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Thread: Change frobbing distance for a single FM?

  1. #1
    Registered: Jan 2006

    Change frobbing distance for a single FM?


    I'm currently playing Transitions in Chaos: Conspiracies in the Dark and I've noticed the frobbing distance is slightly reduced. I find this to be very annoying and wanted to ask if it's possible to change the distance in some .cfg file or something. I don't have any DromEd knowledge whatsoever sadly so I think I wouldn't be able to change it in that way.

    Thank you very much!

  2. #2
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: ZylonBane
    Why do dingdongs keep thinking this subforum is for asking about how to mod things?

  3. #3
    Registered: Jan 2006
    I'm sorry.

    Would any of the mods be willing to move the thread to the forum that actually matches?

  4. #4
    Registered: Sep 2004
    well, as he doesn't know Dromed, he technically is asking for a (dml) minimod. so he actually probably is at the most appropriate place.

    I'll take a look in a day or two if nobody else will.

  5. #5
    Registered: Jan 2006
    If a minimod can be a solution that would be great though my initial question was if I'd be able to change something in a .cfg or .ini file and be done with it. Please don't spend too much time on this if you don't really want to, though I would be very grateful!

    I'll be able to cope with the frobbing distance if this is a complicated fix.

  6. #6
    Registered: May 2004
    One caveat here: In this mission, I'm pretty sure the frobbing distance was slightly reduced to stop some sequence-breaking soft locks. In other words, extending the frobbing distance could make it so the player can accidentally create a situation where they can't finish the mission. Reducing the frobbing distance was a bit of a quick and dirty way to address the issue, but oh well.

    I'd recommend just tolerating the slightly reduced frobbing distance for this one mission.

  7. #7
    Registered: Jan 2006
    If that's the case I will be able to cope. Thanks for the heads up! I have finished the FM in the past at least once but thought the annoyance of the reduced frobbing distance might be easily mitigated before I do another run soon.

  8. #8
    Registered: Sep 2004
    took a look, ok, I don't think I want to adjust almost 150 objects and archetypes manually. leaving them here in case someone else would.
    Property "Inventory: Max Pick Distance"
    Door1 (-4): 3.00
    physical (-7): 7.00
    Creature (-8): 1.75
    Household (-11): 3.50
    Barrel (-137): 3.50
    FootLocker (-152): 3.00
    Door2 (-163): 3.00
    Door3 (-164): 3.00
    Door4 (-165): 3.00
    Door5 (-166): 3.00
    Door6 (-167): 3.00
    Door7 (-168): 3.00
    Door8 (-169): 3.00
    Door9 (-170): 3.00
    Door10 (-171): 3.00
    Door11 (-172): 3.00
    Door13 (-174): 3.00
    Treasure (-224): 3.50
    Up/Down Switch (-464): 4.00
    Vegetation (-488): 3.50
    LockPick (-1315): 4.00
    bystander (-1325): 1.75
    door_ham_insign (-1382): 3.00
    Talismans (-1418): 4.00
    Wood4x8 (-1627): 3.00
    ReinfWood4x8 (-1628): 3.00
    ArcingLever (-1714): 4.00
    Tulz (-1951): 7.50
    VicLightSwitch (-2214): 4.00
    4x7rusty (-2557): 3.00
    Chest (-2571): 3.00
    GateSmall (-2600): 3.50
    MetalDoor21 (-2692): 3.00
    Keeper4x8 (-2775): 3.00
    BarredDoor (-3121): 3.00
    HamMetDoor (-4576): 3.00
    4x7wood (-5036): 3.00
    4x7wood-w-bands (-5037): 3.00
    FrenchDoor (-5865): 4.00
    GrapplingHookX (-6966): 7.00
    MageDoorX (-7636): 3.00
    OperaDoorX (-7637): 3.00
    A CemetaryGate (62): 3.00
    LockDepot (195): 4.00
    A SmallArcingUnlabelled (296): 4.00
    A NewUpDown (397): 3.00
    A Paint25_6x3.5 (490): 4.00
    SwSec10 (532): 3.00
    A Sliding On/Off (853): 4.00
    A ControlPanel (880): 3.50
    A Sliding On/Off (930): 4.00
    A Sliding On/Off (951): 4.00
    A GoldPlaqueNoArtX (1149): 2.50
    Recette (1200): 3.50
    A Sliding On/Off (1259): 4.00
    footlock (1304): 3.50
    A stat3 (1396): 4.50
    A JewelledSword (1406): 5.00
    A TargaTheBlade (1407): 5.00
    A Sliding On/Off (1438): 4.00
    A GoldDice (1480): 4.50
    KeyEntreprise (1529): 5.50
    A NVCoinStackC (1541): 4.50
    A SilverNugget (1676): 5.50
    A SilverNugget (1718): 5.00
    ContSpecL1 (1727): 3.50
    A SmallArcingUnlabelled (1737): 4.50
    ContSpecL4 (1746): 5.00
    A NVCoinS (1783): 4.50
    A TrGobPurp (1784): 5.50
    A TrGobPurp (1785): 6.00
    A GoldGoblet (1786): 5.50
    A NVCoinS (1807): 4.50
    A NVCoinG (1808): 4.50
    A Lockbox (1814): 4.00
    Serp (1882): 7.00
    KeyMajordome2 (1891): 6.00
    SecPlate (1897): 7.00
    Gob (1898): 7.00
    MMJr_Majordome (1908): 5.00
    Chef_Attention (1912): 4.00
    Collier (1921): 7.00
    A spice (1925): 3.80
    A spice (1926): 3.80
    Nug (1931): 7.00
    Hammerite_Auto (1935): 5.00
    LordPaul_Log (1937): 4.50
    Testament (1938): 5.00
    Notaire_MMJr (1940): 5.00
    ServantLettre (1941): 5.00
    SwVieille (1948): 4.50
    A spice (1951): 3.80
    A Purse (1952): 4.50
    A Purse (1953): 4.50
    A Purse (1954): 4.50
    An EarthCrystal (1958): 5.00
    A RamirezSignet (1960): 4.80
    A WaterCrystal (1961): 5.00
    A WaterCrystal (1962): 5.00
    An EarthCrystal (1963): 4.00
    An EarthCrystal (1964): 4.50
    An EarthCrystal (1965): 4.50
    An EarthCrystal (1966): 5.00
    A WaterCrystal (1967): 4.00
    KeyMMJr (1968): 4.00
    An EarthCrystal (1974): 5.00
    KeySewers2 (1986): 3.50
    KeyTour (1996): 4.50
    KeySpecL6 (1999): 4.00
    KeyTannen (2000): 4.50
    KeyDregger (2001): 4.50
    KeyMajordome (2002): 4.50
    KeyEntreprise01 (2026): 5.00
    KeyEntreprise2 (2027): 5.00
    A TrVaseGreen (2070): 5.00
    A SilverNugget (2133): 5.50
    ContSpecL5 (2177): 3.50
    Notaire_Log (2178): 4.50
    An EarthCrystal (2181): 5.00
    A WaterCrystal (2182): 4.00
    Dregger_Log (2184): 5.00
    A NVCoinG (2197): 4.50
    Menaces (2198): 5.00
    A NVCoinG (2202): 4.50
    A Tiara (2217): 6.00
    A NVCoinG (2220): 4.50
    A NVCoinG (2227): 4.50
    LuteServant (2248): 4.00
    A NewUpDown (2283): 5.00
    A HealingFruit (2322): 3.50
    A HealingFruit (2323): 3.50
    FrobPlume (2325): 5.00
    NewTestament (2329): 5.00
    Mush (2330): 6.00
    SpiderVenom (2335): 7.00
    RatBlood (2337): 4.50
    SwCook (2338): 5.00
    RemedyEmpty (2353): 4.50
    PoisonBottle (2355): 4.50
    Remedy (2357): 5.00
    A NewUpDown (2370): 4.00
    Plume (2378): 5.00
    A NewUpDown (2554): 1.80
    A NVCoinStackG (2745): 5.00
    A NVCoinStackG (2746): 5.00
    ContSpecL6 (2806): 3.50
    ContSpecL3 (2808): 3.50
    ContSpecL2 (2834): 3.50
    } // 148 object(s)

  9. #9
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: ZylonBane
    Quote Originally Posted by voodoo47 View Post
    well, as he doesn't know Dromed, he technically is asking for a (dml) minimod. so he actually probably is at the most appropriate place.
    TTLG has a tech support forum and The Editor's Guild. My understanding of this forum is that it's supposed to be the Thief equivalent of SMA's "SS2 Modifications" forum. People looking here to mod Thief shouldn't have to sift through gormless help requests to find the actual mods. Currently, over a third of the threads on the first page of this forum aren't mods. That's a pretty dreadful signal-to-noise ratio.

  10. #10
    Registered: Sep 2004
    agreed. but TTLG doesn't want to mirror the SS2 mods subforum 1:1, or so it would seem. the sticky should help, as all mods (that work) are listed/linked there, so that people wouldn't need to dig around the subforum.

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