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Thread: T2 FM "Calendra's Legacy" official release (April 1st, 2002)

  1. #1
    Registered: Nov 1999
    Location: Mostly within the descending c

    T2 FM "Calendra's Legacy" official release (April 1st, 2002)

    Well, I guess this is the official ribbon cutting ceremony!

    ***Calendra’s Legacy is Officially Released***

    Thanks to Crypto and Mr. Tibbitts for getting the giant .zip uploaded, hosted, and tested. The reason I'm posting this now is so that you don't have to wait an additional 8 hours for me to get home from work for the official post to go up. While I'm at work, Crypto and Jason will be in charge of getting the files up and accessible. Thanks again!

    Hopefully you’ll have as much fun playing as I had building. This is the first project I’ve worked on that let me build (more closely) the architecture I’ve always wanted to build. In Calendra’s Legacy you will see that a fully 3D cityscape is in fact possible w/ the Dark Engine. Hope you get a kick out of looking across town.

    Be advised one more time of the resource requirements of the mission. I’ve posted what I felt were the minimum specs already. Also remember to play on a fresh boot.

    I want to thank all of you again for being excited to play and for the email I received over Calendra’s Cistern. I also want to thank my teammates *again* and my wife for putting up w/ 2+ years of DromEd.

    I’ll be taking a much deserved hiatus from this point on and refocusing on finishing my novel. Come visit me at the Pub (link in my sig.)

    Until later: Cheers! And have fun trying to find the “ultimate easter-egg”.


    Download links (by Nightwalker):

    At vandi's suggestion, I'm opening one thread for questions about each mission/act and we'll try that (follow the links below). Anything that is a general question or remark about the mission pack, or covers more than one mission can still be posted in this thread, if you like. Thanks for co-operating so well, everyone. You're the best! - Nightwalker

    Quick navigation:
    T1 FM "CALENDRA'S CISTERN" official release thread
    T2 FM "Calendra's Legacy" official release thread -- currently viewing
    Calendra's Legacy Mission 1: A Meeting With Basso (questions)
    Calendra's Legacy Mission 2: Midnight in Murkbell (questions)
    Calendra's Legacy Mission 3: A Winter's Eve (questions)
    Last edited by nickie; 2nd Nov 2012 at 04:26. Reason: updated links
    "Expect my visit when the darkness comes. The night I think is best for hiding all." -Ouallada
    Frolick at the Pub

  2. #2

    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Houston, Tx., USA
    Remember, folks, I am still receiving the files. Currently I have twelve out of eighteen files, and it's taking about half an hour per file. Add another half-hour for testing.

    For those who just have to have it as soon as humanly possible, I will be issuing status updates on
    - J<

  3. #3
    Registered: Dec 2001
    Location: Marlboro, MA, USA
    I'm also shipping out CD's today for all those who would like to get all 330 juicy megs of CL that way If you pay through paypal or have some payment in the mail, let me know and I'll ship it out today anyway
    The Keep for Thief 1 and 2 FMs, Shadowdark for Thief 3 and Dark Mod FMs

  4. #4
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: Tampa
    yay i am in bunches already i cant wait for this...
    THANKS so much for your dedication to the thief FM community Purah, u are appreciated

  5. #5
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Finally! Eh Purah. A long needed rest is in order.
    While you're at it folks... I have some of the videos uploaded to my site in case anyone wants a peak before they play.. or whatnot. Enjoy.
    This Union by Love destroys the pain.
    This Union by Love changes everything.
    This Life inside is Symbiotic; conceived in Fire!

  6. #6

    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Houston, Tx., USA
    So everyone's wondering where the heck it is. Well, unfortunately, all I've been sent is a version of the mission that was split with winrar. That version unsplits to a zipfile that contains a corrupted version of a very large movie. We're sorting this out but it's still taking time.
    - J<

  7. #7
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: In the kitchen with the rope.
    I see Crypto roaming the forums for a while now...I hope he's getting good news in...

    I'm shaking...I need to play long...

  8. #8
    Registered: Nov 1999
    Location: Mostly within the descending c

    Gosh darn those large files and the difficulties in getting them up and accessible. Yes we had some unforseen setbacks w/ the upload. With a file this big I guess we should all be gratefull it is up. Period.

    If you ordered the CD's there is no problem and no delay. The CD's are probably already on their merry way. Our only issue has been making it available on line and ensuring all 1960 some odd files are intact and not corrupt.

    Yes folks that's over 1900 files in the zip. Make sure to use Darkloader.

    Hit Jason's site at the previously posted url to start your DL now.

    Where I live it is still April I'm saying that we did infact make our deadline. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    "Expect my visit when the darkness comes. The night I think is best for hiding all." -Ouallada
    Frolick at the Pub

  9. #9
    Registered: Nov 1999
    Location: Mostly within the descending c
    BTW, I want to pubicly thank (yes that's a typo but it's kinda funny so I left it) Jason, Dusty, and Ben for the hard work they put in. You all have no idea...they've been uploading and downloading ALL DAY LONG to make this happen.

    Please send them thank you mail when you get a chance.


  10. #10
    Registered: Jul 2001
    Location: Australia
    Purah, I'd like to thank you. A lot! And all the other people working on the CL team. Although I am only 16, I'm sure I'll love this mission!
    Just a girl wishing for the old days

  11. #11

    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: UK
    I've only been playing for 20 minutes or so, but this is pretty awesome

    I love city missions, so I adore wandering the streets like this; you guys did a great job of making the city seem alive. Thanks, great work from what I've played so far!
    Last edited by Elenkis; 2nd Apr 2002 at 04:43.

  12. #12
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Location: Sweden
    This has to be a historical event in PC game history.
    Have download 60 % at the moment. Can't wait.

  13. #13
    Registered: Dec 2000
    Location: Surf Colorado

    Calendra's Legacy - Hints?

    Firstly, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank Purah and the Calendra Team for this very impressively done sequel. I've been playing for the past couple of hours and the city itself is just amazing, the opening video, custom splash screen, custom music replacements for the usual Thief 2 menus and such, all top notch. I would also like to post my system specs that I'm playing with, hoping them to be helpful to any who might've found Purah's original minimum system requirements daunting (I did, but I figured I'd take the chance anyway).

    Pentium 2 400MHz
    320MB RAM
    192MB virtual memory (statically set)
    32MB ATI Rage Fury MAXX
    Soundblaster Live! Value
    Running Windows ME
    Playing at 800x600 resolution

    And at that, with all nonessential background tasks disabled and whatnot, I feel it is very playable, so far. It is certainly somewhat choppy in the open outdoor areas, but nothing that's a problem, though granted this impression is given regarding only the first mission so far. But if your system is between this and Purah's recommendation, I think you should be able to enjoy the mission just fine, if you have a bit of patience.

    Now then, onto the main reason I started this thread, hopefully this can be used as a place to post (Spoiler blocked out of course) places you're stuck at for others who've figured the section out to answer.

    My question has to do with near the beginning of the Tomb:
    In the room past the floortrapped passage, I can't figure out the combination of the archway colors based on the passage in the book. The first logical solution I thought of was: Yellow, Orange, Orange, Orange, Blue. But that just sent me back to the beginning, as has every combination and variation I've tried since. What am I missing in the clue? The sun's good color as it sinks should be Orange or possibly Yellow, Orange, then twice to the last should be Orange Orange or maybe Yellow Yellow, and homage to the ocean can only mean Blue to me. So, any help?

    Good luck to everyone, this certainly seems to be an enjoyable mission to say the least...

    Edit: I managed to figure it out while messing with it for a while longer, so nevermind.
    Last edited by Dranyth; 2nd Apr 2002 at 06:39.

  14. #14
    Registered: Jul 2001
    Location: Australia
    I'm downloading now!

    16% done.
    22:34:50 left (at 3.4k/sec)
    Just a girl wishing for the old days

  15. #15
    Registered: May 2001
    Location: Somewhere in Canada
    Yawn....just finished downloading it and have played for the past ten minutes before my system froze. pentium 4 1.6 gghz w/ 512 DDR Ram - Ge Force 2 64 meg mx. No way I'm going to let this FM slip by me though. I'll play it in earnest tomorrow evening. Excellent job Purah & the gang - don't let the naysayers discourage you. Your love for the series really shines through in here

  16. #16
    Gone, but never forgotten
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: France

    The downloading spent well and the fm works very well.
    Thanks in all.

  17. #17
    Registered: May 2000
    Location: Thunder Bay, On., Canada
    tomb -
    yellow once, orange once, blue twice.

  18. #18
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: In the kitchen with the rope.

    I'M SO HAPPY! THANKS, to everyone who contributed on this FM.

  19. #19
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Enköping, Sweden
    I'm stuck in Murkbell, meaning I can't get out of there. Does anyone know how? I have checked every place I can find but can't find any exit except the gate, witch you can't open...

  20. #20
    Registered: Dec 2000
    Location: Surf Colorado
    That one's not too bad, lets see...

    From Murkbell Gate, head north. You'll find a kind of broken area and a short flight of stairs leading down, head into the lower area and look along the south wall for a strangely shaped metal door, the sewers are the key...

    Hope that helps you out.

  21. #21
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Enköping, Sweden
    Thanks, but I found it myself awhile after I posted... Thanks anyway!

  22. #22
    Registered: May 2000
    Location: Thunder Bay, On., Canada
    You'll find in these missions that there's always more than one way to get where you need to go. Lots of exploring is the key.

    Also, state which difficulty level you are playing on as things change in some cases.

  23. #23
    Registered: Mar 1999
    Location: Lower Transcend
    There are at least 3 ways into Murkbell.

  24. #24
    Registered: Dec 2000
    Location: Surf Colorado
    I just found a second way myself actually... and I suppose theoretically a third, but I can't figure out if it can be opened or not. Very interesting introductory mission though. I'm onto the second now...

  25. #25
    New Member
    Registered: Jan 2002
    Location: Canada
    There's at least 5 ways in... possibly more. If you really want a challenge you can
    try mantleing the barrels in front of the gate! The guards are only concerned with their equipnment, purses and the gate itself.

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