Hey Mazur long time no see.
Well everyone should d/l this mission It heaps fun and you'll love it![]()
Hi thiefy fans;
I'm going to submit my mission for public enjoyment now. It is around 99.9% done in my opinion. Unfortunately my old puter died and my current haphazard puter that i rigged from scraps wont allow for a 3d vid card.
Instead of me leaving this undone and sitting around on my site i felt that i may as well let everyone play it if they want to. I'll visit the forums in case some spoilers pop up or whatnot.
Dan and keeper of the metal feel free to add this to your sites if you choose to. And enjoy everyone, i did put many months of effort into it. Click on the links forbeta 1.2version 1.0 which is now considered the final release.
The list of changes for Durant 1.0 Final are posted here:
Last edited by Nightwalker; 20th Sep 2012 at 12:01. Reason: added updated download links
T2 FM: Durant
Hey Mazur long time no see.
Well everyone should d/l this mission It heaps fun and you'll love it![]()
DL'd it, and started playing, but the cough syrup is telling me that it's time for my nappy-nap.
I'm not really *** SPOILING *** anything when I say that I'm really enjoying the ledges. I don't know that I've seen a street done that way (or at least, to that degree) before. Kinda halfway between The Thieves Highway of Life of the Party and the pools of shadow that you had to cling to in Assasins or Courier.
I look forward to playing the rest of it.
It look nice when shall you release the fm?
You can get the mission now.. just click on the link that 'Beta v1.2 Download click here.'
Played a little bit this morning.
Looks pretty good so far.![]()
<A HREF="http://www.cmgww.com/stars/feldman/bio.html" TARGET=_blank>"I despise you all....
And I dont even know you yet."</A>
Oh My God! Those are beautiful screenshots and architecture!![]()
How do you make a cog or whatever you need to get into that room on the 3rd floor? I read somewhere that the instructions were on the second floor. All I found were the numbers. So how do you make a cog?
The instructions are actually found in a book on the top level, beside the machine with the numbers to push.![]()
I just dumped everything I had in the shoot and it worked!
What happened to spoiler cover?Oh well.
What is with all these great FM's coming out this month? Awesome level and I'm not even done yet.
I don't think Hanse is gonna like the part she plays.![]()
Hehe, Hanse volunteered for the role desppite the fore warning i gave her.
T2 FM: Durant
This is a great mission.I haven't finished yet but already it's impressive.
Looking forward to the finished version.
[ April 24, 2001: Message edited by: TheCapedPillager ]
Its getting a tad hard here on expert level, I cant belive i cant be bashing peeople on the head : (
But hey its a challenge : )
It's not enough. I need more. Nothing seems to satisfy. I don't want it.I just need it. To feel, to breathe, to know I'm alive.
Well, I'm officially stuck. And the no-knockouts is starting to get tough too.![]()
SPOILER QUESTION: I think I've ransacked Rammstein's place completely so I headed to the restaurant to try the key but its entirely empty it seems. I assume I'm looking for the key to De Perrin's relics, where do I go next?
I just want to clear it up again, this is the finished version, i didnt change my site or the link's names and whatnot, beta is not beta it's *final*. My puter died and all my software for web buildin lays rest on it along with other tidbits.
Also to make note, the 3 difficulty levels were made to present 3 different types of styles of playing. But i'll give a major hint here. Gas bombs and mines and frog eggs will not add to the body count. You really can take out more then you think.
I'm not clear on how to make the spoiler white text thing like that so i'll do it the old way
de perrin's key is to be made at the mech warehouse, the resteraunt is a newly constructed place and stuff wasnt shipped in there yet, but the resteraunt will play a role at one time or another.
Actually it was just 2 mistakes on my part. I hadn't found the way into the Mechanist building so I went to Rammstein's first and I also totally forgot about the ghost.![]()
But now I can't figure out how to destroy the golden child, the acid doesn't work so where is the Necrotic mix..?
this is a great mission mazur. very challenging on expert. i don't generally like no-knockout levels, but this one i'm really enjoying.
one bug (highlight):
the key combo at the mechanists can only be entered once. the keypad doesn't work properly after that. which means if you open it before you've done the mixing in the basement, you're sol.
[ April 25, 2001: Message edited by: Pope ]
It's sad how whole families are torn apart by simple things, like wild dogs.
Thanks for reporting bout that child. It's been 3 months since i looked at the mission, but recall i might have inserted the wrong child archtype. Unfortunately the changes i made are on the dead drive and not the site. I'll try to make the correction and repost it soon being that will be a major bug. The acid should destroy the child that was the intent and will work after the correction.
T2 FM: Durant
The intent for that keypad is a one shot deal, but i'll leave a minor hint. There's more then one way to skin a cat.
T2 FM: Durant
Yes, I'm working my way through the FMs I've been downloading
Two parts in particular:
Making the cog: I've found out how to do it, but I haven't been able to find out what I need to use to make it.
Sewers key (for the lock in the Mech basement area). I read that it's in the Chapel, but all I can find in there is the golden cog and that scroll.
Some more spoiler-laden hints would be appreciated![]()
For the cog: Just dump everything into the ore-cog template (think that is what it is called). Then go to where the cleansing machine ends and get the gear. Then drop the gear in the other chute. Next go to the third floor and type in the combination.
Sewer key: I have no idea, I just used my brains to get past the guards in the street and snuck in the front entrance.![]()
Spoilers for CocoClown: Highlight-To make the cog, you need to find a piece of ore, which is in one of the rooms on the lower floor of the temple (at the bottom of the stairs from the chapel itself). That's what you dump into the ore-cog template machine. Then go back into the area at the bottom of the stairs, and you will find a blank cog in another small room at the end of the cleaning belt. Take it back to the cog manufacturing room and put it in the Gear Transformation Machine, then go up to the top floor and enter the code.
The sewer key is in a safe, hidden in one of the columns along the back wall of the chapel area. (way back in the corner, behind the stairwell). I hope that's what you needed.
That highlight thing is cool
Thanks for the help! Turns out I had the ore all along. And I thought it was a lump of silver... *whacks head against desk*
Ta very much!
Has anybody figured out how to bet into that little secret door in the Mechanist office? It is (I think) the second secret.
The first secret is an invisibility potion on top of a building right where you start.
heaven, earth, fire, and water.