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Thread: Full list of Motion Tags

  1. #26
    Registered: Dec 2000
    Location: Finland
    Check your Miscsfx.sch. It has lines like this:

    schema bowpull_ai
    archetype PLYR_WEAPON
    delay 600
    volume -1
    bow_ai1 bow_ai2 bow_ai3
    env_tag (Event WeaponCharge) (CreatureType Guard GuardNoKO)

    This controls which Class Tags use the bowstring sound. I don't know if this will help you with your burricks, because the option to use the schema is in the motion (I think), so if the burrick motion doesn't have the weapon charge flag set, then you won't hear the schema.

  2. #27
    Registered: Jun 2000
    Location: Lootahville, Kenyahee
    Originally posted by Dark Arrow
    Check your Miscsfx.sch. It has lines like this:

    schema bowpull_ai
    archetype PLYR_WEAPON
    delay 600
    volume -1
    bow_ai1 bow_ai2 bow_ai3
    env_tag (Event WeaponCharge) (CreatureType Guard GuardNoKO)

    This controls which Class Tags use the bowstring sound. I don't know if this will help you with your burricks, because the option to use the schema is in the motion (I think), so if the burrick motion doesn't have the weapon charge flag set, then you won't hear the schema.
    And the other load sound:
    From Robot2:

    schema rb2powerup
    archetype DEVICE_MISC
    volume -1
    env_tag (Event WeaponCharge) (CreatureType CombatBot)

    Those are the only two FIRING POWERUPs in the game I believe.. and there is that comment:

    Both example are only for specified CreatureTypes. If you give a spell caster CreatureType Guard, shouldn't it use the Pull-string sounds? ANSWER NO...

    But I wonder if you give an archer a CreatureType CombatBot, he will pull a bow, and use the CombatBot POWERUP sounds...

    Anyone want to try it out?

  3. #28
    Registered: Dec 2000
    Location: Finland
    But I wonder if you give an archer a CreatureType CombatBot, he will pull a bow, and use the CombatBot POWERUP sounds...
    Yes, it works. The archer plays the Combatbot cannon loading schema. I added Burrick to the combatbot weaponcharge schema and tried it with a burrick, but nothing happened. Then I added ClassTags: CreatureType Burrick to an archer and it worked. So as long as the motion has the weaponcharge flag set, you can give the creature a weaponcharge schema. Unfortunatly, burrick motions don't have this flag set so you will have to add it there yourself. Don't ask me how.

  4. #29
    Registered: Jan 2000
    Location: Taylors, SC
    That seems to be something you do in the motion editor in Dromed. It doesn't let us change the motions, but there are a string of tags to the right of the editor. I don't know much about it, but that seems to be the place to start.
    You'd probably have to have a motions directory in the Thief folder, to save the .mi (?) file when you are done.
    Shadowspawn's Thief Pages
    Darkness is always faster than light. No matter how fast light travels, it always finds the dark waiting for it.

  5. #30
    Registered: Jun 2000
    Location: Lootahville, Kenyahee

  6. #31
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Hebburn, UK
    I hope this is relevant:

    The .mi files are totally ignored by Thief - I haven't tried it, but I would expect everything to work just fine if they were deleted. The .mi files themselves are duplicated in the motion database, and it is these .mi entries that store the flags, and are used by Thief.

    You can edit the individual .mi files in motions.crf (or your motions/ directory) using DromEd's Motion Editor and save them out, but on reloading, your modified flag settings will have disappeared. At the moment there is no way of 'compiling' these modified .mi files back into the motion database. Hopefully, Shadowspawn's Motion Database Editor will include this important feature.

  7. #32
    Registered: Jan 2000
    Location: Taylors, SC
    Ah, yes, how silly of me.

    The plan is to read in new .mi files and integrate them with the database. I need to write that part, when I get back to this.
    Shadowspawn's Thief Pages
    Darkness is always faster than light. No matter how fast light travels, it always finds the dark waiting for it.

  8. #33
    Registered: Jun 2000
    Location: Lootahville, Kenyahee
    No worries.. R...

    I was just trying to understand how sound tags played into motion tags...

    Still I wonder if the Burrick mouth has a joint?.. I don't know why they had two versions of Burricks (one with the mouth open and the other with it closed)...

    In the original T1, the burricks mouth did NOT open when Burping..

  9. #34
    Registered: Jan 2000
    Location: Taylors, SC
    The burricks don't have a joint for the mouth. You'll notice that no AI in Thief has a 'biting' attack, so there are no motions for the burrick to use for a mouth open attack.

    Not to say it couldn't be done, once I finish the Motion Database Editor. We'd have to make a burrick with a new joint for the mouth, and create motions for it. Lots of work.
    Shadowspawn's Thief Pages
    Darkness is always faster than light. No matter how fast light travels, it always finds the dark waiting for it.

  10. #35
    Registered: Jun 2000
    Location: Lootahville, Kenyahee
    No worries... The bitting burricks are in a much later mission... I'm just sizing up my problems...

    I hoped to be able to vamp-up my LavaBurricks, and was confused on why the sounds didn't work when I re-did my LavaBurrick creature type and schemas...

    I'm still working on 6 missions before the Burroke (Armed Burricks), SwampChompers, Skeletonal Burricks for the Burrick Graveyard that sits at the entrance to the City of the Dead...

    But I still have lots and lots of work...

  11. #36
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Hebburn, UK
    YcatX - In case you missed the thread, I've updated my motion editor to deal with burricks as well as humanoids. The joints in a burrick were, to my surprise, exactly the same (in heirarchy if not positions) as the humanoid joints.

    So you can make your burricks dance the macarena, if you want that ultra-realistic feel to your fm.

  12. #37
    Registered: Jun 2000
    Location: Lootahville, Kenyahee
    Oh man!... I guess I need to learn the motion editor now?

    Does the Melee attacks that are actually inside the motion DB have sound the sound tag set?

  13. #38
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Hebburn, UK
    Originally posted by YcatX
    Does the Melee attacks that are actually inside the motion DB have sound the sound tag set?
    I'm not sure. If you know what the motions are called, load them up into DromEd's motion editor and check what flags are set there.

  14. #39
    Registered: Jun 2000
    Location: Lootahville, Kenyahee
    Is there a tut on it, I always seemed to be chasing my tail when ever I messed with the motion editor...

    Currently I'm writing schemas for the endless amounts of .WAVs to process. People compained about the lack of conversations... I doubt they can compain on that now...

    FM01 : FAIR GAME (Has 2)
    FM02 : HOOK LINE SINKER (Has 4)
    FM03 : MINES OF MARGROTH (Had 2, now has 4)
    FM04 : GUILDED RIVALRY (Had 3, still does)
    FM05 : FIRE AND ICE (Burricks in this mission don't talk)
    FM06 : ASHES TO ASHES (Offically no conversations, but plenty of talk)
    FM07 : THINNER (4 planned)
    FM08 : ROCK AND A DARK PLACE (2-3 planned..)
    FM09 : DEADLANDS (DARKWOOD) (Critter talk)
    FM10 : SACRIFICE (2-3 planned)
    FM11 : EYE FOR AN EYE (2 planned)
    FM12 : CROSSING OVER (2 planned)
    FM13 : DEADMEN WALKING (none)
    FM14 : CHIMNEY ROCK (???)
    FM15 : DEAD ASYLUM (???)
    FM16 : KNOCK KNOCK (???)

  15. #40
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: France (Lille)
    my last motiondb doesn not include the conv 72. where can i find an updated motiondb with the dancing motions?

  16. #41

  17. #42
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: France (Lille)
    Quote Originally Posted by Unna Oertdottir View Post
    Thank you Unna, that's exactly the motiondb file i was using now that i found in one of my previous mission, however this file doesn't not include the movement of the ai creatures head where they look up when you´re above them. Oh well it will go like this...

  18. #43
    Dóttirin klæðist oft móður möttli
    Registered: Apr 2015
    This is not a custom motion.

  19. #44
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    If you're talking about head tracking, that is a NewDark feature.

  20. #45
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: France (Lille)
    ahhh alright thank you both, i thought for moments that would affect that feature.

  21. #46
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: France (Lille)
    with a dancing conv the ai creature won't talk. i added "vdrunk1" to the speech but the ai creature won't say anything. any way to have the speech enable?

  22. #47
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: USA
    AFAIK the vdrunk1 voice doesn't have any conversation lines. Which lines were you trying to make this AI say?

  23. #48
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: France (Lille)
    Quote Originally Posted by john9818a View Post
    AFAIK the vdrunk1 voice doesn't have any conversation lines. Which lines were you trying to make this AI say?
    No, Vdrunk1 is not a conversation, it's the benny silly expression's, like when someone makes a drunk guard. i added in the ai creature voice speech, but apparently it only works without any dancing conv.

  24. #49
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: 28245 Cells
    When a conversation is running the actors don't speak (this prevents them muttering, whistling etc). John's point is that there's no generic 'drunk' speech ready made to be added to a conv. It's best just to create a normal drunk AI.

  25. #50
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: France (Lille)
    ahh ok, thank you both, i think i will make a drunk guard then...

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