in Winds of Misfortune version 1.0, there was a bug where several objects were not being lit properly, appearing fully dark, even when right beside a light.

i investigated this bug and found it happened when cells in the worldrep had >96 lights in their light indices array. this is actually an original dark engine bug, where many lights that are way out of range of a cell can still end up in its light indices array. i was discussing possible fixes with Jayrude, when he discovered that reducing the light indices array size had a large benefit to framerates in the central area of this mission. as a result, the tool i made to fix the object lighting bug can also, for some missions, significantly improve fps.

if your mission has this bad object lighting bug, or it is light-dense and object-dense, you can try running your .mis through my tool to try to fix it:

Misdeed version 0.1.0 alpha: download from dropbox

misdeed.exe fixup_cell_lights input.mis -o output.mis
this should only be run as a post-process on a .mis, before testing/release, as the fixes that this tool applies are wiped out whenever you rebuild lighting in dromed.

this tool has not had extensive testing yet, so buyer beware! however v1.1 of Winds of Misfortune used it, and there have been no reported problems resulting from that either in testing or after its release.