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Thread: Tears Of Blood

  1. #1
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Tears Of Blood

    I actually thought I managed to complete this one without help. But when I got to the end, none of the doors or exits would open. So I'm assuming the game would just end there if I had completed all the objectives. The only one I haven't is the loot quota. I'm 41 shy of 1000.

    Now there's all sorts of possibilites as to where the missing loot is. I did find a lot of secret tunnels and tricky openings. But one thing that I seem to be fixating on are some of these doors with horizontal bars across them. One in particular looks like it would lead upstairs where a guard is constantly walking around the outside ledge. This is above a canal with very fast running water. Also, there is a hole or sewer outlet that opens into the water but I can't get to it because I can't swim against the flow, even on bottom.

    So, I don't really know what to ask. Are those doors accessable? Can I get upstairs where the guard is? There was an open area off the Novice Quarters where you could open a window and sneak some loot and a key through the iron bars, but is the room accessable as well ?

  2. #2
    Registered: May 2000
    Location: Thunder Bay, On., Canada
    As far as I know, there is no way to get up to the spot where that guard patrols above the canal.
    The hole that you can see farther down only leads you down into the mines where the big spider is, so don't bother with that. There are nuggets on the ledges down there, though, so if you haven't got those, that might up your loot total.

    Other thoughts for loot: Did you figure out how to open the safe in the Priest's room just outside the Library? If not, there's a book you frob up on the top level of the Library that opens it.

    I've never even come close to finding all the loot in this mission, but I know where 1392g. is. If you want me to send you a list, just e-mail me.

  3. #3
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    The safe in the Priest's library was what I was referring to when I said "tricky openings" LOL. I didn't want to give that one away in this thread. I did find the gem in the tunnel with the spider, plus the access to that tunnel at the beginning of the level. There also is a stack of gold by a skeleton leading to the spider. Did you pick up on the two different ways to get to the spider? The difficult one being in the very first room you enter when you start the level. If you didn't find it, maybe that is where you're missing some loot.

    Two things: In the basement that you get to through the manhole....there is one section barred off with a frog jumping around. Is that area accessable? The other side is reachable only if you crank a lever from some room on the second floor.
    Also, there is that room you can see through the window off the Novice Quarters. There is a book out of reach, suggesting that there is some kind of way into that room.

    I'll just have to keep looking around. Thanks for eliminating that guard on the second floor for me. But......if I had a rope arrow, maybe some of those areas could be accessed. Is there a rope arrow to be had on this level ?

  4. #4
    Gone, but never forgotten
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: France
    There're 2 guards who've rope-arrows on their legs, in the big room with a central column.

  5. #5
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    I've finally figured out how to open that jewlery box in one of the rooms downstairs. Seems you need something other than a splinter. I found a fork amongst a bunch of crap. That did it. Now I can finish the level, but I'm not quite ready yet. Still want to get more loot.

    Thanks Lady Jo. I went looking where you suggested, but couldn't find anything. I may be in the wrong location.

  6. #6
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    I'm going to retire at 1362 loot. Never did find any rope arrows and I checked all the guards. Maybe playing on Expert level doesn't grant you any rope arrows. I'm gonna try one more thing. That is, checking out all the cells at the beginning, where I escaped from. Some of the prisoners may hold something valuable. Other than that...time to try out a new FM.

  7. #7
    Gone, but never forgotten
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: France
    The 2 guards/ archers patrol in the room where there's a hillside to rise in height and I played in Expert also.

    As it's attached to the leg, it's rather hard to see.
    Last edited by Lady Jo; 5th Apr 2002 at 04:55.

  8. #8
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Hmmmmmmmmmm......ok. Maybe I have to pick one of the guards up and throw him back down in a different position in order to grab the arrow. As of this moment, I have done everything short of a deep cavity search. I haven't stared and panned at this many crotches since, well, yesterday.

  9. #9
    Registered: Mar 2003
    Location: Littleton

    Need more loot.

    I've knocked out all the guards except for the guard with the bow patrolling above the canal.
    The only concious people besides my self are the prisoners who won't leave there cells and who I can't see.
    If there's any way to get to the guard or up there or through any of the barred doors I'd love to know about it.
    I have 1362 loot out of 1937. I had completed all my objectives for this level and left through the sewer system and essentially beat the level but reloaded my last quicksave and didn't beat the level because I didn't yet have the blackjack or the sword. I went to grab those and knock everyone out so I could thoroughly search the level. I've been everywhere except for through the barred doors or up where the canal guard is.
    So I knocked everyone out and searched everywhere and then somewhere along the line while doing this the objective for my money unchecked even though I have above the 1000 required. I've looked around and I can't find any more loot even though I know it's out there.

    I also don't know of this room previously spoken of with a large column and two guards.
    I've knocked out the guard with the lantern. The guard who patrols the hallway and guards the storage rooms with a view of the prison cell hallway as well as the guard patrolling the hallway on the oposite side of the first level. I've knocked out all three guards on the second level. I also knocked out the guard guarding the cell's used as storage which leads up to the ground level floor and the guard at the top of the stairs above him just before the canal guard. I've also gotten the two guards in the garden area outsite the library and the guard and priest in the library.
    In my knowledge that's every guard except for the canal guard.

    If there are guards with rope arrows or if anyone can point me to some loot that's NOT obvious so my objective will tick off that would be nice.
    I'm going to try and make it through some of these barred doors with the starburst and mines I found.

  10. #10
    New Member
    Registered: May 2003
    You can get up to the guard patrolling above the canal with crates. I did it once to see what was up there. Nothing but an empty room.

  11. #11
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Malmö, Sweden

    Where is the last 200 loot?

    Quote Originally Posted by yuggothian
    You can get up to the guard patrolling above the canal with crates. I did it once to see what was up there. Nothing but an empty room.
    Two empty rooms, in fact (one door at each end of the walkway).

    This mission turned out to be the next stop in my 'search for loot in old missions that don“t have a lootlist at the Cheap site' tour,

    A search in the forum revealed that Nightwalker has the highest mentioned loot total so far, at 1392. I was surprised to see that it wasn“t higher, because I have scraped together 1737 loot.

    Loot hunting is best done on the 'Fool' difficulty (the easiest). The maximum value is the same on all three difficulties.

    I really like the gameplay in this mission, but sometimes the Hammers are a little too alert for my taste. I also don“t like guards that don“t calm down even after a very long time. I couldn“t pick a key from one of them, even though I snuck up from behind and made no sound at all. When I got almost close enough to lean in and pick the key, it was as if the guard had eyes in the back. I have 7 of 8 available pick-pocketings and this is the one I miss, so the missing loot is not something you can pick from someone.

    I“ve had great use for the first prison guard and his lantern. I“ve carried his body around in all sorts of places (even up ropes!) to light them up. At least two loot pieces found are a direct result of the help from the lantern.

    Freddy Fox, Peter Smith and other professional loot-hunters, the gauntlet is hereby thrown. Beat me!
    Last edited by jiansonz; 29th Jan 2009 at 19:50.

  12. #12
    Registered: Sep 2007
    This well designed mission is amazing and visceral, even after all these years.
    It easily qualifies in the top 10 missions ever made for Thief 1.

    Quote Originally Posted by jiansonz View Post
    Freddy Fox, Peter Smith and other professional loot-hunters, the gauntlet is hereby thrown. Beat me!
    1837 !
    Okay, I know its somewhat 'late'. LOL

    ok, just got to 1937!!!
    and I believe that is all!

    You are most likely missing one ring and one purse.

    -In the small set of stairs, on the top beam: ring;
    -In the cell next to the corpse where you start: ring;
    -On the board, next to the dagger near the start: small ring;
    -In the flooded room, on the corner pipe: an almost impossible to see purse (!!);
    -And (just in case), in the spider area: I believe 4 nuggets and a jar;
    -Xavier's key, for that locked cell door in the storage area: hard to see, in the turbine room;

    Has anyone been able to open up that mysterious passage, under the elevator??
    Last edited by denizen23; 4th Dec 2007 at 12:02.

  13. #13
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Malmö, Sweden
    Quote Originally Posted by denizen23 View Post
    This mission is amazing, even after all these years.

    1837 !
    Okay, I know its somewhat 'late'. LOL

    ok, just got to 1937!!!
    and I believe that is all!

    You are most likely missing one ring and one purse.

    -In the small set of stairs, on the top beam: ring;
    -In the cell next to the corpse where you start: ring;
    -On the board, next to the dagger near the start: small ring;
    -In the flooded room, on the corner pipe: an almost impossible to see purse (!!);
    -And (just in case), in the spider area: I believe 4 nuggets and a jar;
    -Xavier's key, for that locked cell door in the storage area: hard to see, in the turbine room;

    Has anyone been able to open up that mysterious passage, under the elevator??
    Great, that IS all the loot!

    I am pretty sure I have missed the ring on the board next to the dagger and the 'almost impossible to see' purse. Need to get home and check my loot list.

    I think that one of last loot pieces I found was a nugget in a water-filled passage. Sounds familiar?

    About that mysterious passage...hmm, I vaguely remember something strange about that.

    I have not been able to get my Thief 1 fan mission setup to work under my new OS, but this gives me a reason to try harder.

    I think you should share your loot list. Try to be as precise and clear as possible regarding the locations.

  14. #14
    Registered: Sep 2007
    BTW, Good luck grabbing that purse!
    My hat's off once again to Sperry, for a very challenging (and satisfying) mission.

    >I think that one of last loot pieces I found was a nugget in a water-filled passage. Sounds familiar?
    Yes indeed.. next to the flooded room.

    >I have not been able to get my Thief 1 fan mission setup to work under my
    >new OS, but this gives me a reason to try harder.
    Under WinXP, Nvidia 84.21 works fine for me.. But I suppose you are using Vista...
    Have you considered dual booting it with XP or 2000?
    Last edited by denizen23; 4th Dec 2007 at 12:11.

  15. #15
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Malmö, Sweden
    I finally managed to get TG working again.

    Quote Originally Posted by denizen23 View Post
    -In the flooded room, on the corner pipe: an almost impossible to see purse (!!);
    Found it!

    This is one of the coolest loot placements I“ve ever seen! Not only very hard to see, but not that easy to get either. Jumping on floating crates (and barrel) is no easy task. The floor is wooden, but it“s hard to shoot a rope arrow where you want, because there are lots of pipes in the room. You can only draw the bow when you stand in the end of the room where the water is shallow, and from this angle it“s hard to hit where you want. I solved it by drawing the bow where it was possible, then sliding into the water while the bowstring was drawn. When Garrett was about to start shaking from the effort of drawing the bow, he had managed to swim far enough into the room that the angle for the shot was much better. Neat!

    I might have been able to find the tiny ring on the key rack outside the cell block on my own (with enough persistance) but I would not have found this purse on my own even if I had dedicated 50 hours to it.

    Now I have all the loot (thanks, denizen23!).

    This mission is easily in the top 5 of my favourite T1 missions.

    I haven“t had "true" TG before. Now I realized there are three more missions in the Shadow of Doubt campaign I have not been able to play before. All Astir next!

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