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Thread: T2 FM: Curse of the Carnival beta (26-3-2001)

  1. #51
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    I guess at some point I should release my updated version so that someone else could finish it off some day. Wow, 5.5 years since my post in this thread...

  2. #52
    Registered: May 2009
    Location: Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by Yandros View Post
    I guess at some point I should release my updated version so that someone else could finish it off some day. Wow, 5.5 years since my post in this thread...
    That's a shame. I hope you were successfull and found another adopter for this mission.
    If it takes more then 10 years in total to convert this BETA into a RELEASE, then the mission surely must be a tough one.

    Seriously, I wanted to replay this mission...
    and realized that the beta-version around one various servers (march 26, 2001) can not be completed - and there is not even a teleporter-thing and or a corridor below the waggon - as mentioned in this thread.

    I noticed that an updated version (december 18, 2001) is around - but the download-links are pretty much hidden.

    EDIT: hmm.... the updated version seem to be no different. I am stuck below the waggon.
    No teleporter, no corridor... just a straight fall into a room without escape.
    Am I missing something ?
    Last edited by gnartsch; 17th Feb 2012 at 18:07.

  3. #53
    Registered: May 2008
    Location: Southern,California
    that mission was never completed,i played it a few time and got to the furthest possible also,there was another type of thief mission that was also at a theme park that had similar feel as this one,i do remeber other one had a house of mirrors a fun house where you pass by a door with zombie in it and and a bunch of fair type games

  4. #54
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Hmmmm, the one at the Keep appears to be the one that got the update from Alex in Dec 2001. Thiefmissions lists the date as Apr 2001, so the Keep's may be the latest. I'm not a good person to ask since I got a version from her that was later than any released and have since made lots of changes, so I don't have a good grasp on what's in or not in the public versions.

  5. #55
    Dóttirin klæðist oft móður möttli
    Registered: Apr 2015
    I found a copy of "Curse of the Carnival" on an old backup CD labelled "FMs April 2001". I must have downloaded this FM about 17 years ago. This version has additional areas (compared to the version on thiefmissions)
    It's not the version posted in the first post, but an older version. It's full playable, but it needed some dml fixing. Thanks to fortuni for testing it again and again.
    Get the "old" mission here
    This dml also works for the "new" version (but the final room is missing in the "new" version, so the mission won't end).
    DML1//Curse of the Carnival//Fix final goal
    //miss21.mis.dml +ObjProp 729 "Scripts" { "Script 0" WelcomeRoom } +ObjProp 461 "Scripts" { "Script 0" TrapTeleporter } +Link 461 240 "ControlDevice" { } +Link 636 461 "ControlDevice" { } +ObjProp 697 "Scripts" { "Script 0" TrapRelay } +Link 164 697 "ControlDevice" { } +Link 697 338 "ControlDevice" { } +Link 697 339 "ControlDevice" { } +Link 697 340 "ControlDevice" { } +Link 697 634 "ControlDevice" { } +Link 697 635 "ControlDevice" { } +ObjProp 685 "Scripts" { "Script 0" TrapDestroy } +Link 224 685 "ControlDevice" { } +Link 685 697 "ControlDevice" { }
    Install instructions: open a text editor, copy+paste the code and save the file name as: miss21.mis.txt into the FM folder. Rename txt-->dml. That's all
    Last edited by Unna Oertdottir; 2nd May 2018 at 04:01.

  6. #56
    Registered: Oct 2013
    Thanks Unna, just played the old version of this 2-3 weeks ago. Great to have a more complete version. This one has a neat mini game at the end. Shame this was never finished.

  7. #57
    Registered: May 2008
    Location: Southern,California
    there is also another fair/carnival thief mission forgot name of it ,but its also good and old

  8. #58
    Registered: Jul 2014
    Surprised I didn't know about this one. Sounds like fun!

  9. #59
    Registered: May 2008
    Location: Southern,California
    i remember the other mission name "harlequin" its even better has a cart ride that is real good,and more

  10. #60
    Registered: May 2009
    Location: Germany
    Thanks for the fix, Unna !
    I don't recall having ever seen that final room before.

  11. #61
    Registered: Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by gnartsch View Post
    I don't recall having ever seen that final room before.
    Your unlikely to see anything like it again!

  12. #62
    Dóttirin klæðist oft móður möttli
    Registered: Apr 2015
    A note: the final room is missing in the "new" version, so the mission won't end. If you want to finish the mission, play the version which I uploaded (plus dml).

  13. #63
    New Member
    Registered: Dec 2019

    Upload a latest version of the FM

    Quote Originally Posted by Yandros View Post
    Hmmmm, the one at the Keep appears to be the one that got the update from Alex in Dec 2001. Thiefmissions lists the date as Apr 2001, so the Keep's may be the latest. I'm not a good person to ask since I got a version from her that was later than any released and have since made lots of changes, so I don't have a good grasp on what's in or not in the public versions.
    Hi Yandros! You should have a latest version of the Curse of the Carnival. Would You mind to upload it somewhere ? Thx for the answer :-)


  14. #64
    Registered: Mar 2014
    Location: Somewhere in The City
    Considering how this FM has had its troubles, i guess its "Cursed" in more ways the one.

    I will need to replay it with the original version, i remember getting frustrated i couldnt ever finished it.

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