In my most honest critical opinion:
Dough, your opening premise sounded well enough, albeit a bit contradictory in that a Machanist had Pagan powers, but the level it self...well...left much to be desired. I understand what a daunting task it must be to create an FM and you showed promise but your level lacked many things. First, the vines and shrubbery set a mood of paganism but the mansion itself just looks practically normal. I think you could have used a better use of space in that most of the first half of the level is just a big courtyard thingy with vines and shrubs...
Second, the loot was very conspicuous and the whole objective of killing some (as the player must imply) old tree-mech lady in her mansion seemed very unthiefy. You could have developed the story much more and/or added some scrolls or something. Victralia herself was all right in terms of design. They eyes were cool but other than that it was just a pain old mechanist gal. However, I did enjoy the fireballs behind the doors since I had not seen that done until your mission.
Most likely the main reason why you did not get any votes was because your FM did not stand out; it didn't linger in the player’s mind afterwards. Even a very flawed mission can excel if it offers something that will make the player think "Gee, that mission had a lot of bugs but that one part, WOW!, I guess I'll vote for it for Most Unique or something" I would hope on your next FM (and I do not want for this critic to discourage you) to use you left brain a lot more and be much more creative and elaborate both in your level design as well as your back-story. I am sure that (if this is your goal and your really want to be affluent in FM design) with practice, dedication, and some helpful feed back from this community, you can make your self known as a true "FM Artist".
Glad to help,
Carter Odell (Chronus)