I have tried everything to destroy the wickerman , but he just won't go away !
This is in regards to KoMaG's small mission contest entry - The Wickerman.
Maybe I have a defective copy of this mission, but other players have encountered some of these problems.
Problems with this mission:
1) The 3rd objective "Take Riena to the cave" checked off BEFORE I had even found Riena.
2) When you search the cult leader for 'evidence' by picking up the cult leader, auto-search bodies does not detect the 'evidence'. You have to right click on one of the cult leader's hands to find the evidence. The author of this mission may have intended this, but I assumed that auto-search bodies 'on' meant that the whole body would be searched including the hands.
3) For some of us, re-entering the cave becomes a problem. I noticed that this problem occurred after I visited the wickerman. Was that 'invisible wall' in the cave intentional? I even completed the other objectives up to that point, and I still ran into that invisible wall.
I had to reload an earlier saved mission to overcome this problem.
4)The 8th objective - "Leave with Riena via the cave" does not check off until you drop Riena at the back of the cave. Just carrying her to the back of the cave won't trigger the objective.
I know that other players have encountered some of these problems.
[ December 23, 2001: Message edited by: equilibrium ]
I have tried everything to destroy the wickerman , but he just won't go away !
Spoiler:Look for somewhere suitable to place the powder keg for maximum damage where you'll still be able to get a clear shot at it with the fire arrow.
I encountered the problem with the cave immediately, and again upon returning with Riena. It's because the cave is too small to fit through, unless you wiggle around like crazy.![]()
I triggered "leave with Riena via the cave" by going just inside the cave (where you can stand up again) and jumping.![]()
Yeah, "take Riena to the cave" checked off for me before I even found her also.
[quote] 3) For some of us, re-entering the cave becomes a problem. I noticed that this problem occurred after I visited the wickerman. Was that 'invisible wall' in the cave intentional? I even completed the other objectives up to that point, and I still ran into that invisible wall.
i'm almost done on expert, but can someone tell me exactly where the 'evidence' is? EQ? i can't even tell which one is the cult leader. there is the bowman, the swordsman, the unarmed man and unarmed woman. i tried right-clicking on all 8 hands to no avail. thanks.
[quote] but can someone tell me exactly where the 'evidence' is? EQ? i can't even tell which one is the cult leader.
thanks, EQ. after many more attempts i finally got it. that has to be the smallest object i've seen in any mission. and i had the same problem with the invisible wall in the cave. on easy i got out just fine, on expert i couldn't.
Sorry to revive an old thread, but I am sure people are still playing this little gem of a mission. I got hung up on all the problems mentioned above, and managed to figure them out. My problem is this (those of you used to my posts probably know what's coming....) you can't ghost the mission.
Now, I know, one of the objectives is to blow the thing up--not ghostly. But does anyone but me think that you ought to relish the challenge of sneaking up there unnoticed , snagging the Mädchen, and then blowing the thing at a safe though surprising distance??
Maybe it's just a playing-style thing. The mission was really original, and I did enjoy it a lot. But I think rescues ought to be ghostable (heck, what do I know, I think that they ALL ought to be ghostable....)
B+ from the ghosts on the forum. Great little mission. Cool wickerman.
Last edited by Talon Riverhand; 27th Jul 2003 at 22:23.
Ghosts of the City, Inc.
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