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Thread: TTGM 1: Errand Boy (4/8/2000)

  1. #1

    TTGM 1: Errand Boy (4/8/2000)

    My new Thief 2 fan mission TTGM:Errand Boy can be downloaded here: (also contains hints, pictures and background)

    Based on the map for Garrett's Revenge, the Keepers have a mission for you. You can do what you like, break into buildings, steal anything valuable, knockout who you want (except cops on expert), hack to death who you want.

  2. #2

    I posted your link to the Eidos board so people over there would get it too. I will get the final myself also. Have to check on that last Keeper that had me stumped and see where you moved the secret.

    We are having a Thief 2 Ghost Mode run over on the other side. But somewhere in between mission I will play Errand Boy again. May even try to Ghost it as I said before.

    Just Sneakin Through!

  3. #3

    Its about 98 percent sneakable now

    ** bump to top **

  4. #4

    Very nice. And difficult. I spotted a few bugs, but they should be easy to fix. I'd say more, but I'm playing it right now...

  5. #5

    I'm stuck in Errand Boy


    Nice mission here, lots to explore, etc. I didn't realize this but the Keepers whistle some interesting tunes. Anyways, I'm trying to get into the bank vault, which is complicated. I found the instructions, but they don't seem to be accurate. I couldn't find the miner's pin number, and the miner's key (labeled Hunter House Key) didn't open the taxidermist's safe. Is this a puzzle or a glitch?
    Last edited by nickie; 1st Aug 2012 at 12:18.

  6. #6

    Also a bug..don't climb into the Dock Master's fireplace on the 2nd won't be getting out again..I have to start over from a quick save about 3 objectives back. Man that really bites.

    Need one-on-one help. I'm just a click away.
    Or Check out my ever going web site.
    NativeArt Design

  7. #7

    The miner has two safes, you want the key in the other one. the key your looking for is labeled 'pin number safe key'

  8. #8

    Hmm Apache,
    I climbed in both the fireplaces on both floors with no trouble.

    Did you change anything in those fireplaces or are they the same as when I tested it?

    Once you get those PIN numbers and one other item, the safe is easy. Hunt that stuff down!

    Just Sneakin Through!

  9. #9

    i did'nt touch the fireplaces.
    all I did was put the beams under windows to above the windows, added a couple of skins, put a tree in, made the main quest on expert easyier to understand, and fixed certain AI's that didn't do what they should have done, then I spent 3 days hiding in shadows, making sure it all worked.
    So if there are any bugs then its either a puzzle you haven't worked out or you've tried something I never thought off.
    If something does'nt picklock then it needs a key, if its wooden and you can't find a key use brute force.

  10. #10

    Errand Boy FM Help Requested

    Okay, I have two questions:

    1) Where are the freakin' PIN numbers?

    2) How do I get the taxidermist's safe open? I've got a million keys and none work. I'm assuming his PIN number is in there. And I still need the other guy's PIN also. I have the keymaster's key and am ready to hit the vault.


  11. #11

    You need to go skulking about the Smith's House before the Taxidermist. There are a couple of letters around to give you clue's. Did you find those, they tell you how to get in the safe and where to go for the PIN's

    Just Sneakin Through!

  12. #12

    Hmm, thought I did that. I read the letters and picked up the key. Gotta quit drinkin' speed potion before I read.


  13. #13

    k, bored and irritated now. Can someone give me the answers to my questions so I can move on?

    1) how do I get in the taxidermist's safe?
    2) where are the PIN numbers?

    I assume that one may help me get the other, but I don't see the clues in the smith's shop as suggested. Thanks.


  14. #14

    Okay, forget my previous posts. I forgot one of the basic rules of taffing: ALWAYS check the chimney! How embarrassing.

    Got what I needed, guys. *blush*


  15. #15

    OK, I'll forget it. When I walked by that fireplace it did seem kinda large, just had to go in there. Glad you are moving again!

    Just Sneakin Through!

  16. #16

    Minor Hijack:
    Of those who have found the Keymaster (and actually gotten down to him), who else felt really sorry for him?

    SPCB Member

    Official Funds Collector and True Lord of the Dance.

  17. #17

    Yeah, it seems like the keymaster got the short end of the stick, didn't he?

    I finished the mission and got the sword of balance as a bonus, but I came up about 1100 short in loot. Can't imagine that I missed that much. But I finished on Expert so I'm satisfied.

    But I'm wondering: Is it possible to get into those couple of doors that are boarded up near the starting point? Also, can you actually get into the dock area? Maybe that's where I missed the extra loot?


  18. #18

    You can get into those doors, but you have to break down the boards and one of the doors, which is noisy as hell. You have to be pretty sure of your timing to avoid getting the bulls all over you (or just KO a few beforehand to thin their ranks). I wasn't able to get into the docks, but I think that that's going to be the subject of the next mission in the series. There are also about four secrets. I only found one the first time through, but I'm going to go back and look for the rest.

    Question: Is there a way into the baker's shop that doesn't involve breaking his door down? I had to bash the door open (with the Sword of Balance) and then run for the safety of the keymaster's basement with about four cops on my tail.

    SPCB Member

    Official Funds Collector and True Lord of the Dance.

  19. #19

    Dig around that Bakers Shop some more. I bet there is a key in there somewhere Mind the Bull that comes in for dounuts though

    Just Sneakin Through!

  20. #20

    i should point out that most of the stuff that was in 'Garretts Revenge' is also in this one, this includes some loot locations, and all the shops have moneyboxes, and theres places you can get to if you look for them, and some of the loot is in plain view ie in front of your nose, and as for doors, if it wont picklock then it will have a key, and if you can't find a key and its wooden then use brute force (althought this might be a bit sticky on expert).
    There that should be enough clues.

    I still cant understand how so many people could miss such a huge open fireplace, and the fact the chimney goes through the room above.

  21. #21

    I just finished Errand Boy this afternoon after a few days away from the computer. This was a great mission!! I played on Expert so I couldn't bj the cops & that added some great play value. The town was interestingly, but logically, laid out & the puzzles were good but not too hard. The only thing I had trouble with was finding the keymaster but with a hint I got him. My only real complaint was that when I called up the map, it always came up as the "notes" page & I had to scroll to look at the map of the town. This was a little aggravating but other than that I loved it.

    I missed one secret & about 650 in loot & enjoyed the naked cop.

    Give him a gun & he's Superman--give him two guns & he's God.

  22. #22

    Yeah, the naked lady cop was quite a surprise. Too bad the bodies don't look a little more realistic.

    (Note to self: gotta get out more)


  23. #23

    It took me 2 weeks to do that nude skin.

  24. #24

    Belboz, I hope you don't think I was attacking your work. It was a nice touch. But none of the AI look truly real, especially in the body. And that's one time I would have liked to see the real thing. :-)

    Hope I didn't offend.


  25. #25

    My problem is no matter how hard I look I cannot find the lockboxes I have all these keys for...any help?

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