at 04:00.

  4. #504
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by Aja View Post
    Vae, people are upset about that because RFK Jr. has a long history of vaccine skepticism, including promoting the totally debunked myth that vaccines cause autism. How do you suppose America is going to be healthy again if its population has weakened immunity to deadly diseases? I’m not trying to troll you; I’m genuinely curious why you think this is fine.
    The weak ones die, the strong survive fine and love Trump because they're love his narrative that reinforces their believes to be strong ones.

    That's how the evil (narcissistic) system is stable and working.

  5. #505
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: The other Derry
    Humans have existed for thousands of years without modern medicine, whose only purpose is to make money. When we die it's God's will. I heard that a lot during COVID. It's easy to say when you're healthy.

    The RFK Jr. pick was expected after he ceased his campaign. His reactionary agenda is clear, but he's such a kook I don't know what to expect results-wise.
    Last edited by heywood; 15th Nov 2024 at 09:53.

  6. #506
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by heywood View Post
    whose only purpose is to make money
    Antimarxists are SO marxist they can't even realize how much.

    Nonetheless, why they don't apply the argument to Elon and Neuralink? Why a sudafrican special kid is so.....special to be immune to that argument?

  7. #507
    Registered: May 2004
    Make vaccine-preventable diseases great again!

  8. #508
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: The other Derry
    Quote Originally Posted by lowenz View Post
    Antimarxists are SO marxist they can't even realize how much.

    Nonetheless, why they don't apply the argument to Elon and Neuralink? Why a sudafrican special kid is so.....special to be immune to that argument?
    Because they believe Musk saved America by buying Twitter and pushing the Trump campaign over the finish line. They really do think Musk saved America.

    But if Musk had worked for Democrats, he would have been vilified by the same people, because it's all about which team you're on, not what you have done.

    Either way, Musk has been a pretty good American despite his eccentric adolescent behavior. Tesla and SpaceX have achieved a lot.
    Last edited by heywood; 15th Nov 2024 at 11:43.

  9. #509
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Location
    Quote Originally Posted by lowenz View Post
    The weak ones die, the strong survive fine and love Trump because they're love his narrative that reinforces their believes to be strong ones.

    That's how the evil (narcissistic) system is stable and working.
    As crass as that all sounds I couldn't find anything inherently wrong with what you've said, even though it seems more of a sarcastic response.

    I suppose that it is true that the strong ones survive and the weak ones die during pandemics. That sort of thinking is great if one wants to live closer to nature, but creating medications so the weaker ones can survive is what makes us different from animals.

    I've wondered how well the vaccinations actually work myself but I tend to take whatever ones I can get. I did know a couple people that mostly likely died from Covid as they had it when they passed away, but they were not healthy people to begin with. One took the vaccine and the other didn't. I also worked in for a company where every single employee was a cyclist and all were reasonably healthy. The older ones like me that got Covid after getting the vaccine struggled with it more than the younger ones that got Covid. We all got the same vaccine though. Nature attempted to cull the older weaker ones from my work but the vaccine most likely saved lives, including my own.

    Is it wrong thinking that people not taking a vaccine is a good thing? It's certainly a more natural way of living, if you are a caveman. Culling the weaker older generations would also save the government a lot of money in the long run.

  10. #510
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Location: Edmonton
    I think it's emblematic of a generation who grew up without having to deal with people they knew dying of diseases like tuberculosis or diphtheria or pertussis. Ironically, the efficacy of those vaccines made it easier for people to believe that they'd didn't need them because they didn't have to contend with disease in their lives. An older colleague was telling me how her grandparents, who were farmers and lifelong conservatives, didn't hesitate to embrace new vaccinations because they had seen too many of their friends and family members die.

  11. #511
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: The Plateaux Of Mirror
    Quote Originally Posted by RippedPhreak View Post
    But...doesn't this kind of explain how we've gotten to 40 trillion in debt or whatever the amount is now?
    We got to 40 trillion in debt by repeatedly cutting taxes while waging 2 long, pointless wars.

  12. #512
    If you care so much about everyone being fully vaccinated, why didn't you say anything when the Democrats allowed millions of people across the southern border from countries that aren't exactly...assiduous about getting people vaxxed?
    Last edited by RippedPhreak; 15th Nov 2024 at 14:22.

  13. #513
    Registered: May 2004
    Obviously, immigrants deserve to be protected from easily preventable diseases too. But, understandably, US citizens take priority.

  14. #514
    Registered: Dec 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Aja View Post
    Vae, people are upset about that because RFK Jr. has a long history of vaccine skepticism, including promoting the totally debunked myth that vaccines cause autism. How do you suppose America is going to be healthy again if its population has weakened immunity to deadly diseases? I’m not trying to troll you; I’m genuinely curious why you think this is fine.
    It's fine because he was appointed by Daddy Trump, so it has to be fine.

    Vae's going to spend the next four years conducting some world class mental gymnastics, as he pivots from knee-jerk "government bad" to knee-jerk "government good" because of the change of who's in the white house.
    Last edited by Cipheron; 15th Nov 2024 at 19:05.

  15. #515
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by mxleader View Post
    As crass as that all sounds I couldn't find anything inherently wrong with what you've said, even though it seems more of a sarcastic response.
    The real problem is that strong ones are typically stupid because they don't need to be intelligent to save themselves, being already strong. They don't develop cleaverness (well, they develop a variant to boost their social image)

    That's where the system crashes. We need intelligent people to evolve in the world we have today, not "just strong" people betting on the big numbers because big numbers can rapidly become small numbers with some new dangers around.
    Dinosaurs were very strong and in fact now we use them as an energy source :v Viruses or bacteria do the same thing with us.

    We need a form of control over (our own) biological nature, but not to blatantly abuse power as mindless Trump admirers love to think about technocrats.
    Last edited by lowenz; 15th Nov 2024 at 18:25.

  16. #516
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by RippedPhreak View Post
    If you care so much about everyone being fully vaccinated, why didn't you say anything when the Democrats allowed millions of people across the southern border from countries that aren't exactly...assiduous about getting people vaxxed?
    We care about people being fully informed that vaccines are not weapons of mass destruction and new mRNA vaccines like the Pfizer one work well and can't modify your DNA more than a simple virus can do by itself during a "very natural" infection.....and sometimes helped by the same immune system that stupid people figure as "my own private army ahah!!111", not realizing that an army can turn against the people really quickly and deadly.

  17. #517
    Registered: May 2004
    So let's recap who he has picked so far:
    A brainwormed member of the political aristocracy of the US and a certified kook.
    A cultist who is constantly spouting Russian propaganda.
    A guy who was investigated for sex trafficking after hiring underage prostitutes and whose best buddy is in jail for the sex trafficking of a minor.
    A woman who bragged about killing a young dog she wasn't able to train properly.
    A guy who used his political power to squash an investigation into his son having hanged a stray dog.
    Some guy he saw on TV.
    A couple of weirdo billionaires who want to reshape the US to make life easier for billionaires.
    The guy who was exposed as a white nationalist during the first term, though it has also been extremely obvious.

    After the leaky scandal-ridden bucket of crabs that was his last administration, this one's shaping up to be a doozy, but I guess sequels generally do tend to be worse.

  18. #518
    Registered: Dec 2020
    At this point, i'm actually hoping he keeps picking more candidates with the highest comedy value.

    I mean none of the picks so far are of the "threat level" of a Dick Cheney or even a Steve Bannon.

    Libs of Tiktok aka Chaiya Raichik would be an awesome Department of Education pick, and it's a shame Laura Loomer fell off the bandwagon already because she'd be an amazing press secretary. Even the funniest ones I can come up with clearly are not going to be funnier that who he actually picks however.

  19. #519
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Location: Edmonton
    Quote Originally Posted by RippedPhreak View Post
    If you care so much about everyone being fully vaccinated, why didn't you say anything when the Democrats allowed millions of people across the southern border from countries that aren't exactly...assiduous about getting people vaxxed?
    Well, you’re a Trump fan, so the abrupt pivot to immigration isn’t surprising, but I think ability to receive a vaccine should be independent of legal status. What’s more interesting is that implicit in your criticism is an acknowledgement that vaccines are important, so why would you support a man who not only distrusts them but also whose brain was partially eaten by a worm? That last part is somewhat unrelated but maybe not!

  20. #520
    Registered: May 2004
    I think a somewhat overlooked part of the worm story is that not only did the worm ate a part of his brain, but it ate a part of his brain and then died.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cipheron View Post
    it's a shame Laura Loomer fell off the bandwagon already because she'd be an amazing press secretary.
    Y'know, I was kind of hoping it would be Vivek Ramaswamy just because of the sheer annoyance factor.

    Also, neatly summing up the whole thing is the official portrait of Kash Patel, a guy who is clearly more scared of you than you are of him:

  21. #521
    Registered: Dec 2006
    Location: Berghem Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by Aja View Post
    Well, you’re a Trump fan, so the abrupt pivot to immigration isn’t surprising, but I think ability to receive a vaccine should be independent of legal status. What’s more interesting is that implicit in your criticism is an acknowledgement that vaccines are important, so why would you support a man who not only distrusts them but also whose brain was partially eaten by a worm? That last part is somewhat unrelated but maybe not!
    But Trump doesn't distrust anything, he knows a large part of american people for various reasons hate the vaccines (fear, state impositition on children so they can act like "antisystem rebels" when somewhere else they need the system to protect them, etc.) so he just resonates ("virtue signaling") with that hate to grab their vote.
    It's the same everywhere with populist politicians: they aren't even interested in politics or real problems, they just hoarde votes.

    They don't have "ideas", they just want to please and fearmonger to get voted and so get a position of power.
    Last edited by lowenz; 16th Nov 2024 at 03:33.

  22. #522
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    I'm putting this video here for reference to get a broad overview of what we can expect is coming.

    The one thing I think he's shortchanging is the internment camps for the deportations will come with a very large private security force that I think Trump is going to use, e.g., to crackdown on protestors (they won't ask questions when he asks them to shoot like before), which in combination with offensively weaponizing DOJ with lawfare and arbitrary prosecutions against his opponents and critics will be one of the surest routes to a police state.

  23. #523
    Registered: Jan 2024
    Location: Egyptian Afterlife
    Doesn't surprise me that someone "wormed" his way into a government position.
    Mamma mia the clowns are running the circus.....

  24. #524
    Registered: Dec 2020
    Well at least they have new ideas. Or maybe what's old is new again

    RFK Jr. Says He’ll Send People Taking Adderall to Labor Camps

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr., independent challenger for president and anti-vaccine activist, has a cockamamie solution for drug addicts and people who use medication for depression or ADHD: strip people of their tech gadgets and send them to government-funded "wellness farms" to grow organic food.

    Doesn't that sound suspiciously like... a labor camp?!
    Ok so drug addicts, the clinically depressed and ADHD suffers get sent away to concentration camps to labor for free. I guess that's one way to replace all the deported farm workers.

  25. #525
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    We already know illegal and legal immigrants and the homeless will be sent to detention camps, so drug addicts is part of the same theme. By the time they get to dissidents it'll be much too late to do anything about it.

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