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Thread: Method for descending with rope arrows in Thief: the 'Drop Shot' technique.

  1. #1
    New Member
    Registered: Dec 2024

    Method for descending with rope arrows in Thief: the 'Drop Shot' technique.

    Instead of trying to re-attach yourself to a pre-fired rope arrow and climbing down, try this:

    1. Disable 'Bow Zoom' in settings.
    2. Stand and face away from the wooden ledge so that it's directly behind you.
    3. Draw your bow at a horizontal angle and start to walk backwards.
    4. When you fall, release your arrow as soon as the bow sight lines up with the outer/vertical side of the wooden ledge. If timed correctly, you'll grab onto the rope arrow.

    Remember that the speed of rope growth depends on vertical distance, so you get more consistent/reliable results on high ledges. I call it the 'Drop Shot' technique.

    Also uploaded it to YouTube for the hell of it:
    Last edited by Garrett731; 15th Jan 2025 at 07:35. Reason: Added detail.

  2. #2
    Registered: Dec 2011
    Location: Ferrol - Spain
    Tried this in real life and I´m writing this from hospital.

  3. #3
    That's actually really useful. How has no one found this before 2025?

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