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Thread: Museum Heist T2 FM Nov.30/01

  1. #1
    Registered: May 2000
    Location: Thunder Bay, On., Canada

    Museum Heist T2 FM Nov.30/01

    I haven't seen any mention of this new Fm here, so I thought I'd let you know it's available. It's a fairly straight-forward thieving mission with no complicated puzzles, but it's lots of fun, created for our thiefing pleasure by Buglesoft. You can download it at:epitumia's site. Have fun!

  2. #2
    Registered: Oct 2001

    I finished this mission last night on expert, but I have a questions.

    There's a thief pacing in a room in the building just east of the building you start out in. Is there any way to get into that building? I was also short 20 loot. Is it by chance in that building?

  3. #3
    Registered: May 2000
    Location: Thunder Bay, On., Canada

    I couldn't find a way into that building, but that doesn't mean you can't get in there. You could e-mail buglesoft or post at the Eidos Thief Forum which is where he hangs out. He'd be able to tell you, of course.

  4. #4
    Registered: Dec 2000
    Location: Broomfield, CO

    Not at this time, though maybe in a future modification (if I ever get around to it). That room is simply to provide some depth to an otherwise uninteresting building.

    BTW - thanks for the mention Nightwalker!

    [ December 01, 2001: Message edited by: Buglesoft ]

  5. #5
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Illinois

    Can anyone tell me about the apparent "secret door" in the basement? What a great mission.

  6. #6
    Registered: May 2000
    Location: Thunder Bay, On., Canada

    When you're facing the secret door, turn around and look for a lever on the back of the electric gismo behind you. It's on the base between it and the wall and pretty hard to see.

  7. #7
    Registered: Dec 1999
    Location: Maryland, USA

    I've completed this on Hard but I still have some questions about loot and secrets.

    Even though I completed it I found there's more than 500 in loot that I didn't find. That makes me think there's some area that I've totally missed. Can anyone tell me where that might be?

    I only found 2 out of 4 secrets. The first was the 'hidden' door in the basement mentioned in the posts above. The second one is in the rooms upstairs that you get to from that 'hidden' door. Where are the other 2?

  8. #8
    Registered: Dec 2000
    Location: USA

    Buglesoft, I enjoyed your mission. It was a solid effort. (Screech's artwork was quite impressive, btw.)

    But could you tell me the four secrets? (I played on Expert and I'd like to find the two that I missed.) Pretty please?

  9. #9
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: LM's Dungeon

    Bugle did a great job with this mission. I helped beta test this one, here are the other 2 secrets that are NOT already mentioned.

    At the very begining of the mission, Garretts place, look around in there, in the kitchen area. And the second one is in the Hammerite exhibit, there is a skull, and a skeleton, find the skull, and put it back together with the skeleton body.

  10. #10
    Registered: Dec 2000
    Location: Broomfield, CO

    I am glad all of you enjoyed playing the mission.

    I generally won't answer questions about where secrets or loot are hidden. I much prefer that others respond to those questions because they have managed to find the secrets and loot and if you do find it all, you are doing very well and deserve credit for finding them all. Just my opinion.

    I have started designing the sequel (no title yet). If it goes as well as the MH, you should expect to see it sometime around Christmas 2004 [Joke] [Sly] I may even package a revised MH with the sequel in a 2 or 3 mission series, but don't hold your breath

    Good Luck!

  11. #11
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Fl, USA

    Can anyone help me with getting the glass case to open surrounding the Crown Jewels? I just seem to be stuck.

  12. #12
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Location: Intarnet


    The glass case is open at the top...


    [quote]Originally posted by big3red:
    Can anyone help me with getting the glass case to open surrounding the Crown Jewels? I just seem to be stuck.

  13. #13
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: ashland,or,usa

    What's up with the
    Secret door in the wall of brush outside, behind the museum. I've hit it with my sword, its metal and looks like a secret door, I couldn't get it open though

  14. #14
    Registered: May 2000
    Location: Thunder Bay, On., Canada

    schwaa -
    It's a door from inside the maze. I never found a way to open it from the museum side, but from inside the maze, you can. Look for a little hut.

  15. #15
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: UK

    Hint for dealing with the maze.. get to the very top floor, climb out and go to the East edge of the roof. From here you have a good view of the maze, and can see the dead ends and plan a general route. I dislike mazes, so this was a great help to me. I managed to get straight to that hut in there.

  16. #16
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2000

    This was a great, great mission.

  17. #17
    Registered: May 2001
    Location: Earth Prime
    Hadn't played this one for a long time and had forgotten how very impressive those exhibits are!! Interesting roof tops. When can we expect your next creation, Buglesoft?

    Incidently, one of the bulletin's mentioned that a customer's ring had gone missing. Is this the same one that in on
    bed stand/side table upstairs? As for the artifact ... this time I remembered all those broken statues downstairs.

  18. #18
    Oh this sounds fun (and the next FM by Christine I was going to play told me I'm going on Holliday first), so I think I'll give this one a go real soon!
    The Honest Thief - FMs, screenshots, DromED, links

    Zaccheus' hospital blog

  19. #19
    Oh man, just saw the thread creation date.

    The Honest Thief - FMs, screenshots, DromED, links

    Zaccheus' hospital blog

  20. #20
    Is there a key to the safe???

    I have 3 keys.. blue, gold, silver, and neither one seem to work in the safe.

    I also have (i think) everyone in the entore mission knocked out, and have only found those keys.

    I also read a note mentioning that someone (curator?) seems to get in and out of the museum and into his safe w/o going through the lobby....

    I also only seem to have 1934 out of 2400+ loot.

    I am SURE I have missed something, but have no idea what....

    Otherwise, NICE MISSION!


    Never mind! I was on the wrong side of the vault door!

    However, now I am still 100 short on lootsie!!!!


    back in I go.
    Last edited by [BBR]_M1Tanker; 29th Apr 2003 at 13:00.

  21. #21
    Registered: Sep 2005
    Location: Not Kansas
    Sorry to resurrect such an old thread, but I've been going back and playing a bunch of older FMs I've somehow missed. Anyhow, I already finished this FM (& had a great time doing so!), but noticed that there were about three places that looked like I should be able to access, only I can't for the life of me find a way to get to those areas.

    The first is the building to your left when you exit Garrett's home/hiding place. If you go around to the left side of the building there's a top floor window (with a grill) that's lit up & has what looks like another thief pacing back & forth in the upstairs room. How do I access that building?

    The second is the house directly across from the entrance to the museum. I can see a telescope perched on the roof/patio and can also see patio doors. How do I get up there?

    I also noticed that in Garrett's house/hiding place, in the big fireplace it looks like there's a small section that could be a secret door, but once again, after straining my eyes for a good 10 minutes, I couldn't find a secret switch or button anywhere. Am I just seeing things and it's really only a lighter colored section of brick, or is it really an entrance to a secret passageway (or secret)?

    Thanks to anyone that can answer my questions!

  22. #22
    Registered: Jul 2006
    Is there another download link? I cannot, for the life of me, get that link to load...

  23. #23

  24. #24
    Registered: Jul 2006
    Thank you.

  25. #25
    New Member
    Registered: May 2007

    Some answers for Dia

    Regarding your first question, I do not believe you can get in there. I seem to recall a statement that it was just for atmosphere.

    Regarding your 2nd question, You can get there with crates, but all you will find is a papyrus and a nice view.

    Regarding your third question, trust your eyes:

    Quote Originally Posted by Dia View Post
    I also noticed that in Garrett's house/hiding place, in the big fireplace it looks like there's a small section that could be a secret door, but once again, after straining my eyes for a good 10 minutes, I couldn't find a secret switch or button anywhere. Am I just seeing things and it's really only a lighter colored section of brick, or is it really an entrance to a secret passageway (or secret)?

    Thanks to anyone that can answer my questions!
    1st hint:
    Look on the counter.

    2nd hint
    Behind a grocery bag

    3rd hint
    In the corner near the fireplace is a switch to open the secret area
    Last edited by Goldsla; 26th Sep 2007 at 23:57.

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