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Thread: How Do I Disable Object Highlighting and Glint?

  1. #1
    New Member
    Registered: Aug 2024

    How Do I Disable Object Highlighting and Glint?

    I've never liked things like objecting highlighting and button prompts. I always try to gut them from games if I'm able to. In the case of Thief, I can understanding a little bit why highlighting is implemented, since it can sometimes be the only way to see an item in a pitch black room. Even so, I'd like to try the game without it, if only to see what it's like. I noticed that highlighting isn't active by default when I was building brushes in DromEd, so I'm assuming that there's a simple value that I can edit to get rid of it somewhere. Could someone point me in the right direction?

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  2. #2
    Registered: Mar 2015
    Yes, you can customize the intensity of the frob highlighting in the game itself too, provided that you are running NewDark. The configuration variable you want to use is highlight_level, which permits you to specify the intensity as a percentage. To disable highlighting entirely, you would just need to set this to zero.

    More simply, just adding the following line to a suitable configuration file, such as cam_ext.cfg, should accomplish what you want.
    highlight_level 0

  3. #3
    New Member
    Registered: Aug 2024
    I forgot to thank you for helping me. Sorry about that.

    Having played without object highlighting for awhile now, I can confirm that, for the most part, the game isn't actually more difficult without it. Because every object that you can interact with is so visually distinct, I can tell what I can and can't interact with instinctively. With that said, there is the very sporadic moment where it is actually impossible to see what I need to interact with. The two moments that come to mind are the bookcase puzzle in "A Night in Rocksbourg 2" and the rune puzzle in "Eclipsed." Pixel hunting for hidden switches can also be a pain without the highlighting. Overall, though, I prefer the game without the glint, and I'd recommend disabling it if anyone is looking for a new challenge.

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