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Thread: HELP, please? Thief 2 w/T2Fix runs well--Thief 2X is too dark...

  1. #1
    Registered: May 1999
    Location: Bowie, Maryland, USA

    HELP, please? Thief 2 w/T2Fix runs well--Thief 2X is too dark...

    I recently reinstalled the Thief Series TGold, T2, T3, and T2X. I have all three of the originals with updates and patches (TFix, T2Fix, etc) working fine and can use FMs through Angel Loader. I have T2X Shadows of the Metal Age installed into my T2 folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Enix\Thief 2 The Metal Age\t2x). I can run the mod and get into the game but can hardly see anything even with gamma turned up. I can adjust gamma in the menu but it does nothing...anyone know if there is a fix?

    I'm running on an old HP laptop in Windows 10 Home. Hardware: AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon A5 Graphics. I have updated the drivers for the motherboard and GPU.

    Super Soul Bro #1
    "...thy works have struck me like spears...."

  2. #2
    Go into your Thief folder and open cam_ext.cfg, and find the line:


    Remove the ; from the start of the line.

    Do this for both Thief Gold and Thief 2, they both have this problem and the fix works for both.

    This is why I've been saying the patches should just always do this by default, because tons of users have the gamma problem and the solution is extremely non-obvious unless one goes trawling through config files for fun.

  3. #3
    Registered: Sep 2004
    maybe try the pre-packed fan mission loader compatible build first and see whether it solves the problem before you get into cfg editing (the assumption here is that only T2x has the gamma issue), see the very bottom of the first post here (you can also get a few extra T2x mods there).

    also, program files - perhaps try to place the game anywhere else.
    Last edited by voodoo47; 5th Jan 2025 at 15:45.

  4. #4
    Registered: May 1999
    Location: Bowie, Maryland, USA
    Voodoo47, Thanks for the link! I followed the instructions and it is working now. All the other mods, FMs and the originals were T2X is working as well.

    Super Soul Bro #1
    "...thy works have struck me like spears...."

  5. #5
    Registered: Sep 2004
    sure. and do me a favor, pop your T2 folder out of program files, patching up with T2Fix made it portable so you can do that without an issue. lets lower the chances of program files causing random problems in the future to zero, perhaps.

  6. #6
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: ZylonBane
    I assume this thread will eventually be deleted or moved somewhere more appropriate since it's not a mod or utility.

  7. #7
    Registered: Sep 2004
    probably not, unless you report it.

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