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Thread: Full list of Motion Tags

  1. #1
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Virginia, USA

    Full list of Motion Tags

    Here's the list of motion tags and their descriptions that I've put together. A prettier version is available at

    I began with the info posted by schwaa in this thread. Previous lists have been posted by Spanker, and Thumper.

    Some of them don't seem to have any effect. BellPull doesn't seem to do anything different, so I suspect it wasn't included in T2. I haven't tested any in TDP yet.

    Conv 1 -- raise left hand
    Conv 2 -- lean back
    Conv 3 -- shuffle from side to side
    Conv 4 -- shake arms in frustration
    Conv 5 -- lean forward
    Conv 6 -- nod head
    Conv 7 -- move arms up and down low
    Conv 8 -- turn head right
    Conv 9 -- arms behind back
    Conv 10 -- hands together at front
    Conv 11 -- arms crossed
    Conv 12 -- arms wide then right hand up low
    Conv 13 -- walk forward, wave right hand, hesitate, step back, then run right
    Conv 14 -- lie on back, turn head from side to side
    Conv 15 -- waving arms mid
    Conv 16 -- look up then down then shake arms out mid
    Conv 17 -- shake arms left to right
    Conv 18 -- shake arms low then shrug
    Conv 19 -- shake arms in agreement
    Conv 20 -- shake right hand and shake head
    Conv 21 -- lying down, shake left arm then fall dead
    Conv 22 -- gesture with hands for a long time
    Conv 23 -- move head
    Conv 24 -- right hand up and down
    Conv 25 -- two arms up and out
    Conv 26 -- right hand up and down and shake head
    Conv 27 -- left hand up and down, nod head
    Conv 28 -- both hands up and down mid
    Conv 29 -- both hands up and down, turn in a circle, raise arms, then right arm forward (the ranting Hammerite)
    Conv 30 -- put hands on hips and lean forward
    Conv 31 -- right hand forward, left hand on hip, then lean forward
    Conv 32 -- wave arms out, then hands on hips and lean forward
    Conv 33 -- hands on hips, lean forward, then shake head
    Conv 34 -- right hand out, left hand on hips, move head, then right hand to hip
    Conv 35 -- hands on hips leaning forward
    Conv 36 -- lies down, sifts position (as if uncomfortable)
    Conv 37 -- nods head (bow)
    Conv 38 -- raise left hand and nod (traditional salute)
    Conv 39 -- left hand across chest, head up (imperial salute)
    Conv 40 -- raise left hand, head nods to left
    Conv 41 -- raise both hands slightly
    Conv 42 -- crouch, then stand
    Conversation foo -- salute
    Conversation foo, bar -- lean forward
    Conversation foo, baz -- nod head
    Conversation foo, bar, baz -- turn head right
    Conversation foo, quux -- hands together in front
    Conversation bar -- lean back
    Conversation bar, baz -- arms up and down low
    Conversation bar, quux -- cross arms
    Conversation baz -- shake arms in frustration
    Conversation baz, quux -- hold arms out low
    Conversation quux -- <dd>arms behind back
    Stand2Sit -- sits down from standing
    Sit2Stand -- stands up from sitting (quickly)
    Sit2Lie -- goes from sitting to lying
    Lie2Stand -- from lying to sitting
    Stand 0 -- hold still
    Stand 0, Halt 0 -- sudden stop
    Stand 0, Halt 0, NearHazard 0 -- jump back
    Stand 0, Halt 0, OnStairs 0 -- leans forward
    Stand 0, Wheel 0 -- ???
    Stand 0, LeaningLeft 0 -- ???
    Stand 0, LeaningRight 0 -- ???
    Stand 0, Crouching 0 -- ???
    Stand 0, Search 0 -- ???
    Jumping 0 -- garret
    Jumping 0, LocoUrgent 0<i>, Direction &lt;&gt;</i> -- garret
    IdleGesture 0 -- fidget
    Locomote 0<i>, Direction &lt;1-4&gt;</i> -- walk
    Locomote 0, LocoUrgent 0<i>, Direction &lt;1-4&gt;</i> -- run
    Locomote 0, Search 0 -- walk holding out weapon
    Locomote 0, Climbing 0 -- garret
    Locomote 0, Crouching 0 -- garret
    Crumple 0, Knockout 0 -- on back
    Crumple 0, Die 0<i>, Direction &lt;1-4&gt;</i> -- on front
    Crumple 0, Die 0, IsConfined 0 -- to knees then front
    Crumple 0, Die 0, OnStairs 0 -- curl up into a ball
    ReadyItem 0 -- hand to left side
    ReadyItem 0, ItemSword 0 -- fighting stance
    ReadyItem 0, ItemBow 0 -- hand to right side
    WorldFrob 0, AtWaist 0 -- push button
    WorldFrob 0, AtWaist 0, Lever 0 -- pull big floor lever
    WorldFrob 0, AtWaist 0, Door 0 -- turn knob
    WorldFrob 0, AtWaist 0, BellPull 0 -- pull cord (T1/G only?)
    WorldFrob 0, OnFloor 0 -- not in T2
    WorldFrob 0, AtChest 0 -- not in T2
    Search 0, Scan 0 -- look from side-to-side
    Search 0, Peek 0<i>, Direction &lt;1-3&gt;</i> -- lean forword
    Discover 0, PointOut 0<i>, Direction &lt;0,5-6&gt;</i> -- point at something, Direction 0 points at something far away.
    Discover 0, Recoil 0<i>, Direction 4</i> -- jump back (or forward)
    Discover 0, Recoil 0, IsConfined 0 -- step back
    Discover 0, Thwarted 0 -- be frustrated
    Discover 0, Salute 0 -- raise left hand
    Discover 0, Challenge 0 -- shake fist
    Stalled 0, Poisoned 0 -- choking
    Stalled 0, Stunned 0<i>, Long 0</i> -- sway from side-to-side
    Stalled 0, Blinded 0 -- arms raised
    Stalled 0, Flail 0<i>, Long 0</i> -- seizure
    Stalled 0, Flail 0, InWater 0 -- raised arms, then collapse to knees
    Stalled 0, Flail 0, InAir 0 -- ???
    Stalled 0, Rebalance 0 -- over-exagerated acting like there's an earthquake
    ReceiveWound 0<i>, Direction &lt;1,2,7,8&gt;</i> -- ouch
    ReceiveWound 0, SevereWound 0<i>, Direction &lt;1,2,7,8&gt;</i> -- ouch!?
    RangedCombat 0 -- cast spell (or fire arrow)
    MeleeCombat 0, Stand 0 -- be still
    MeleeCombat 0, Locomote 0<i>, Direction &lt;1-4&gt;</i> -- move
    MeleeCombat 0, Locomote 0, LocoUrgent 0<i>, Direction &lt;1-4&gt;</i> -- dodge
    MeleeCombat 0, Block 0<i>, Direction &lt;1,2,5,6&gt;</i> -- block
    MeleeCombat 0, Attack 0, Direction &lt;0,5,6&gt; -- swing sword
    MeleeCombat 0, Attack 0, SpecialAttack 0 -- two-handed overhead bash
    Last edited by telliamed; 24th Aug 2002 at 04:53.

  2. #2
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Tatry Mountains, Poland

    Thanks, telliamed!
    Cartographer's Note FM: in production.
    Download Old Comrades, Old Debts FM or Mistrz Effects demo and see my old projects!

  3. #3
    Registered: Nov 1999
    Location: Ireland

    Even more motions for completeness sake, but possibly the coolest of all. These ones are in T2 only, not TTDP or TG. They're probably left over from SS2.

    // Stationary
    Player 0, idlegesture
    Player 0, stand
    Player 0, stand, leaningleft
    Player 0, stand, leaningright
    Player 0, crouching
    Player 0, locomote, climbing // Plays the ladder climbing motion, no vertical movement.
    Player 0, mantle // Uses arms to pull up. No vertical movement.

    // Movement
    Player 0, locomote, direction 1 // Strafe Left
    Player 0, locomote, direction 2 // Strafe Right
    Player 0, locomote, direction 3 // Forward
    Player 0, locomote, direction 4 // Backward
    Player 0, locomote, locourgent // Run forward. No other directions work.
    Player 0, locomote, crouching // Move forward while crouched. No other directions work.

    Player 0, jumping // Vertical hop
    Player 0, jumping, direction 3 // Forward, about 2 units.
    Player 0, jumping, direction 4 // Backward
    Player 0, jumping, locourgent, direction 3 // Slightly further forward, covers about 4 units.

  4. #4
    Registered: May 2002
    Some of those look like they only affect the hands and/or head. Could they be applied to a sitting AI to make it look alive?

  5. #5
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Virginia, USA
    Completeness is good.

    The only part of garret visible in-game is the arm when using a weapon or carrying a body; and that has a specialized and limited range of motions. The generic "player" motions would have been used in network play. You can get another AI to use them by assigning him the Motions\ActorTagList "Player 0"

    Actually, the "Player 0" portion of SilentSleep's list is superflous and ignored in the Play Sound/Motion function. Just that you need to have the ActorTag set correctly for some of them to work. (the SpecialAttack, for instance, only works for 'WithSword, Hammer', for instance)

    Wow... I never realized how ridiculous I look when crouching!

  6. #6
    Registered: Nov 1999
    Location: Ireland
    <i>Actually, the "Player 0" portion of SilentSleep's list is superflous</i>

    Only if you put Player 0 into the ActorTagList as you said, and if you only want to get an AI to crouch briefly during a conversation, you won't want to.

    If you tell an AI to play an idlegesture, they'll do the gesture defined by the ActorTagList, (an apebeast has a different idlegesture to a human, but it's still called idlegesture). The Player 0 at the start forces them to play the motion from that group instead.

  7. #7
    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: ashland,or,usa

  8. #8
    Registered: Jun 2000
    Location: Lootahville, Kenyahee
    Where do I find the definitions?

    I mean.. What is avalible to use as combat motions? For example, withSword?

  9. #9
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Virginia, USA
    They would be in the motion schema files.... If we had them.

    An updated version of the list I first posted can be found at Although I still can't guarantee accuracy. It has the actor tags, which I omitted before.

    The motions used with WithSword are mostly going to be the generic Humanoid motions, but a few are different. Only a few things such as WorldFrob where you don't want the actor to cut his own legs off are specified for that tag. The biggest changes in motion tags are for the non-humanoid actors. (Make a guard do a pirouette with 'Treebease, Treelike, Stand')

    Anyway, all you really have to do is experiment. If you can manage to get an AI to move like you want him to, just thank the Gods of Dromed and don't question why it works.

  10. #10
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Triangle, Bermuda

    Thanks telliamed!
    I love these reference files..makes using DromED soooo much easier.

  11. #11
    Registered: Feb 2002
    Location: Go is to the fountain.
    Yay! Thankyou!

  12. #12
    Registered: Jun 2000
    Location: Lootahville, Kenyahee

    I get this error when I try to open it.. It forces me to download it...

    The XML page cannot be displayed
    Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.


    Parameter entity must be defined before it is used. Error processing resource ''. Line 85, Position 2


  13. #13
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Louisville, Ky
    Ah yes, NICE! I was looking for a updated list. Thankx!
    I'm not a bad guy, I just play one in real life.

  14. #14
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Louisville, Ky
    So if I were to add "Player 0, jumping, direction 4" Would it work for a guard instead of the player?

  15. #15
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Lost in the BSP...

    Here's actually a slightly different version, some things explained more...

    It's easy to have AI make motions. Just add a line after the goto -- Play Motions (the motion tag itself goes on the last of the three argument lines). Here's the tag you may want...
    Search, Scan

    Your guard will look around for a couple of seconds. Below is a list of all motion tags names along with some notes... (Many thanks to Thumper and Totality for extracting these tags from the Thief databases):


    Thief 2 Motions
    First of all AI can 'play' motions in several ways:

    -- Conversations
    -- AI_WatchObject
    -- The property: Add>Motion>ActorTagList>[motion text] Motion loops continuously.... DanceOne is the classic motion of the zombies dancing in the Thief Gold blooper mission (I haven't gotten this to work yet).

    Motion tags are placed in Argument line 3 under play sound/motion on conversations and other AI programming like AIWatchObj. These are motions specifically designed for conversations since their play length is always the same. All of those starting with "Conv..." have been tested are known to work.

    Note - for those AI with weapons, the right hand would contain the weapon, and left is unarmed.

    Conv 1 - Wipe face with left hand, or pointing, or knocking on door
    Conv 2 - Lean back hard, reacting, stunned
    Conv 3 - Figets side to side
    Conv 4 - Shake arms in frustration
    Conv 5 - Lean ahead and peer ahead
    Conv 6 - Nod head in agreement
    Conv 7 - Point/gesture straight ahead both hands together like patting dough
    Conv 8 - Tilt head to right
    Conv 9 - Both hands behind back
    Conv 10 - Hold hands together in front

    Conv 11 - Place right hand across waist fast, like salute
    Conv 12 - Shrug, then point with right hand pointing up
    Conv 13 - Complex tippy-towing to right, looking, then running away to right
    Conv 14 - Lying on back, talking .. happens at waist level
    Conv 15 - Gesturing wildly, talking with hands, not manacing
    Conv 16 - Talking with hands explaining a point in detail
    Conv 17 - Gesturing, explaining by sweeping arms, brief.
    Conv 18 - Quick explaining hand motions
    Conv 19 - Gesturing as though "C'mon... let's just do it!"
    Conv 20 - Gesturing as though "I don't get it..." or "this seems stupid..." (turns away at end)

    Conv 21 - Swimming horizonatally, then dying
    Conv 22 - Explanation, lengthy
    Conv 23 - Simple head roll "maybe you're right..."
    Conv 24 - Raise right arm, long distance wave
    Conv 25 - Raise arm to waist as though "are you with us?"
    Conv 26 - Raise right arm, shake head "no"
    Conv 27 - Raise left hand making simple point
    Conv 28 - Slow shaking of arm in front together
    Conv 29 - Going ape-shit, raising arms, spinning on feet, lecturing
    Conv 30 - Leaning forward to listen

    Conv 31 - Point with right hand, slow.
    Conv 32 - Arms raised together, then slowly lowered as tho' angry boss
    Conv 33 - Leaning in, then shaking head in dissappointment
    Conv 34 - Leaning in, pointing or reaching straight ahead with right hand
    Conv 35 - Leaning in to hear, staying there for a while, then straighten up
    Conv 36 - Lying on back, tossing, or maybe struggling ...happens at waste level
    Conv 37 - Big "yes" head nod
    Conv 38 - Wiping face with left hand, maybe knocking on door or throwing switch (sometimes turns)
    Conv 39 - Crossing left arm across waist
    Conv 40 - Raising left arm, tipping head to left, tossing hands foward

    Conv 41 - Arms quickly raised to waist level
    Conv 42 - Crouching, looking straight ahead



    These seem to need to be typed exactly as shown -- mixing and matching these names in other ways doesn't seem to work. The number '0' seen in some lines may not be needed, but doesn't seem to hurt. Some of these motion tags may be the same as "Conv" motions. Many of them have runtime varieties -- sometimes playing longer or shorter depending on which of the varieties gets played -- so most of these may not be very useful for carefully-timed conversations. The ones starting with "Conversation" however, are old Thief 1 conversation motions, and these can be used reliably in timed conversations.

    Lines (below) beginning with "#" do not seem to work - or I don't have a clue how to use them.

    From Totality...
    ***** = Tested and works
    # = Does not work
    Others have not been tested yet

    ***** WorldFrob 0, WithTray 0, AtWaist 0, BellPull 0 - General hand-off or pointing, non-threatening.
    WorldFrob 0, AtWaist 0 Frobs in front with right hand forwayrd
    WorldFrob 0, Lever Pulls a lever
    WorldFrob, Door - Opens Door
    ***** Stand2Sit - Sits down from standing
    Sit2Stand Gets up from sitting
    ***** Sit2Lie - Goes from sitting to lying
    Lie2Stand From lying to sitting
    ***** Crumple, Die - Lies on face dead
    ***** Crumple, Knockout - Lies on back dead
    #OnStairs As if KOd on stairs
    #IsConfined Falls to knees then back
    #NearHazard It is allowable, don't know what it does.
    ***** Search, Peek - Peers Forward
    ***** Search, Scan - Leans forwards hunches body and turns head.
    ***** Discover, Pointout - Points forwards with left hand.
    Discover, Recoil Recoils backwards
    ***** Discover, Challenge - Points forwards real quickly.
    Discover, Thwarted Shrugs shoulders in warming up kind of way.
    Discover, Salute Salutes (Note discovers move only arms so variants if you play another motion immediately before hand)
    ***** IdleGesture 0 - Wobbles side to side.
    ***** Stalled, Poisoned - Looks like he's puking
    Stalled, Stunned Stunned routine
    ***** Stalled, Blinded - Holds arms up to shield face, flash bomb reaction, lots of walking
    ***** Stalled, Flail - Looks like someone getting electrocuted!
    Stalled, Flail, InAir - Can't see any obvious difference, more headless chicken
    ***** Stalled, Flail, InWater - Drowning Routine (very nice endpoint)
    #Rebalance - Allowable though I don't know what it does.
    ReceiveWound - Get's knocked back if hit
    (+Block& SevereWound & Attack No discenible difference on sergeant model
    Special Attack)
    ReceiveWound, MeleeCombat - As if hit in chest, returns to on guard position
    ***** RangedCombat - Whirls Hands then throws - Same as Hammer High-Priest winding up to chuck a hammer bomb.
    RangedCombat, Directed - A bit more discenable throw
    RangedCombat, Direction Throws to one side
    Conversation, Quux - Cross arms behind back
    Conversation, Baz - Jump and shake arms a little as if agitated
    ***** Conversation, Baz, Quux - Raise arms as if to say I don't know
    ***** Conversation, Bar - Lean backward as if surprised
    Conversation, Bar, Quux - Cross arms in front
    Conversation, Bar, Baz - Move arms as if counting or conducting music
    Conversation, Foo - Raise left hand and nod as if greeting
    Conversation, Foo, Baz - Nod head as in agreement or acknowledgement
    Conversation, Foo, Bar - Take a step forward with one foot, then back
    Conversation, Foo, Bar, Baz - Look right
    Conversation, Quux, Foo - Cross arms
    ***** Conversation, Quux, Bar - Arms crossed

    From Thumper...
    The zeros here seem not to be a problem in those I've tested - so long as there is no other number. Many of these motions alternate between at least two versions, which may render some unusable in conversations due to unpredictability...

    ***** Crumple 0, Die 0
    Crumple 0, Die 0, Direction 1
    Crumple 0, Die 0, Direction 2
    Crumple 0, Die 0, Direction 3
    ***** Crumple 0, Die 0, Direction 4 - General staggering then death
    ***** Crumple 0, Die 0, IsConfined 0 - Knees to facedown death, no flailing
    Crumple 0, Knockout 0
    ***** Discover 0, Challenge 0 - Leans forward, jabs left hand forward
    ***** Discover 0, PointOut 0 - Slow accusitory straight-ahead pointing with left hand.
    Discover 0, PointOut 0, Direction 0
    Discover 0, PointOut 0, Direction 5
    ***** Discover 0, PointOut 0, Direction 6 - Points at ground about four feet ahead
    Discover 0, Recoil 0
    Discover 0, Recoil 0, Direction 4
    Discover 0, Recoil 0, IsConfined 0
    ***** Discover 0, Salute 0 - Kinda random... sometimes real salute ...vague handwave ...just nodding head
    ***** Discover 0, Thwarted 0 - Shaking left arm OR usually shaking both arms in frustation
    Locomote 0
    Locomote 0, Direction 1
    Locomote 0, Direction 2
    Locomote 0, Direction 4
    ***** Locomote 0, LocoUrgent 0 - Takes a few quick steps straight ahead
    ***** Locomote 0, Search 0 - Starts walking like in search mode, sword raised
    MeleeCombat 0, Attack 0, Direction 0
    MeleeCombat 0, Attack 0, Direction 5
    MeleeCombat 0, Attack 0, Direction 6
    ***** MeleeCombat 0, Attack 0, SpecialAttack 0 - Big hacking slash with sword aiming at waist-high
    MeleeCombat 0, Block 0
    MeleeCombat 0, Block 0, Direction 1
    MeleeCombat 0, Block 0, Direction 2
    MeleeCombat 0, Block 0, Direction 5
    MeleeCombat 0, Block 0, Direction 6
    MeleeCombat 0, Locomote 0, Direction 1
    MeleeCombat 0, Locomote 0, Direction 2
    MeleeCombat 0, Locomote 0, Direction 3
    MeleeCombat 0, Locomote 0, Direction 4
    MeleeCombat 0, Locomote 0, LocoUrgent 0, Direction 1
    ***** MeleeCombat 0, Locomote 0, LocoUrgent 0, Direction 2 - Dances a step to the left, sword raised
    MeleeCombat 0, Stand 0
    RangedCombat 0
    ***** ReadyItem 0 - Reaches to right hip with left hand
    ReadyItem 0, ItemBow 0 - Sword guard just reaches for right hip with left hand.
    ***** ReadyItem 0, ItemSword 0 - Raises sword, looks to left, not very manacing
    ReceiveWound 0
    ReceiveWound 0, Direction 1
    ReceiveWound 0, Direction 2
    ReceiveWound 0, Direction 7
    ReceiveWound 0, Direction 8
    ReceiveWound 0, SevereWound 0
    ReceiveWound 0, SevereWound 0, Direction 1
    ReceiveWound 0, SevereWound 0, Direction 2
    ReceiveWound 0, SevereWound 0, Direction 7
    ReceiveWound 0, SevereWound 0, Direction 8
    ***** Search 0, Peek 0, Direction 1 - Lean forward, loot to left, brandishing sword
    Search 0, Peek 0, Direction 2
    Search 0, Peek 0, Direction 3
    ***** Search 0, Scan 0
    Stalled 0, Blinded 0
    Stalled 0, Flail 0
    Stalled 0, Flail 0, InAir 0
    Stalled 0, Flail 0, InWater 0
    ***** Stalled 0, Flail 0, Long 0 - serious, but not very long flailing.
    ***** Stalled 0, Poisoned 0 - Serious heaving and puking, very extended, sometimes not so extended, sometime both.
    Stalled 0, Rebalance 0
    Stalled 0, Stunned 0
    Stalled 0, Stunned 0, Long 0
    Stand 0
    Stand 0, Halt 0
    Stand 0, Halt 0, NearHazard 0
    Stand 0, Search 0
    Stand 0, Wheel 0
    WorldFrob 0, AtChest 0
    WorldFrob 0, AtWaist 0
    WorldFrob 0, AtWaist 0, BellPull 0
    ***** WorldFrob 0, AtWaist 0, Door 0 - Leans like pushing door open, gets right to it.
    ***** WorldFrob 0, AtWaist 0, Lever 0 - pulls on lever, but takes sweet time about it
    WorldFrob 0, OnFloor 0

    ActorTags - Define motions in some way (these IMO are complete motion sets -- just like speech sets can be done with 'voice' tags) Not sure how to make thes work:

    DanceOne -- this is the Thief Gold blooper mission 'zombie dance' motion.

    Not sure at all what these are or how they work...


  16. #16
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Virginia, USA

    Re: I get this error when I try to open it.. It forces me to download it...

    Originally posted by YcatX
    The XML page cannot be displayed
    eww... What are you using to view it?

    Well, I just validated it and there was one minor quirk I had to adjust. But I don't know if that was your problem; that looked like it couldn't parse the DTD. Anyway, try it again. If it still doesn't work, save to disk and view it in notepad or something.

    William: Yes, specifying an explicit actor tag will override any default actor.

    HD: Feel free to actually try to figure out where those extra tags are applicable and what they do.

  17. #17
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Hit Deity -- your list looks very familiar. This is exactly what I sent you a while back which was originally mostly stolen from threads by Totality and Thumper who did a lot of the original mining.

    Now if I can just figure out how they all work!

    <small> I did get a lot to work in my last FM, but I could not use some for unknown reasons.
    Last edited by frobber; 24th Aug 2002 at 13:30.

  18. #18
    Registered: Jun 2000
    Location: Lootahville, Kenyahee

    Re: Here's actually a slightly different version, some things explained more...

    Originally posted by Hit Deity
    -- The property: Add>Motion>ActorTagList>[motion text] Motion loops continuously.... DanceOne is the classic motion of the zombies dancing in the Thief Gold blooper mission (I haven't gotten this to work yet).

    I thought is was in T2 (Zombies behind that wall), but inorder for it to work, the zombies have to be on patrol, but then they don't move...

    ActorTags - Define motions in some way (these IMO are complete motion sets -- just like speech sets can be done with 'voice' tags) Not sure how to make thes work:

    DanceOne -- this is the Thief Gold blooper mission 'zombie dance' motion.

    I think you are missing some.. If add LocoUrgent to your AI's motion tags the Guard will always be sprinting around...

    Motiontags (that I know of):
    Haunts: WithSword 0, Haunt 0
    Zombies: Zombie 0
    Melee Apebeast: ApeBeast 0, WithSword 0
    Blow Apebeast: ApeBeast 0, WithBow 0, WithBlowgun 0
    Bugbeast: BugDemon 0
    FrogBeast: Frog 0, WithSword 0
    Treebeast: Treebeast
    Craybeast: Crayman 0, WithSword 0
    Mech Cherub: Cherub,Unarmed
    CombatBot: droid, security
    WorkerBot: droid, maintenance
    SpiderBot: MechSpid
    Mech Guards: WithSword 0, Hammer 0
    Mech Novice: Hammer 0
    X-bow: WithBow, WithCrossBow
    LocoUrgent: Makes AI run
    DancerOne: If on patrol causes AI to dance...
    Lotus: Shiver

  19. #19
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: Lost in the BSP...
    Your guard will look around for a couple of seconds. Below is a list of all motion tags names along with some notes... (Many thanks to Thumper and Totality for extracting these tags from the Thief databases):
    Wow, you have amazing powers of observation, YcatX! How'd you guess??

    and as you can see, telliamed, I didn't work any of them out, it was actually Totality and Thumper, so I have no idea where to start.

  20. #20
    Registered: Jun 2000
    Location: Lootahville, Kenyahee
    Its funny how the creature class normally determines the mesh movement definitons.

    Burricks don't use any motion tags... (Except for the SwayingBurricks (Drunk)

  21. #21
    Registered: Dec 2000
    Location: Finland
    There is one motion that was not said: Drink (makes the AI play a drinking motion)

    Sorry for the thread resurrection, but I spended half an hour trying to find the drinking motion tag (had to open up Errand boy to find it).

  22. #22
    Registered: Oct 2002
    Location: UK
    Wow thats great..... got a list for Thief Gold?

  23. #23
    Registered: Jun 2000
    Location: Lootahville, Kenyahee

  24. #24
    Registered: Jan 2000
    Location: Taylors, SC
    ALL of the motion tags are available at my web site. We've reversed engineered the motion database, so you can see all of the tags, and what motions they refer to.

    Motion Database Editor coming soon, I hope...
    Shadowspawn's Thief Pages
    Darkness is always faster than light. No matter how fast light travels, it always finds the dark waiting for it.

  25. #25
    Registered: Jun 2000
    Location: Lootahville, Kenyahee
    I've had my head up my butt because of finals... And I've just been using the conv list for my acting.

    I have a question... There are sound tags associated with motions?

    For example, if the AI has:

    ClassTag: CreatureType Guard
    ActorTagList: WithBow 0
    (The bow-draw sounds are heard)

    if the AI has:

    ClassTag: CreatureType Servant
    ActorTagList: WithBow 0
    (AI makes bow actions, but no bow-draw sounds)
    (I used this for my spear throwers...)

    if the AI has:

    ClassTag: CreatureType Guard
    AI Core:AI: Human spellcaster
    (The AI uses spell motions with no bow-draw sound)

    There for some combination of Creature ClassTags, and ActorTagList to make weapon-power up to work...

    WHERE IS THIS INFO LOCATED? IS THERE A FLAG IN THE WITHBOW, and the CombatBots attack motion that calls on the weapon-power for the classtag?

    I'm guessing it will be a Bool since there is only one sound definition in the schemas and its linked to the creature class...

    The reason for this madness, it the fact I would freak-out if I can get my Lava Burricks to have a weapon-load sound (of them caughing up a lava-wad) then shooting via the Spit sounds...

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