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Thread: Oswald's Patisserie - Expert

  1. #1
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Oswald's Patisserie - Expert

    Where is the mustard powder.....and what would something like this be doing in a Patisserie ?

  2. #2
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Never mind...forget this post ever happened :}

  3. #3
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: England
    FYI...I believe you can delete a post if you want it to have "never happened".

  4. #4
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    I realized that, but felt it might provide a giggle to others.

  5. #5
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: England
    Oops, sorry. I was just trying to be helpful.

  6. #6
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: Minnesota, USA
    The problem is choice...

  7. #7
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    I should have put a after my statement. It looks like I was annoyed or angry or something.

    After posting the thread, I thought.....maybe I should check my inventory. I could have started the mission with the mustard already, or picked it up unnoticed. And sure enough, there it was. 37 seconds later, the mission was finished.

    This is probably the most useless thread going. But hey....I've got another one to start. Hopefully, I don't make matters worse by creating 2 bogus threads in one week. I'm sure that would be a record.

  8. #8
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: The zip should tell you.
    .....and what would something like this be doing in a Patisserie ?
    I'm still wondering what you ment by that part.

  9. #9
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    French pastries are marvelous things, but I haven't tasted all of the varieties. I'm assuming (hoping) mustard is not in any of the ingredients.

  10. #10
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Freaky giant evil spiders are used in steaks in thief...and you're complaining about mustard in a cake?

  11. #11
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Tatry Mountains, Poland
    Such funny mission deserves such funny thread...

  12. #12
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: The zip should tell you.
    I do recall a recipe that I ran across one time that included dry mustard powder but I don't remember exactly what it was. It was a cake or bread or cookie of some sort, something sweet, and it took me by surprise but there were a lot of other spices in it that were out of the ordinary, and somehow the combination sounded rather good.

    Or it could just be that the author likes mustard. At least it wasn't mustard gas!

  13. #13
    Registered: Aug 2001
    Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    I can't believe this thread is still alive! But then, I'm keeping it going by typing this response, so I assume more than my share of blame.

    Mustard recipes anyone ??

  14. #14
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: An island in Norway
    A hot dog with shrimp salad, crispy onion, majones, ketchup and mustard, yums

    Mustard oh mustard
    My darling mustard
    Mustard oh mustard
    My precious mustard
    Mustard eh.. mustard, mustard? yeah mustard, mustard? yup!
    "why be normal when you're happy as crazy?"
    -->My webpage<--

  15. #15
    Registered: Jul 2000
    Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, The
    Mustard Recipe.

    Cracker - smear of good mustard - scrape of jam - piece of cheese



    Call me in the morning,

  16. #16
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: An island in Norway

    Funny moment

    Hah funny! I'm playing this one right now and guess what.
    I saw a flying rat! It was very funny, hehe.

    I was about to walk the "stairs" up from the basement and suddenly a rat comes flying
    right before my eyes. It flies down the stairs into one room and take a nice landing next to a box.

    Anyone else seen this???

    The same rat also flies around on the highest floor, close under to the floors roof..
    "why be normal when you're happy as crazy?"
    -->My webpage<--

  17. #17
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: The zip should tell you.
    This is why we don't play Thief after eating our mustard on MUSHROOMS!!!

    Just Kidding

    No, I'm afraid I missed the flying rat.

  18. #18
    Registered: Jul 2000
    Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, The
    Never saw the flying rat but I did get stuck to the ceiling while trying to get in through the skylight. I could sort of slide around a little bit, casing the joint I suppose.


  19. #19
    Registered: Aug 2003
    If I can resurrect this thread for a serious question....

    I've done everything other than escape and find out what has happened to the other rival pastry chefs. I've been down in the basement, waited around until the thief was finally killed by the turrets, stolen the recipe book, and put the mustard in the creme patisserie.

    How do I find the bodies (I assume that's what I'm looking for) of the other chefs?



  20. #20
    Registered: Sep 2003
    Location: Bavaria/Germany
    Nice little FM - Tried it agin and iguess I can help

    It should be sufficient to find
    whats left of competitors

    More specifically,
    find a skull

    even more spoilerish:
    ist's in a sink by he showers

    To give a perfect spoiler:
    The shower room is in the basement behind the boarded-up door next to the ladder up to the hatch. Access is via a frobbable wall section in the rear of the turrets

    hope that helps

  21. #21
    Registered: Aug 2003

    I already found the skull in the sink, long ago; it just never occurred to me to pick it up, since I see that sort of thing in Thief missions all the time. Yeesh!

    Thanks, DOM.


  22. #22
    Registered: Jun 2004
    Anybody able to play this FM, it keeps crashing on me. (new dark)

    I did have to create a missflag to get it to play.

    Objectives do show up, but it crashes when trying to start it. Also the mission won't open in Dromed.

  23. #23
    Registered: Oct 2012
    The copy I already have loads and plays fine, but just d/l a new zip from Thief Missions ( and one from Taffers Paradise ( and both failed to extract correctly in FMsel

    Here's a link for my copy if you want to check it out, in the meantime I've reported your findings.

    Edit: Just looked at the files in my copy and it looks like the folders have been modified (books/intrface/Obs/Strings) but I can't see what has changed inside those folders, and a little bell is ringing in my head that I came across a problem many moons ago and Unna fixed that issue all the way back in 03/2018 which would explain why my copy was renamed to c1OswaldsPatisserie_Test. Hopefully Jax can give us an answer.

    In the meantime Glypher has made the good zip available at Darkfate.
    Last edited by fortuni; 16th Sep 2021 at 07:20.

  24. #24
    Registered: Jun 2004
    Weird, both my old contest zip (C1 version) and the 64 I d/l did not work. Yours did however work. Maybe, my old one got corrupted, but both of the other ones becoming corrupted would be odd.

    Thanks though. I am right now writing up a set of contest reviews (well I might end up skipping the Halloween ones - though missions are tough and scary beyond the Haunted Cathedral) which includes blurbs about each mission.
    Last edited by Iceblade; 16th Sep 2021 at 02:01.

  25. #25
    Registered: Dec 2004
    Location: Germany

    I also have an old version ( of this mission which is corrupt. Linux' unzip command was a bit more talkative about the manner. Something in the zip file was not correct. However, unzip was able to correctly guess which information in the zip file was correct and which was not, and could successfully unpack the mission. The unpacked files were completely identical to the ones from fortuni's zip file, but fortuni's was not corrupt. Most likely, fortuni unpacked and re-packed the zip long ago, and got a correct zip file with all contents intact. I just played this version, and I was able to complete it. Glypher's zip, by the way, also unpacks well and has the same contents as fortuni's.

    However, when FMSel tried to unpack my old, corrupt file, it unpacked only parts of the contents. missflag.str and TITLES.STR in the Strings folder had zero length, so it didn't come unexpected that the game wanted to start the first original mission instead of the one in this mess. On the other hand, "my" version of "Oswald's Patisserie" is the only one I have, and old notes by me indicate that I completed the mission long ago, somewhere near the beginning of 2007. Maybe ancient DarkLoader was able to unpack the corrupted zip correctly. Anyway, it seems to have been corrupt back then already, but somehow this went unnoticed (or at least un-corrected).

    Either way, fortuni's zip file most likely contains the mission in working condition. Take it and be happy. Or use Glypher's from DarkFate.

    Some odd things happened while I played the mission. The rats were running around in a weird way, e.g., one walked around while being partially embedded in the wall. I also noted in 2007 that the rats tended to fly around. I guess Unna Oertdottir might have either also unpacked and re-packed the mission to get rid of the corrupted archive, or she might have corrected some weird AI behaviour. This behaviour most likely was not caused by the corrupted zip, because the AI's in fortuni's version did the same things. Maybe Oswalds goods had some "magic mushrooms" in it, who knows?

    tl;dr: Most likely, the original zip file was corrupted already on all servers in 2007, and fortuni corrected the zip. His file should work well, as well as Glypher's.
    Last edited by baeuchlein; 16th Sep 2021 at 18:19.

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