-----Original Message-----
From: Gregor Gorjan [mailto:Gregor.Gorjan@kiss.uni-lj.si]
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 7:39 AM
To: Customer Support
Subject: I can not run Terra nova
Dear Looking Glass,
When i tried to run Terra Nova, the computer gave me the following
Error: Terra Nova has ran out of memory trying to alocate 0 bites
Crash code: 4294967295
I do not uderstand which memory does the computer want. I have 7 GB of
free disk space and
64 MB of RAM. I also gave him 624 kB of free conventional memory. I do
use FAT32 and Windows 98.
I have a Pentium2 - 400MHz
I have allready played your game on a slower system and i had no
problems then. I hope that you can help me to play this realy good game.
I do not have a network version of the game, but i would like to know if
it can be transformed into one (with some add-ons or something like
Thank you for your time.
We've noticed that Windows 98 is even less tolerant of DOS applications
than Windows 95 was. If you are already restarting your computer in
MS-DOS mode and are getting that message, then I recommend trying a Boot
disk. The other option is to try making a custom shortcut. Instructions
on how to do so follow.
LGS Customer Support
I would recommend making a custom configuration for Terra Nova, this will
allow it to run in MS-DOS mode while removing some
of the programs (such as EMM386 and SMARTDRV) which might be causing
problems with Terra Nova.
This document assumes that you got Terra Nova to install properly.
If you are still having problems or any further questions please contact
Customer Support
Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri
Custom Configuration for Windows 95
Click = Click the left mouse button
Right Click = Click with the right mouse button
Click on the Start button
Go to "Programs"
Click on "Windows Explorer"
Click on the "games" folder in the left side of Explorer
Click on the "tnova" folder in the left side of Explorer
Right click on the Tn.bat file under the Contents of tnova side of
Explorer. This might only show up as "Tn"
Click on "Create shortcut"
Right click on "Shortcut to Tn"
Click on "Properties"
Click on the "Programs" tab
Click on "Advanced"
Click on "MS-Dos mode"
Click on "Specify new MS-Dos configuration"
Right click in the "Config.sys" white box
Click on "Select All"
Press the "Delete" key
The text in the white box should disappear.
Right click in the "Autoexec.bat" white box
Right click on "Select All"
Press the "Delete" key
The text in the white box should disappear.
Click on the "Start" button
Go to "Programs"
Go to "Accessories"
Click on "Notepad"
Click on "File" in Notepad
Click on "Open"
Click on the down arrow to the right of the "Look in" white box
Use the scrollbar to find your "C" drive
Click on your "C" drive
Click in "File name"
Type "Config.sys"
Make sure that the "*.txt" is no longer in the white box as well.
Click on "Open"
This should open the file in notepad
Look for the line with "EMM386" in it (usually looks like
If you find it, type "rem" and a space in front of the entire line (this
should be in front of the D in DEVICE)
Note: Not all machines are configured exactly this way. Your machine*s
configuration may not look exactly like this.
Make sure "files" are "=50"
Make sure "buffers" are "=30"
Click on "edit"
Click on "select all"
Click on "edit"
Click on "copy"
Minimize notepad (in the upper right hand corner click on the underline
Go back to the "Advanced Program Settings" box
Right click in the config.sys white box
Click on "paste"
This should fill the white box with the information you edited
On your taskbar you should see "Notepad"
Click on "Notepad" on your taskbar
This should bring notepad back up on the screen
Click on "file"
Click on "open"
NOTE: If at any time you are prompted to save this modified version of
your config.sys or autoexec.bat you should answer
"no". You do not want to save them. You want the original versions to
Make sure that you are still looking in the "c" drive.
Click on file name
Type autoexec.bat
Make sure that the "*.txt" is no longer in the white box as well.
Click on "open"
Look for a line that has "C:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE" in it.
Type "rem" and a space in front of the entire Smartdrive line
Look for a line that has "SHARE" in it
If you find it, type "rem" in front of the entire "Share" line.
Click on "edit"
Click on "select all"
Click on "edit"
Click on "copy"
Minimize notepad (in the upper right hand corner click on the underline
Go back to the Advanced Program properties box
Right click in the autoexec.bat white box
Click on "paste"
This should fill the white box with the information you edited
Click on "ok"
You should now only have Windows Explorer on the screen
In explorer you should see the "Shortcut to "Tn"
If you like you can move this onto your desktop
Right click on "Shortcut to Tn" and drag it to your desk top.
Click on "Move here"
Close "Windows Explorer"
Move "Shortcut to Tn" to a place you like on your desktop
Make sure that the Terra Nova CD is in the CDROM drive and double click
on the "shortcut to Tn" icon to start the game.
NOTE: If at any time you are prompted to save this modified version of
your config.sys or autoexec.bat you should answer
"no". You do not want to save them. You want the original versions to
If you have any difficulties you can contact us at:
(617) 576-3310
or email us at:
Fax: (617)441-3946