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Thread: 25-Year Retrospective Feature (Retro Gamer Magazine)

  1. #1
    New Member
    Registered: Jan 2020

    25-Year Retrospective Feature (Retro Gamer Magazine)

    Hi all - now that it's been 6+ months since print publication, I wanted to share this feature I wrote for Retro Gamer Magazine last summer. It's a big retrospective on the Thief series, Looking Glass, and immersive sims overall. I got to interview a bunch of the original devs, including:

    - Terri & Eric Brosius (writing, level design, sound design, voice of Viktoria)
    - Stephen Russell (Garrett himself)
    - Randy Smith (project director for TDS)
    - Dan Thron (art & cutscene direction, writing, voiced many characters)
    - Emil Pagliarulo (level design for T2, now design lead at Bethesda)
    - Jonas Eneroth (executive producer of both Thief and Hitman)

    And several fans-turned-pro designers carrying the LGS torch, including:

    - Dana Nightingale (campaign lead at Arkane, aka Digital Nightfall on TTLG, founding member of ttlg community &
    - Romain Barrilliot (level design at Arkane, aka skacky on TTLG)
    - Dillon Rogers (project lead on Gloomwood)

    Thief has meant the world to me over the years - it opened my eyes to the power of interactive storytelling & game design at a young age. (I've been lurking on TTLG since...2001 probably?). Was thrilled to write this piece and talk with these amazing designers. And while I'm not a super active member here, I'm very glad to be connected to you all, and grateful to everyone making incredible FMs ongoing - and hope you enjoy reading this piece.


  2. #2
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    This is great! Thanks for sharing.

  3. #3
    Registered: Sep 2007
    Location: Leipzig (Germany)
    Great. I must translate it and read it the next days.

    Gesendet von meinem moto g84 5G mit Tapatalk
    Where there is singing, sit down quietly :D . Evil people know no songs.

  4. #4
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Location: Not France
    Great article, very well done. I would have liked to see Feuillade and/or skacky get credit for TBP in the sidebar story though.

    Also, hadn't heard anything about the Randy Smith/Daniel Thron stealth game in the works, anything more you can share on that?

  5. #5
    New Member
    Registered: Jan 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Renault View Post
    Great article, very well done. I would have liked to see Feuillade and/or skacky get credit for TBP in the sidebar story though.

    Also, hadn't heard anything about the Randy Smith/Daniel Thron stealth game in the works, anything more you can share on that?
    Glad you liked it! And yes, I had a deeper dive for the TBP sidebar in my initial draft - I assume my editor cut it down for word count, alas. However, I also wrote this feature for RockPaperShotgun which is ALL about the Black Parade and features skacky (and several author FM authors) talking about the work.

    As for Randy and Thron's new game, they couldn't tell me much on the record. But if you check out Randy's profile on bluesky, he's got a pinned post there that sheds a bit more light. He calls it a " stealth tactics game that's also a roguelike deckbuilder" and posted a piece of Thief-y concept art.

  6. #6
    Registered: May 2005
    I will share this article when the next acquaintance of mine asks me why I still play this 25-year old game.

  7. #7
    New Member
    Registered: Dec 2024

    These are solid articles, Brodo, congratulations, and it's great that you had a good time interviewing all the people you named! Saved for posterity

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