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Thread: T2 FM: Lord Shabby 1.2 (Dec 4th, 2024)

  1. #51
    Registered: Apr 2020
    Location: Germany
    Thank you! I found it right after posting here

  2. #52
    Registered: Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by kolofaza View Post
    The Key was very hard to see, but I've made it :-)

    2358/2473 Cash Secrets 5/5
    Knock Outs 31

    Thanks for that mission, not too big but I've enjoy it.
    thank you, glad you did

  3. #53
    Registered: Apr 2020
    Location: Germany
    All right, I have everything except for one secret: the one in the basement. Iīve looked everywhere, but canīt find anything. Where is it?

    To the mission: I think for a first mission itīs a pretty good one. A few improvements could be made though, to create an excellent mission. The story for example. You even included (or at least hinted) on a story. And whatīs better than the typical "the lord of the manor hides a corpse in his basement. Literally". So for the future, how about including notes with thoughts of the people there. And hints about a dark secret. Stuff like that. Keeps the reader/player intrigued

    Thank you for creating this mission

    Edit: Forget the question about the secret, I found it again right after posting

  4. #54
    Registered: Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Samantha1 View Post
    To the mission: I think for a first mission itīs a pretty good one. A few improvements could be made though, to create an excellent mission. The story for example. You even included (or at least hinted) on a story. And whatīs better than the typical "the lord of the manor hides a corpse in his basement. Literally". So for the future, how about including notes with thoughts of the people there. And hints about a dark secret. Stuff like that. Keeps the reader/player intrigued

    Thank you for creating this mission
    Thanks. I agree, next mission I'll try to plan things out from the start and focus more on story, readables

  5. #55
    Registered: Aug 2004
    Location: CT, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Ramone View Post
    Thanks Ravenus

    That's Pink Floyd yes
    Couldn't mistake those four notes!
    And Jethro Tull's Aqualung cover next to it.

    Was the phonograph from an old song slowed down?
    I couldn't recognize it but seemed familiar..

    Thanks for this fun FM & hope to see more.

  6. #56
    Registered: Jun 2006
    Location: Italy
    Hi Ramone, congrats on your first release, I'm enjoying it very much, keep 'em coming!!!!!
    I managed to open the door in the basement but nothing in there?????
    Last edited by maga; 10th Dec 2024 at 09:39.

  7. #57
    Registered: Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Dahenjo View Post
    Couldn't mistake those four notes!
    And Jethro Tull's Aqualung cover next to it.

    Was the phonograph from an old song slowed down?
    I couldn't recognize it but seemed familiar..

    Thanks for this fun FM & hope to see more.
    Thanks Dahenjo, the phonograph plays the title screen song again, a few notes I put together. I may have stolen them without knowing.

    Quote Originally Posted by maga View Post
    Hi Ramone, congrats on your first release, I'm enjoying it very much, keep 'em coming!!!!!
    I managed to open the door in the basement but nothing in there?????
    thanks Maga. there's something there, push

  8. #58
    New Member
    Registered: Apr 2016
    In the room on second floor that you access fromthe upper vents and open from the inside. I found a painting on wall that you lift up and press secret switch. The audio comes wondering what that opened.
    Can anyone tell me what it opens?

  9. #59
    Registered: Apr 2020
    Location: Germany
    Hint: look around. Theres sth. That looks exactly like this picture and it was opened.

    Spoiler: it moved the picture in the room next to this room. I think you can even see it moving while you press it.

  10. #60
    New Member
    Registered: Apr 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Samantha1 View Post
    Hint: look around. Theres sth. That looks exactly like this picture and it was opened.

    Spoiler: it moved the picture in the room next to this room. I think you can even see it moving while you press it.
    Thank You!!!

  11. #61
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: The Netherlands
    What a nice surprise, this mission. I've to dive in again though, I missed some secrets and especially Dewdrop.
    Thank you very much for building this Christmas present!

    There're angels who playThief and angels who don't ........ both go to heaven ............
    Dare to join .............

  12. #62
    Registered: Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Gloria Creep View Post
    What a nice surprise, this mission. I've to dive in again though, I missed some secrets and especially Dewdrop.
    Thank you very much for building this Christmas present!

    Thank you Gloria, glad you liked it.
    Dewdrop can be seen but not reached
    Last edited by Ramone; 18th Dec 2024 at 14:32.

  13. #63
    Registered: Jun 2007
    Location: Herts. England.
    Congrats on your first mission Ramone!

    Like Gloria, I'm going to have to go again as I've missed a few things.
    BTW, what's with the blind lantern guard?
    Also, close to one of the outside walls, I heard a Hammer but never found him.

    Looking forward to your next mission!

  14. #64
    Registered: Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by frobbin hood View Post
    Congrats on your first mission Ramone!

    Like Gloria, I'm going to have to go again as I've missed a few things.
    BTW, what's with the blind lantern guard?
    Also, close to one of the outside walls, I heard a Hammer but never found him.

    Looking forward to your next mission!
    Thanks Frobbin, that blind guard is a mistake I didn't know about. I'll fix it for a final 1.2 version.
    that Hammer guard can be seen and reached through those holes in the walls. he's got a purse

  15. #65
    Registered: Jun 2007
    Location: Herts. England.
    Well, I haven't managed to finish properly. Got my objectives checked and been to the pub, but can't find a key as some have suggested.

    I'm also about 300 short of full loot total, with all secrets found. I managed to get on the roof of the Hammer Temple, into the room with the female thief and visited the blue room and the room with the couch and painting. Lots of nice touches here - Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull - and I didn't realise Kevel was a lumberjack....

    Couple of questions:
    Never found out what 'Leave everything here' was about. No servants standing by the end.
    Is there a significance to the white dot next to the roof target?
    Last edited by frobbin hood; 27th Dec 2024 at 15:25.

  16. #66
    Registered: Dec 2004
    Location: Germany
    As mentioned somewhere else in this thread, the white dot near the roof target is the impact site of an arrow, and of no further interest to you or anyone else.

  17. #67
    Registered: Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by frobbin hood View Post
    Well, I haven't managed to finish properly. Got my objectives checked and been to the pub, but can't find a key as some have suggested.

    I'm also about 300 short of full loot total, with all secrets found. I managed to get on the roof of the Hammer Temple, into the room with the female thief and visited the blue room and the room with the couch and painting. Lots of nice touches here - Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull - and I didn't realise Kevel was a lumberjack....

    Couple of questions:
    Never found out what 'Leave everything here' was about. No servants standing by the end.
    Is there a significance to the white dot next to the roof target?
    Glad you liked exploring it.
    the Key is on the left wall as you enter the pub.
    300 short with all secrets is a bit low, the dead lady has a ring that's easy to miss, but should be 100gold.
    'Leave everything here' is a message for the female servant with a golden bottle, she leaves it there.
    the white dot was just the wall damaged by the broken arrow on the ground.

  18. #68
    Registered: Jun 2007
    Location: Herts. England.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ramone View Post
    Glad you liked exploring it.
    the Key is on the left wall as you enter the pub.
    Ah yes. Difficult to spot, but got it now.
    Thanks Ramone.

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