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Thread: RPGDot interviewed ME

  1. #1
    she/her ⚧
    Registered: Dec 1998
    Location: Lyon

    RPGDot interviewed ME

    ... and gets an earful! (or a huge pile of text )

    Is on CoSaS, of course. I am grateful to them.

  2. #2
    Registered: Jul 2001
    Location: Hawaii
    Wow, that answered a few questions of mine. Good job Saint Patron of Thieves!

  3. #3
    Registered: Jul 2001
    Location: Australia
    I'm curious, what do you condsider an "new" enemy? For example, would a human guard with a new skin, new voice, new behavior and new attack be considered a new enemy?

    PS: Like the new icon at The Circle
    Just a girl wishing for the old days

  4. #4
    Registered: Jan 2001
    I do like the new humans. Very cool. The tiles on the floor are awesome, good work there.

    Will there be new... monsters? Perhaps old ones? Maybe a Burrick?

    Err, sorry. You're developing the game and I'm taking up your time with stupid questions.

  5. #5
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: U.K.
    This sounds absolutely stunning!!
    Any chance of an idea of the size of it so, if need be, I can get some dollars together and get the CD of Komag (or whoever).
    Otherwise I'll spend a day or so downloading it on my meager 56k modem.
    BTW the whole concept sounds brilliant!!

  6. #6
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Tallhassee, Fl
    Well from what Ive seen and heard so far it looks superb, makes me wish I could contribute more to the community.
    Need a voice actor for your FM? Look no further: Also home to a LGS movie tribute. --Last updated on 10/17/03--

  7. #7
    Registered: May 2001
    Location: .nl
    /me prints it out and adds it to his map labeled CoSaS....

    A bit short but it had nice things that I didn`t know yet and the 2 screenshots were awesome too Keep up doing the great work you started.

    PS: Added a comment too, has about the same info as this post

  8. #8
    Registered: Dec 2001
    Location: Marlboro, MA, USA
    Maybe, Digi, you could send them the teaser movie for their movies section - they only have three other movies there. In any case, that is cool that they are interested, seems like "Garrett" had good questions, and your responses seem well written and satisfyingly whole
    The Keep for Thief 1 and 2 FMs, Shadowdark for Thief 3 and Dark Mod FMs

  9. #9
    Registered: Mar 2002
    Location: A little too close for comfort
    Well, its certainly got my mouth watering anyway. Interesting you say you wanted people with no experience of the Thief games to be able to jump right in, but of course, everyone playing this will have played at least T2.
    Would you call CoSas Thief1-ish, or Thief2-ish? Please give a straight answer to this), what I mean is- has it got the fantasy woodsie lordsie feel with all sorts of undead and monsters to fight, or is it the more realistic 'clean sneaksie thievery' feel of T2.

  10. #10
    Registered: Feb 1999
    Location: Finland

    Originally posted by Weed
    Well, its certainly got my mouth watering anyway. Interesting you say you wanted people with no experience of the Thief games to be able to jump right in, but of course, everyone playing this will have played at least T2.
    Would you call CoSas Thief1-ish, or Thief2-ish? Please give a straight answer to this), what I mean is- has it got the fantasy woodsie lordsie feel with all sorts of undead and monsters to fight, or is it the more realistic 'clean sneaksie thievery' feel of T2.
    I think I can answer this.

    This is ofcourse from my point of view. Of how I see CoSaS.

    However, since the beginning our goal has been to make CoSaS "Thief1-ish". But is it? Well, we've working hard in trying to make the game dark a gloomy and I think we've succeed in that.

    I'm not going to comment the questions about monsters & such. Wait and see.

  11. #11
    she/her ⚧
    Registered: Dec 1998
    Location: Lyon
    Celtic: You're welcome!

    Yametha: Well, when you played Thief 1 for the first time, the first time you met a zombie, it was a new enemy. The first time you met a burrick, it was a new enemy. The first time you met a bugbeast, it was a new enemy. The first time you met an archer or mage of any kind, it was a new enemy. In Thief Gold, the fire shadow was a new enemy. ... and ... what new icon?

    Saturn2K: Thanks! New monster? See above.

    comfortably numb: No idea of the size yet.

    Thief_3_Wannabe: Thanks!

    Omega: Thanks.

    Komag: Good idea!

    Weed: Depends on the missions. At least two are very Thief 2 (no bots, though . Mostly, we're going for a more Thief 1 style. Some missions are not like either game.

  12. #12
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: A big hole in the ground.

    I read the interview. It was a very interesting read. The big question is --> How did they find out about the project ?

  13. #13
    Registered: Jul 2001
    Location: Australia
    When you go to The Circle, instead of getting the at the start of the address bar, you get a .
    Just a girl wishing for the old days

  14. #14
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Louisville, Ky
    Yep, that answered alot of my questions as well
    Digi, when you release CoSaS, you might go the way of Sledge!
    The mothership...err...Ion Austin might hire you as a plot writer
    Good work, great interview, I can't wait for CoSaS to be released.

    I'm not a bad guy, I just play one in real life.

  15. #15
    she/her ⚧
    Registered: Dec 1998
    Location: Lyon
    howie: They found out about it here ->

    Yametha: I think Msledd did that.

    William The Taffer: Hehe... not for a few years, they won't. I have other plans, before I go off to become a professional game developer. B'sides, I don't know if I even want to move to Austin.

  16. #16
    New Member
    Registered: Jul 2001
    Location: Hamburg, Germany
    My main question is ... when?

    I hope you don't get this wrong, but CoSaS has been going for quite some time now, and frankly I had given up on it half a year ago. If there's no release target at all, the likelihood that the spouses etc. will be the entire doom for the project is high. Which would be a shame, because what I've seen so far has been soooo promising

    Is there any hope to just set a release target (October 2002, to have the final release by maybe end of 2002), and salvage what's done by then and cut off the rest?

    Is there any progress REALLY done right now?

  17. #17
    Registered: Jul 2000
    Location: Laurelindórenan
    Originally posted by Yametha
    When you go to The Circle, instead of getting the at the start of the address bar, you get a .
    Whoa... you're right. I never noticed that, and I go to the Circle at least once every day... heheh. Shows how observant I am.

    (I know how to do it, though, and you probably don't... nyah nyah nyah I am l33ter than you )

    *cough* Anyway. Very interesting read, I can't wait to play CoSaS (*hint hint* )

  18. #18
    Registered: Nov 2000
    Location: Australia

    Isn't the water a tad shallow in that end of the pool, SE?

  19. #19
    she/her ⚧
    Registered: Dec 1998
    Location: Lyon

    Re: Release date.

    Re: Release date.

    This isn't just to Mentar, it's for everyone thinking the same thing he is:

    It would be naive, irresponsible, and reckless of me to try to name a release date. (And that whole 'before Thief 3 thing is more of a satire then anything else.) I know people are waiting, I know people are excited, but consider this:

    Milestone A is a week away. Suddenly, the teacher of one of the people working on Milestone A (person 1) gives them an assignment. Suddenly Milestone A is two weeks away. Then, the /other/ person working on Milestone A (person 2) finally gets that job they were after in the door factory, and then Milestone A is a month away. Person 1 is working on it all alone, and spending way too much time on it, because person 2 has no time anymore (8 hour shifts). Suddenly, Person 1's girlfriend gets mad because he's neglecting her, so suddenly Milestone A is 2 months away (because she comes first, and so does school, and so does his day job). Then I need to find person 3 to help out, but they need to be trained first, so suddenly Milestone A is THREE months away. Meanwhile, person 4 can't even START their work until Milestone A is finished, so over these three months, they get busy with other things, vanish, and when the three months have passed, they're no-where to be found, and then I need to find a person 5 to take over the job! (and train them!)

    The situations may seem a little silly, but that is 100% not an exaggeration. And that is only a small, small, small example of the kinds of events outside the project that can slow us down. Imagine the things INSIDE the project that can slow us down! There are only 12 months in a year, after all. We're a team of volunteers, there's only about a dozen of us working on this thing at a time, and this is a hobby. That's just the way things go.

    We work on it every day. Every single day, there is work being done on CoSaS. Some days, there is work being done on CoSaS all-day-long (by various people). But there is a whole lot to do, (we have done a whole-lot!) and we not getting paid for this stuff... so please be patient.

  20. #20
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: Scotland

    Nobody who matters cares that you know how to change the icon, because anyone who matters uses Opera which doesn't display those images by default.

    33t that.
    Exhalted Kumquat of the Guild of Bolt Croppers
    "To steal everything that IS bolted down"
    I'll taff your ears off

  21. #21
    she/her ⚧
    Registered: Dec 1998
    Location: Lyon
    So you're saying I don't matter?

  22. #22
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: Scotland
    I'm just taffin' with yas.

    The 'ion storm? no!' thread is making me appreciate Opera's in-built translator though...
    Exhalted Kumquat of the Guild of Bolt Croppers
    "To steal everything that IS bolted down"
    I'll taff your ears off

  23. #23
    she/her ⚧
    Registered: Dec 1998
    Location: Lyon
    As am I taffing with you.

  24. #24
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: Scotland
    Are we allowed to taff in the taffer forum?
    Exhalted Kumquat of the Guild of Bolt Croppers
    "To steal everything that IS bolted down"
    I'll taff your ears off

  25. #25
    New Member
    Registered: Jul 2001
    Location: Hamburg, Germany
    Digital Nightfall: I perfectly understand your point, honest ... however, due to my own experiences, if there are no deadlines at all (they don't have to be public, internal is just as fine too), the probability of completing the project in a distributed developer environment is next to zero. Why? Exactly BECAUSE you're doing it as hobby developers. Been there, done that - both as a programmer and project manager. Unless there's a common deadline, there's no peer pressure to get your stuff done, and if there's no peer pressure, things will drag out - and the longer things drag out, the more the "active" parts of the environment will lose motivation, and overall progress will bog down.

    CoSaS has been running for how long now? 2 years? Please think about it sometimes ...
    and please don't answer me here, just have a honest look at your internal situation to see if any of my concerns hold some truth .. and if they don't, all the better

    I'm afraid that this comment will look very pushy and ungrateful, and I apologize for it in any case :} ... please see me as someone who would reeeeeally see CoSaS come to life. And based on my own experiences, I'm a bit worried.

    Thanks for your efforts and good luck

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