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Thread: Gathering at The bar Qs... MAJOR SPOILERS

  1. #1
    Keeper Hellzon

    Gathering at The bar Qs... MAJOR SPOILERS

    As I said, MAJOR SPOILERS:

    I have this odd habit of looking through the "books" folder of an FM-zip when I´ve finished it. And I found...a quote scroll. Anyone know how this scroll is obtainable in the game?

    Anders Hällzon, keeper of the keepers' library with enemy info.
    Violent member of SIDE.

  2. #2

    Have you found small rings? Glowing rings, if I recall it correclty? There are 4 of them hidden around, and each open one door in a secret place. .. That's where you find the scroll and.. and other odd stuff. It really is not easy to find, tho.


  3. #3
    Keeper Hellzon

    I've found two. Gotta search more, I suppose. Thanks!!

  4. #4
    Keeper Hellzon

    OK, I'm evil. I can't find the fourth one. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS!!!

    The first was "in an unfortunate piece of rock"
    the second was "behind the cloth"
    The third was "for crazy rooftop hoppers"

    So where is the fourth??? Just a little hint please, or maybe a big hint. Please enlighten me.

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