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Thread: Thievery 1.2 Patch

  1. #1

    Registered: Jun 1999

    Thievery 1.2 Patch

    The 1.2 patch is now up for download, grab it from here:

    Changes include:

    3 new maps: Skeltston Head, Asylum and Darkened Enlightenment.
    Improved versions of Th-Korman (higher fps) and Th-Spider (BSP free).
    Can now jump while crouched.
    Crouching when falling makes a quieter landing noise (50% quieter than normal).
    Slowed strafe to match walk forward speed.
    Guards are now 25% slower than thieves when crouched.
    Can fall on enemies' heads to knock them out (or crush them if you're a guard).
    Added the ability to climb on your teammates, letting the thieves boost each other over the hedges on Korman and suchlike.
    You now have to face torches to relight them.
    Shows teammate health on the HUD under their icon when you look at them.
    Team chat shows location ID at the start.
    Delay between dropping items so you can't abuse the supply chest for flares.
    Bow charge up time increased and arrow damage proportional to speed of the arrow.
    A slight knockback added to the arrows and bolts. Very satisfying to shoot an annoying sniper down from the rafters.
    Moss arrows same price as caltrops.
    Health potions and food take some time to do their work.
    Mines have a delay before activating when dropped (stopped people using them like short range rocket launchers).
    Mines no longer explode when teammates tread on them.
    Fixed the supply chest disappearing bug when you bought a loudout after the game had started.
    Improvements to vines - very long vines work correctly, climbing cylinder centred around vine properly and arrow is easy to pull out.
    Crack arrows made more potent, with cracked players stumbling about in random directions (great for Flats rooftops).
    Moss goes invisible in the dark and is aligned properly on slopes.
    Food and potions now dropped when you die.
    Catfall also silences your normal footstep sounds.
    Can buy rations (cheap food) in the shop.
    Dropped loot automatically returns to the level after 60-120 seconds.
    Can frob objective items even if they're buried under junk (crosshair will go red).
    Fixed the weird teleporting lag behaviour when you bumped another player/AI in a netgame.
    Co-op options displayed on F2 screen.
    Breaking the Co-op no kill/KO rules only applies to hurting guards and only kills the one player, doesn't end the game.
    Fixed misc co-op bugs.
    Changed the way you join a team in a netgame. There is now 15 seconds at the start of the game to nominate your team. Players are then shifted about to make teams even, taking into account their choice and which team they were on last time.
    Thiefmatch and Co-op tabs in the server browser.
    Made the favourites tab in the server browser use the proper columns and not launch UT when you try to join a server.
    Server logs chat and IP addresses to the log file.
    Menu music plays correctly.
    Fixed map voting in coop/thiefmatch.
    Tweaked scoring, fixed some scoring bugs, a guard will get points when a thief steps on his traps.
    All the new levels have sketch maps which show the location of yourself and your teammates.
    A number of improvements to the co-op game, including a tab in the server browser, fixed map voting and co-op options shown on the F2 screen.
    Three spectator options: Rat, follow cam and free cam.
    Fixed a bunch of misc bugs and exploits.
    Project Lead,
    Thievery UT.

  2. #2
    is a Black Cat!
    Registered: Mar 2000
    Location: .no
    Nice work Dalai, and all you other dev's...
    I'm downloading while I'm typing, can't wait to test it out!

  3. #3
    Registered: May 2001
    Location: .nl
    Thanks dev team. I can't wait to play asylum...
    Last edited by Omega; 25th Sep 2002 at 03:33.

  4. #4
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Atop Shadowguard
    Same respects as mod. You guys have made Thievery even more enjoyable.

  5. #5
    Registered: Jun 2002
    Location: From Miam Florida!UNSTOPPAB

    thx alot

    thx thx thx =D

  6. #6
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Location: Apartment Vents
    Everything on that list seems good to me.
    cant wait to try it out.

  7. #7
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: Right Behind You!

  8. #8
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana

    New Release


    I'm on it like white on rice!


  9. #9
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Canada
    Great stuff!

    Only complaint so far is that ThAux.ini is overwritten. GRRR!!
    Better have been for a damned good reason. I hate resetting all that crap

    Otherwise its fun. New maps are great too, though kinda tough! So many damned lights! Hehe.
    "Life is a near death experience"
    aka: Solstice

  10. #10
    Registered: Aug 2002
    ......................gotta love staying up an extra four hours to get the patch downloaded (56k) so that I can try it tonight and then having it say

    "ThieveryUT-Beta1.2-Patch.exe Is not a valid WIN32 Application"

    God hates me. I shouldn't have run down all those kittens with my car.

  11. #11
    Registered: Jan 2002
    Location: Ohio
    I'm going to guess that your file is corrupt. It works fine for me. I downloaded it from Jason Tibbitts' server.
    Richard M. Nixon.

  12. #12
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Vault 13
    Wjeee!! More Thievery goodies!!! *worships the dev team*

  13. #13
    New Member
    Registered: Jul 2002

    Cu SK
    Last edited by SneakerKing; 25th Sep 2002 at 08:12.

  14. #14
    New Member
    Registered: Sep 2002

    Getting the patch now, but a question...

    DLing now; looks to be a great update. Couple of things I was wondering, though, are: Does the update fix anything with the Breakout map? I can't get it to LAN properly, a 'wrong version' message appears when we connect. Also, why aren't there certain options for Thieves vs Guards that there are in Co-Op? It would be great to be able to 'no guard killing' and 'if one thief dies, thieves lose' in TvG mode. Also, you cna't set the number of Thief spawns, which is a pain. These features, particularly the "KOs only" would allow balance in, say, the Flats level, where one-on-one TvG is impossible for the guards if the thieves can snipe, but is fun if they only can blackjack guards.

    "You might say that other people's property comes naturally to me." ~Keldoc, Practitioner of the Larcenous Crafts

  15. #15
    Registered: Mar 2002
    Location: Germany near Cologne
    Thanks for the new version. (D/Ling atm; I'm pretty excited to test it online)
    You are the best!!!1
    Thx again.

    EDIT: Yes: Is the ini overwritten for a reason? (I'll backup my old and test it. Thx
    to the one who pointed this out here.)
    Last edited by DaBeowulf; 25th Sep 2002 at 13:03.

  16. #16

    Registered: Jun 1999
    Yes, it's overwritten for a reason. We added the new browser tabs and made changes to the EditPackages and ServerPackages. Hmm, plus the reasons it was overwritten for 1.1.
    Project Lead,
    Thievery UT.

  17. #17
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Canada
    Well ok then
    I'll just have to remember to make a copy fer next time, or write down my settings or something..
    "Life is a near death experience"
    aka: Solstice

  18. #18
    New Member
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: germany at castle wolfenstein
    on download
    i´ll test it on the evening; chief brody get it tomorrow; he has no flat, hehehe
    cya all soon on 1.2
    thx all dev´s for this

  19. #19
    Registered: Mar 2002
    Location: Brooklyn, New York
    One word: Woohoo!

  20. #20
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Location: Ontario, Canada
    My life is now complete... At least until 1.3

  21. #21
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: UK
    Has anyone else noticed that you are not forced to buy equipment anymore? I accidentally right-clicked before buying stuff and ended up starting with nothing. Was this an intentional addition?

  22. #22
    Registered: Jan 2002
    Location: a tract of land designated for a purpose
    Originally posted by thetragictaffer
    Has anyone else noticed that you are not forced to buy equipment anymore? I accidentally right-clicked before buying stuff and ended up starting with nothing. Was this an intentional addition?
    In Preferences -> Player setup, there's a checkbox for "Force buying". You might want to check that. I suspect the new install has that unchecked by default.

  23. #23
    Registered: Sep 2000
    Location: Tallinn, Estonia
    Yippii! I haven't played Thievery for a while, but looks like I'll have to start playing again now

  24. #24
    is a Black Cat!
    Registered: Mar 2000
    Location: .no
    I haven't been able to stop playing for a while...

  25. #25
    New Member
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Finally i'm back!!

    Good Job !!!!

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